My morrcoy Silverio is 20 years old/Mi morrcoy Silverio tiene 20 años

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hola hermosa comunidad de Hive Pest

Hello beautiful Hive Pest community


Hoy les quiero presentar a mi gran mascota Silverio, le di ese nombre porque ese fue un regalo que me dio mi tío @josilveram hace 20 años.
Today I want to introduce you to my great pet Silverio, I gave him that name because that was a gift that my uncle @josilveram gave me 20 years ago.
Mi tío siempre se ha preocupado por el rescate de animales Y ha rescatado a muchos que han estado en peligro como morrocoy, perros callejeros y pájaros.
My uncle has always cared about the rescue of animals AND has rescued many that have been in danger such as morrocoy, stray dogs and birds..
Hace 20 años mi tío me regaló mi hermoso Morrocoy, lo amo mucho, de niña lo metía en una caja y siempre lo llevaba conmigo desde muy pequeño y me ocupaba de cualquier roedor que pudiera causar daño.
Twenty years ago my uncle gave me my beautiful Morrocoy, I love it very much, as a child I would put it in a box and always carry it with me from a very young age and take care of any rodent that could cause harm.
Creció y comencé a soltarlo en el patio trasero de la casa, ya noté que podía defenderse, pero en muchas ocasiones Silverio se perdió y yo estaba desesperada buscándolo llena de miedo, pensando que nunca lo vería. de nuevo.
He grew up and I began to release him in the backyard of the house, I already noticed that he could defend himself, but on many occasions Silverio got lost and I was desperate looking for him full of fear, thinking that I would never see him. again.
Todas las tardes lo sacaba a la calle conmigo para que comieras la hierba que crece en las aceras. Con el paso de los años se hizo más grande y, como puedes ver, ya es un hermoso animal grande y pesado.
Every afternoon I would take it out to the street with me so you could eat the grass that grows on the sidewalks. Over the years it got bigger and, as you can see, it is already a beautiful big and heavy animal.
Es mi buen amigo Silverio, hoy aprovechando que lo saqué para que mis hijos y los niños vecinos se divirtieran mirándolo afuera por un rato lo puse a comer el pasto que tanto le gusta.
It is my good friend Silverio, today taking advantage of the fact that I took it out so that my children and the neighboring children could have fun watching it outside for a while I put it to eat the grass that he likes so much.
Diariamente le doy de comer hierbas, frutas, verduras, flores y coloco su recipiente con agua limpia para que beba.
Daily I feed him herbs, fruits, vegetables, flowers and place his container with clean water for him to drink.

Aquí está en el porche de mi casa/Here it is on the porch of my house.

Ya esta muy pesado/It's already very he








It is large, according to studies you can determine the years by the spots on its shell, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for that information, it made me curious, I'll tell Silverio about the spots

What a giant Silverio is, and they can last a lifetime.