[EN/ES] The grandfather used to say: "whatever you want, but not useless"

Atencion, esto no es una guia de como educar a nadie. Es unicamente mi opinon personal, no soy psicologo infantil ni docente de ningun tipo, lo que leeran a continuacion es mi experiencia y lo que veo en mi entorno.

Attention, this is not a guide on how to educate anyone. It is only my personal opinion, I am not a child psychologist or teacher of any kind, what you will read next is my experience and what I see in my environment.


Starting this Post without quickly entering a dark and controversial environment becomes difficult for me, currently laws and social parameters have been modified in terms of education, it talks about whether or not to yell or hit a child or if they should be taught practical work. And yes, I agree that violence should be suppressed almost entirely and I have no problem with that, my problem and the reason why I decided to make this Post is more focused on the part of teaching children to win. your plate of food. Recently I was talking with a friend about our childhood and comparing differences, I told him that the phrase "to earn a plate of food" was very present in the home where I grew up, that although my "job" or responsibility as a child was to study and play, he also had chores to do at home.

Iniciar este Post sin entrar rapidamente a un ambiente oscuro y controversial se vuelve algo dificil para mi, en la actualidad se han ido modificando leyes y parametros sociales en cuanto a la educacion se refiere, se habla sobre si se debe o no gritar o golpear a un niño o si se le deben incultar trabajos practicos. Y si, estoy de acuerdo con que la violencia debe ser suprimida casi en su totalidad y no tengo problema alguno con eso, mi problema y el motivo porque el que decidí realizar este Post es mas enfocado en la parte de enseñar a los niños a ganarse su plato de comida. Recienteme estuve hablando con un amigo sobre nuestra infancia y comparando diferencias, yo le contaba que la frase "ganarse el plato de comida" estaba muy presente en el hogar donde me crié, que si bien mi "trabajo" o responsabilidad como niño era estudiar y jugar, tambien tenia tareas que cumplir en el hogar.


In my case, helping my grandmother carry the clothes from the clothesline to the bed and then fold them was one of them. I think that despite how simple it may seem, it helped me since I was little to value the folded and clean clothes in my drawers, although they did not put me to wash my clothes, I used to be very close to the whole process, I could see how my grandmother carried the water to fill the washing machine and how wet clothes hung, in retrospect I can say that we were lucky, growing up in a small town there were people who had to wash by hand and even at that time when there was a certain prosperity in the country, they had houses where you had to rent a washing machine once a week to be able to wash your clothes.

En mi caso, ayudar a mi abuela a llevar la ropa del tendedero hasta la cama para luego doblarla era una de ellas. Creo que a pesar de lo simple que parezca me ayudó desde pequeño a valorar la ropa doblada y limpia en mis gabetas, si bien no me ponian a lavar la ropa, solia estar muy cerca de todo el proceso, podia ver como mi abuela cargaba el agua para llenar la lavadora y como guindaba la ropa mojada, en restrospectiva puedo decir que eramos afortunados, al criarme en un pueblo pequeño habia personas que tenian que lavar a mano y aun en ese entonces en el que habia cierta prosperidad en el pais, habian casas donde se tenia que alquilar una lavadora una vez por semana para poder lavar la ropa.


Another thing I learned was to cook, here I must be careful and say that I do not ask you to give your child a knife to cut vegetables, although if I consider it important that children get involved in the kitchen, they learn to handle food correctly, having good hygiene in the kitchen and learning which foods are healthy and which are not, will help in the future to be able to have a balanced diet, I can say with total pride that I learned to cook sitting on the kitchen wall passing the ingredients to my grandmother . There I met vegetables, grains, seasonings and spices.

Otra cosa que aprendí fue a cocinar, aqui debo ser cuidadoso y decir que no te pido que le des a tu hijo un cuchillo para cortar vegetales, aunque si considero importante que los niños se involucren en la cocina, aprendan a manipular los alimentos correctamente, tener un buen higiene en la cocina y aprender que alimentos son sanos y cuales no, ayudará en un futuro a poder tener una dieta balanceada, puedo decir con total orgullo que aprendí a cocinar sentado en el muro de la cocina pasandole los ingredientes a mi abuela. Ahi conocí los vegetales, los granos, los condimentos y las especias.


Something quite controversial is the fact of learning to drive, in my case I learned like the child in the image, on the legs of my father and grandfather, from a very young age I learned to drive from small cars to heavy-duty vehicles. Logically I can understand the concern of some people, a car can become a very dangerous double-edged sword, that said, I was never alone or traveling on busy roads, in the same way I consider that learning to drive is a knowledge that every child should have, it is also a good opportunity to teach traffic laws, emotion management and patience.

