The Barking and Flying Sparring Partners

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)

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Brave little Sausage Dog stealing the fierce Woolly-Necked Stork's tasty tidbits!

This was taken at my brother's home that he has since sold, so of course my sister in law who regularly fed this pair of Woolly-Necked Storks has really been concerned as they got used to getting daily tidbits here.
The day we were there, only the one came for his/her food!


My sister-in-law who is passionate about caring for all kinds of animals, earnestly asked the new owners to please continue feeding the Storks, or rather taper it off slowly!


Here in Kwazulu Natal these large wading birds that are indigenous to Africa, have started colonizing in urban areas and their numbers have been increasing; a big change compared with the early 1980's when they were one of the rarest storks in South Africa and also listed as an endangered species.
Urbanization has now taken them off the endangered species list which goes to prove that humankind can co-exist with wildlife; something not so easy though for farmers whose crops are threatened by some wildlife. The challenge therefore is that they need to learn to allow wildlife to co-exist amid crops in order to safeguard the future of many wildlife species, not just this bird.


The Woolly-Necked Storks are known to be quite fierce and apparently will attack a small animal if they feel threatened, so this little Dachshund was really brave but obviously feels they're trespassing on his territory!


NB I edited this post as it was way too empty as I was trying out 3-Speak for the first time.
Thank you to my friend @dandays for giving some guidance on how to do this!

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▶️ 3Speak


That was so cool Lizelle. Saw you posted on 3speak, 'Oh I gotta see this.'

Those birds are really fierce and will attack the dog, it was at my brother's house.
But @dandays, do you perhaps know how one incorporates a 3speak video into a proper post?
This old gal decides to do this when it's almost time to start dinner so I'll have to look later. Does it give one a link for the video?
Oh boy, I have to run now 🙄

I'm pretty familiar with'em. Explain what you mean by 'proper.'

The movie clip will always display first, then "watch on threespeak" under it. I doubt that's what you're asking though.

I just posted on 3speak the other day, is there anything in that one you don't understand? Help me help you. 💖

I gotcha young darlin' you're in good hands.

Awe thank you @dandays, I wanted to add a longer story and more photos, feel so bad having just a one sentence blog although the video is good.
I used to upload the video; can one write a full blog there and add photos? I could not see where to add the pics.
Please excuse my ignorance🤔

No apologies necessary. I hear what you mean about just running a couple sentences.

I get super nervous when I post there cuz it doesn't have a preview section and you can't upload images. Also, the text format is set to be centered so if you don't like that, you have to set your own html code.

To get images, preview the article, etc. I paste my notes into Ecency's front end including images, etc. then just copy all that text and paste it over at 3speak in your description box.

Does that make sense? Don't be bashful, let me know if you need more explanation.

Aha, that makes perfect sense, I checked your 3speak post and wondered how you got the images in there. Why did I not think of that!
I have a number of good and kind people autovoting my posts and hate to seem lazy by not putting any effort into the post!
Thank you so much @dandays 🤗⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Something different happening in the garden, storks standing their ground while poor little dog just wants the nibbles 😁no one hurt during filming!


Haha Joan, it was sooo funny watching that stork trying to look threatening, but I'm told they will actually attack a small dog!
Thanks for the visit:)

May have got braver had it been the right food 😄, sausage dog I am sure is not interested in what stork eats though....

Well done @lizelle ,, brave sausage doggie, I wonder who the woody neck stork is eyeing out, the tidbits or the sausage dog. Thanks for sharing, it is too cute.

Thanks my friend, it was so funny watching them, I never knew this Stork could be so vicious:)

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That is honestly a brave dogo. By the way your sister is super nice for caring for those birdies. I loved the video by the way:D
Hope you have a lovely week:D

It really was so funny seeing the bird spreading its wings like that trying to look fierce, but apparently they can be quite fierce indeed!
Thanks @sahiba-rana 😊

Oh my gosh Lizelle, this is priceless, lol. The birds are a fraid bit your doggie is not at all, he is just minding his own business. He is so adorable 😍