Went on a walk with my wife

in Photography Lovers3 years ago


Photo by me

Cold but good to get out


This afternoon, my wife wanted to get out of the house and go on a walk. She had COVID the worst out of all of us and she is finally starting to feel good enough to get outside and get moving.


Photo by me

We went out to the trail that we love to go OneWheeling on. Along the trail, there is a pond and it was completely frozen over. The weather had warmed up a bit over the past two days, so there were some thin spots on the ice.


Photo by me

That didn't stop her from wanting to go out on the ice. Neither of us have ever gone on a frozen lake or pond before so she wanted to do it.


Photo by me

The water by the shore wasn't completely frozen or it was pretty thin, so I was expecting her to go through the ice into the water. It is only a foot or two deep right there, so she wouldn't have gone under, but it would have been funny to have her get all wet.


Photo by me

The ice gets thicker the further that you go out, so she wanted to go out further on the ice. There was no way I was stepping foot on the ice. I have bad luck and would most likely fall through.


Photo by me

After she got out there and decided to act like she was swimming, play time was over, so she came back to the shore.


Photo by me

We continued our walk for a bit longer, but was starting to freeze and get out of breath. Hopefully our lungs recover from COVID and we can go on longer walks. I am sure the cold didnt help with our breathing either. Or maybe it is the fact that we haven't done anything physical in the past two weeks. I am not sure how I am going to handle work again when I go back.


वाह बहुत सुंदर 👌👌

That's a beautiful place. Liked the sky very much. Hope you enjoyed it a lot!


Haha, I already meant that your wife dares to walk on clouds in the first picture. But then I read anyway that it is ice :)). She is really happy. Great that she recovered so well. But walking on ice is not without danger either. I'm sure it's deeper out there. I think you recover quickly in the good air and in this beautiful landscape :)

wish she will get well soon.

What a beautiful place. You can really see how the fresh air runs down her lungs and creates a big smile on her face :)

Beautiful place

Your wife looks like a fun person! :)) I hope your lungs will be healthy soon!

Thanks. She is awesome

beautiful place!

Do you also go hiking in the mountains sometimes seen in the background?

Ya, we have gone hiking up in the different canyons back there. It is really pretty up that way. It's way too cold for any of that right now though.

Depends on who you ask about the cold 😀. We had -20C a couple of days here in Estonia. For some reason I quite like freezing weather.

15 years ago, I would have been brave enough to walk on that ice ..... nowadays .... I would never go on that ice ... lol looks like you guys enjoyed the day outside .

lol, ya, I am getting too old to be playing out on the ice and fall in the water.

I'm very sorry to hear that you have Covid, but thank God you look good, although you must continue to take care of yourselves. I think the whole world will go through that experience. Beautiful place where you live. Fortunately You Are Alive, take good care @derangedvisions.