Feliz con su familia animal//Happy with his animal family//

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)

Saludos amigos de la plataforma steemit.
Mi prima tiene una perra que ama y cuida mucho. Ayer se puso mas feliz porque su perra la cuida desde pequeña y hoy en día se ha convertido en mama.

Greetings friends of the steemit platform.
My cousin has a dog that she loves and cares for very much. Yesterday she was happier because her dog takes care of her since she was little and today she has become a mother.


A dado a luz ocho cachorros los cuales ahora hay que ayudar a cuidar. La vida animal es tan importante como la vida de cualquier ser humano. La vida sin animales no seria lo mismo o la vida sin un perro, pues los perros son animales fieles que al tu cuidarlos bien se convierten en amigos leales.
Este ha sido mi posts de hoy, infinitas bendiciones para todos, gracias por leer, votar y apoyar a @naza3783.!!

She has given birth to eight puppies which now need to be helped to care for. Animal life is as important as the life of any human being. Life without animals would not be the same or life without a dog, because dogs are faithful animals that when you take good care of them they become loyal friends.
This has been my post today, infinite blessings for everyone, thank you for reading, voting and supporting @naza3783.!!


Que bonitos cachorritos🥰