Call to Action! Jack Dorsey explains his project called BlueSky and he is basically describing HIVE!

in HivePosh3 years ago


Hello Hivers!

In the last few days, Jack Dorsey has been talking again about his project called BlueSky: "a decentralized open-source social media protocol, not owned by any single company or organization."

Does this sound familiar?

Here is the Twitter thread:

There is a video where Jack reads all the tweets. @brianoflondon made an edition to add the word "HIVE" as Jack is basically describing HIVE. You can watch it at

This is the task:

Go to the Tweet below made by @hiro-hive, and make a comment, like it, and retweet it. We know that Jack is aware of Hive; maybe that's why there are so many shadowbans to Hive-related content and some account suspensions.

Additionally, you can also make comments on Jack's tweets about BlueSky.
In the comments of this post, share the proof that you completed the task, and you'll be eligible for a small upvote.

I thank all of you for being part of HIVE and for your ongoing effort and support!

vintage plate hive.png

Hive Graphic by @doze

HIVE on!

There are 2 pages

Good catch! And absolutely love the video! We should try and get this covered not only on Twitter, but also in other crypto-media.

Making some noise in response to jack is probably the best way to go as he's the one who has a large following. Added a reply from both my own and @exxp accounts.

~~~ embed:1377254545353478155?s=20 twitter metadata:ZXh4cGlvfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2V4eHBpby9zdGF0dXMvMTM3NzI1NDU0NTM1MzQ3ODE1NXw= ~~~

More importantly, we should be replying to Jack's actual Tweet:

Either way, I've also quoted and liked @hiro-hive's Tweet:
~~~ embed:1377081577646092289 twitter metadata:Zm9yZXhicm9rcnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9mb3JleGJyb2tyL3N0YXR1cy8xMzc3MDgxNTc3NjQ2MDkyMjg5fA== ~~~

Keep fighting the good fight, @theycallmedan.


Here is my tweet to Jack.

And my tweet to @hero_hive

~~~ embed:1377169866898112523?s=21 twitter metadata:aWxpeWFuc3RlZmFub3YzfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2lsaXlhbnN0ZWZhbm92My9zdGF0dXMvMTM3NzE2OTg2Njg5ODExMjUyM3w= ~~~

Hive on!

Namaste 🙏

Sure! Done.
Thank you, @theycallmedan !
Thank you, @hero-hive !

For @hero-hive tweet:


and my response to @jacks tweet:

~~~ embed:1377227234436644865 twitter metadata:UmVHZW5lcjI2NzE3MDI1fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1JlR2VuZXIyNjcxNzAyNS9zdGF0dXMvMTM3NzIyNzIzNDQzNjY0NDg2NXw= ~~~



~~~ embed:1377241247547453440 twitter metadata:ZmluZ3VydTZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vZmluZ3VydTYvc3RhdHVzLzEzNzcyNDEyNDc1NDc0NTM0NDB8 ~~~

Everyone is trying to steal the concept of hive and make it theirs.




It's amazing how people try to bypass truly decentralized systems.


The more the community acts on behalf of Hive, the more we will do to spread the word.



Amazing work haha @hiro-hive your my total HERO, I knew that people would try to copy our vision and structure because we are the future, so here's my tweet to support this!

This is the best time to be alive and BEE on #hive haha!


Does anybody honestly think that Jack would really let it stay open source and let users control their own moderation? Let alone keep the rewards in there?
With the JustinSun fiasco still in recent memory I dont think Jack would be any different.

I seriously hope hes talking about something different such as gopher, dat or even Mastodon.

Heres your proof of comment.

What makes you think there would be rewards? It's just a SOCIAL NETWORK not a social content consumption and distribution platform like we're using right now.

Thats what Im saying. But people think he is talking about hive. Just trying to not let people get excited. I dont think he would relinquish control over anything. The only thing he would decentralize is the operational resources.

Posted via D.Buzz

He's making a new Twitter (an upgrade, the same market will use it) and using all the chaos he caused as leverage to trick people into doing the work for free, under the false pretense they'll fix the problems and save the world (free labor, no more development costs, no more liability), and those are problems he caused. The oldest trick in the book.

Create a problem, then offer a solution, but for a fee.

Textbook manipulation.


Posted via D.Buzz

People don't just dump their business in order to compete with themselves...

Let's now share this post and make everyone know about this.



Comment Link

Thanks @hiro-hive!


What a great community action call, @theycallmedan and @hiro-hive!

Here is my reply to @hiro-hive's tweet:

This one goes for @jack's tweet:

#hive around with us, @jack

— Strawberry Love (@LAntonovici) March 31, 2021

~~~ embed:1377229332037447686 twitter metadata:TEFudG9ub3ZpY2l8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTEFudG9ub3ZpY2kvc3RhdHVzLzEzNzcyMjkzMzIwMzc0NDc2ODZ8 ~~~

Thank you for helping growing the Hive blockchain!

Posted using Dapplr

ready 😀👍
Thank you @jack for describing #HIVE.png

This is really great they are started looking to #hive.


Hi this is my tweet



Should we thank Jack for explaining HIVe so well and right? : D
Made my comment on it;

Done the deed. 😁



Comment 77/500


I don’t know if we even want Jacks attention but it’s a great chance to let more people know about Hive. He’s helping us with PR.



Retweetet :)

Listo. Ready


Thought I'd be a bit playful.

Tweet link



Gotta love people who can't stand not being under the delusion of control!
Hiro post.png

My contribution, for what it's worth.

good initiative done my part 4 days late :P


Great initiative! Appreciate every effort of our community, my pleasure working with the best community


Screenshot from 2021-04-01 21-13-33.png

Bluesky is aware of Hive.

They took our jerbs!

They did they did they did putty tat

There are 2 pages