Arthur and the cat

in Hive Pets11 months ago


It's been a long long time since I've posted about my adorable great nephew Arthur. The last time was two years ago when he was a teeny tiny baby who was just learning to kick his little feet. Now he's started kindergarten and has also become a big brother to KL last year. Wow! Time goes by so fast!!

Arthur went through a short phase where he was quite moody and ignored most people. The only way to get his attention back then was to bribe him with a walk to the sweet shop! Since starting kindergarten he's become a lot more playful with everyone, and aware of his surroundings and new things. He's starting to say a lot more words and is absolutely adorable when he gives you a hug, it comes with a loving "ohhhmm". It just melts my heart.

Today we had a family lunch at my sister's, and it was lovely to see Arthur running around in the garden, playing with his cousin. Then he saw something new. I believe it's the first time he's seen a cat so up close and personal. The cat belongs to the neighbour but comes over all the time. Arthur loved the cat, and immediately started to play with it.

Originally he treated it like his baby sister, stroking it gently, and even hugging it. It was so mega cute. Then he tried to tug its tail. When we told him not too, he was very good and sensed it wasn't a good idea and stopped immediately. We gave him some cat food, and he held the pellets with his little fingers to feed the the cat because that's how you eat food . I wouldn't dare to do that 😭

Then we told him to put the pellet down on the ground instead, and he did the cutest thing. He lied tummy down on the ground to watch the cat eat it, and even pointed at the pellet to make sure the cat ate it. When the cat moved around, he got up and moved around was well, always making sure he was in front of the cat to get its attention. It was absolutely priceless to see how interested he was with the cat, and how he interacted with it. So good not to share. Hope this brightens up your day in readiness for the new week ahead.

今天與家人聚會,兩歲多可愛的小侄孫 Arthur通常都是全場的焦點。 他小時候有段時間不肯跟人,要逗他玩就一定要帶他到小商店買糖菓吃。現在他當了哥哥又上幼兒班,整個人都開朗活潑了,把大家都逗得非常開心。尤其抱抱時,一雙小手攬著我的脖子,小臉貼著我的,然後發出一聲超級可愛的 “ohmmm" 簡直把我的心都溶化了!

小Arthur 今天見到隔壁鄰居的貓咪,應該是第一次這麼近距離見貓咪,覺得非常有趣。他可能還當貓咪是妹妹很溫馨在抱抱,實在太可愛呢!我們給他一點貓糧餵貓咪,然後他就趴到地上,看得出神入化。貓咪走一步,小Arthur又跟著就,仔細看著貓咪吃。我覺得小孩子這些可愛片段簡直是無價,不分亨就實在太可惜。

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So much tenderness in the same post, she looks so beautiful playing with the cat and worried about her eating, beautiful photos.

May your great nephew continue to grow up healthy, blessings to your whole family.

I just followed you on liketu, don't think I had stopped doing it for hive ha, ha, ha, ha here you have to reaffirm the process.

Thanks @soyunasantacruz. It was so beautiful watching him play with the cate, these are really precious moments watching his reaction, really made my day

Que adorables fotos, Arthur es toda una ternura y el gatito lo complementa.

Thanks for your lovely comment!

They grow up way too soon! I love how Arthur lies down to make sure the cat is eating the pellets, I can just imagine the concentration💖
(I'm married to an Arthur 😉)

I remember! I always think of you and Mr Lizelle when I write about my Arthur on Hive!

Our third grandchild is on her way. Her mum is having a bumpy pregnancy and the baby will be born via caesarean tomorrow. All a bit tense here but it’ll be fine. Steff will have a recovery to endure no doubt about that but looking forward to baby safely entering the world!

I'm sure everything will be perfect, just relax and you'll be holding baby #3 on your arms before you know it! They are beautiful bundles of joy aren't they! All the best to Steff and family for tomorrow!

Thank you. The hospital have been fantastic for Steff and stepson Tim of course. He’s been very calm so far but they are looking forward to their lives changing a lot this week!

Great nephew, wow you look to young for that!!

I come from a big family, I have 7 grand nephews/niece, the eldest is 11 😊

Wow beautiful picture. Your nephew look handsome. I love those pictures

Oh, so sweet that he was feeding the cat and showing with his finger where the food is. The kitty is also cute, a fluffy one 😇

It was absolutely gold watching him play, kids are soooo cute!!!

vow , so lovely and sweet moment !😊

Thanks @bxt, I thought it was so cute that I had to share with people! Hope you are well

I love the curiosity of children!

I never thought of it like that, but yes, you're right, curiousity is absolutely the right word especially seeing him observing the cat so closely

Arthur is a really sweet boy. It is very good to instill the love of animals in children from a young age. I see some children in the village throwing stones at cats and dogs, scaring and disturbing them. Even though I warn them every time, nothing changes because their parents told them to chase the cats away when they were little.

That's so unfortunate. I guess maybe those cats and are hungry and wander around in the village, but there is no need to throw stones at them, it is sad

what cute pictures

It is in deed, so very sweet

How cute is your nephew! And how cute is that cat next door! They look so familiar together that I thought they lived under the same roof, but nope. Glad to see you are educating children to respect and appreciate cats. I think that's important, because it's a shame to see so many cats being so wary of the mistreatment they get on the street, and at the same time, to see so many humans who have preconceived ideas about cats. Admittedly, some of them have brought it on themselves, but this is not true in all cases. Regards @livinguktaiwan

I think maybe this neighborhood doesn't have any stray cats so they're all well behaved. This cat comes and wander around the garden often like it's it's own home! Personally I don't keep any pets but I have heard of people, like teenagers who mis treat stray cat and dogs just because they think it's fun to harm them. That's very cruel.

Hopefully Arthur will grow up much better than that 🙂

It's great to see your niece happy to be with the cat

Yes, watching children play like that is so beautiful

I hope he is okay

I really liked the pictures of your nephew Arthur and the fluffy cat, they are very cute. What a pair of blondes the two of them hahaha.....

Ha Ha!! Matching hair colour! That's so true!

Cute kid. I remember when my oldest played with animals like that. We don't own any, so now he's graduated to a disliking and being afraid of cats and dogs phase. My youngest (the one you wrote the post card to) still likes playing with them.

Anyway, great photos!

I think the great and beautiful thing about kids is that they're fearless and don't see the bad or harm in anything. Sometimes I think he's treating the cat as his baby sister when he cuddles her very gently, it's so sweet