Algo bastante controversial es el hecho de aprender a conducir, en mi caso aprendí como el niño de la imagen, en las piernas de mi padre y abuelo, desde muy pequeño aprendí a conducir desde autos pequeños hasta vehiculos de carga pesada. Logicamente puedo entender la preocupacion de algunas personas, un auto puede llegar a ser un arma de doble filo muy peligrosa, dicho eso, nunca estuve solo o transitando por vias concurridas, de igual forma considero que aprender a conducir es un conocimiento que todo niño debe tener, ademas es una buena oportunidad para enseñar leyes de transito, manejo de emociones y paciencia.


Cleaning my study, work and play area was essential, I had permission to use each object in the house, as long as I did not break it and put it back in its corresponding place, this simple practice today helps me a lot at the time of make crafts, organize my study area and even something as simple as clearing the table after eating.

Limpiar mi zona de estudio, trabajo y juegos era fundamental, yo tenia permiso de utilizar cada objeto en la casa, siempre y cuando no lo rompiera y lo pusiera nuevamente en su sitio correspondiente, esta simple practica en la actualidad me ayuda mucho al momento de realizar manualidades, organizar mi area de estudio e incluso algo tan simple como recoger la mesa luego de comer.


As time went by, they taught me more things, I learned to change a Switch and a light bulb, I learned how to take measurements with a meter, how to strip an electric cable, paint walls and even glue blocks. Of course, I have to say that all that did not happen when I was 4 years old, I was a slow and constant process where I was instilled knowledge regarding technical jobs and home maintenance and other knowledge that today I consider fundamental tools in my life.

A medida que pasaba el tiempo me fueron enseñando mas cosas, aprendi a cambiar un Switch y un bombillo, aprendí como tomar medidas con un metro, como pelar un cable electrico, pintar paredes e incluso pegar bloques. Claro, he de decir que todo eso no ocurrió cuando tenia 4 años, fui un proceso lento y constante donde se me fue inculcando conocimiento respecto a trabajos tecnicos y mantencion del hogar y demas coocimientos que hoy en dia los considero herramientas fundamentales en mi vida.


Throughout the conversation with my friend, more differences than similarities emerged, he told me that he found it mistreated, the fact that I had to "earn my food" even when I explained to him that it was a figurative way of speaking , which was more about cultivating knowledge and learning that there are basic principles and responsibilities. In summary, the conversation almost became a discussion so the topic had simply remained unfinished until now, I woke up remembering that afternoon and decided to talk about it with my partner, she tells me that her education was very similar to mine and as it developed. This new conversation I realized that contrary to my friend, here I had many more similarities than differences. What made me react and the reason why I do this Post is a phrase that came up and is the following: "You know how to live alone, your friend doesn't."

A lo largo de la conversacion con mi amigo fueron surgiendo mas diferencias que similitudes, el me decia que le resultaba un maltrado, el hecho de que yo haya tenido que "ganarme la comida" aun cuando yo le explicaba que era una forma figurativa de hablar, que se referia mas a cultivar conocimientos y aprender que existen principios basicos y responsabilidades. En resumen la conversacion casi se convierte en una discusion asi que simplemente el tema habia quedado inconcluso hasta ahora, desperté recordando esa tarde y decidí hablarlo con mi pareja, ella me cuenta que su educacion fue muy parecida a la mia y a medida que se iba desarollando esta nueva conversacion me di cuenta que contrario que con mi amigo, aqui si tenia muchas mas similitudes que diferencias. Lo que me hizo reaccionar y la razon por la que hago este Post es una frase que surgió y es la siguiente: "Tu sabes como vivir solo, tu amigo no."

No, there will not be a paragraph by way of conclusion. Thanks so much for reading.

No, no habrá un parrafo a modo de conclusion. Muchas gracias por leer.


It's all about balance, in my opinion. You do your child a disservice if you don't teach them how to look after themselves. I've heard so many stories of roommates in university accommodation who have no idea how to look after their basic needs.

There is a world of difference between using your child as free labour and having them helping with household jobs in order to learn how it's done. Most children want to join in with what they see their parents doing. At some point they even need to learn how to work with the dangerous tools and it's best that they are shown safe use by parents than learning the hard way.

Most young adults I encounter who have learnt chores at home are grateful for it, especially when they see another making a fool of themselves because they can't become independant.