Why I stop flagging YOU.

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

I didn't find a better flag image than this self-made Barber pitfall trap. :)

Hello Hiveians! Hello red (and yellow) names of the HIVE Discord (as your were most affected by my flags)!

Flags as 'symbolic gesture'.

Some may have read the post in which I announced it, some may have noticed and wondered about my downvoting of trending posts. I know the effect of my flags is comparable small anyway, so more than to refill the rewards pool I wanted them to be a symbolic gesture to remind big accounts (early miners, former bidbot owners and many other 'dark creatures') not only to upvote each other mutually plus some 'top witnesses', friends and 'VIPs' but also not to forget all the numerous smaller bees in the hive. If the one or another started to think about the reason of these downvotes then they already have served their main purpose.
A few users also tried to punish me with retaliation flags, but altogether I was surprised in a positive way about the really moderate reaction of the people I 'dared' to flag. :)

"Dared? That sounds like past, @jaki01?" Well, right, today finally I decided to stop downvoting YOU all (at least for now). :)

Why I stop flagging YOU.

There are several reasons for my recent decision:

  • The HIVE price went up dramatically (and I really hope that's not only a flash in the pan), so in future more and more post rewards will exceed my flag threshold of 80 dollars - too many to flag them all, especially also those who aren't my 'target audience'.

  • This rise in price didn't happen out of thin air, but is also the result of the efforts of these red and yellow named users which I normally love to criticize (and will keep doing that in future if I have to!). :)
    Aside from the fact that their blockchain knowledge and programming skills are the foundation of the funcioning of the HIVE blockchain they now also succeeded in getting HIVE listed on Huobi and MXC. That's just huge, and I would like to say "Thank you for increasing the value of my crypto portfolio!"

  • Some of the posts which I had to flag according to my own 'rules' were really good, so I had a bad feeling while downvoting them (sorry, @yabapmatt, @peakd and @theycallmedan!).
    Apart from that, setting a 'rewards threshold' for single posts doesn't affect users who post often but always 'only' earn 40 or 50 dollars per post (that's what @alexvan pointed out from the very beginning).

  • The trending page still isn't as diverse as I would like it to be (also to attract users from outside of our HIVE bubble). It is still dominated by crypto, blockchain and HIVE related topics, but at least recently I also saw a few travel and food posts close to the top ... and I myself reached more than 30 dollars per post with the absolute 'top trending topics' "insects" and "clouds". :-)

In future I will ...

... stop to flag trending stuff in a systematic way, but that doesn't mean I won't flag posts in case I think they are over rewarded. However, just to make it clear, I don't consider these downvotes as kind of personal attacks.

Furthermore, I appreciate any suggetions on how I could use my downvotes in future, and apart from that will continue to support small users whose quality posts still aren't in the focus of the 'big guns'.

I wish you a nice Sunday, a rising HIVE price, many upvotes and only a few flags! :)


Ich bin immer noch ohne einzige Flagge ausgekommen. Bislang hat mein Finger noch nicht mal gezuckt. Aber vor meiner laschen Flagge hißt keiner vor Angst die weiße Fahne. ;-) ;-)

Was sagst Du als Bienenexperte eigentlich dazu?

Jeder gestoppte 'Vote-Farmer' bedeutet höhere Rewards für alle anderen ... Ich sehe Flags also keineswegs als etwas per se Negatives an.

Das Risiko beim Transport von Bienenvölkern erscheint mir relativ überschaubar zu sein, weshalb ich mich wundere, dass das nicht einfach als 'systemrelevant' eingestuft und somit erlaubt werden (vor allem dann, wenn man bedenkt, was so alles in den USA als unabdingbar gilt ...).

Es ist eben nicht gut, wenn ich zu Dingen, mit denen ich mich nicht richtig gut auskenne, eine Meinung habe und die nach außen kundtue. Da muß ich schnell erkennen, daß andere meine vorschnell geäußerte Meinung schnell pulverisieren können. :-) Für meinen bescheidenen Horizont in diesen Dingen war meine Äußerung wohl korrekt. Übertragen auf Leute wie Dich, die viel tiefer in der Thematik sind, wäre sie ziemlich "oberflächlich". ;-)

Ergänzen möchte ich noch, daß mich eine Flagge - und sei es nur als "erzieherische Maßnahme" - von Dir sehr treffen würde. Das wäre sehr negativ für mich. Condeas hat das treffend formuliert.

Ergänzen möchte ich noch, daß mich eine Flagge - und sei es nur als "erzieherische Maßnahme" - von Dir sehr treffen würde.

Ich käme auch normalerweise nie auf eine solche Idee. Ich flagge beispielsweise Spammer (die z. B. auf automatisierte Weise etlichen Leuten Bibeltexte unter ihre Posts knallen, was überhaupt nichts mit dem jeweiligen Thema zu hat) oder Plagiatoren, die Bilder in meine Insekten-Community einstellen (und auf Upvotes hoffen), deren Originalversionen ich später in irgendwelchen Facebook-Accounts finde etc.
Normale User haben nichts zu befürchten, ich bin ja kein Unmensch. :)

Nein, bist du wahrlich nicht. :-)

vor meiner laschen Flagge hißt keiner vor Angst die weiße Flagge. ;-) ;-)

Spielt keine Rolle. Für die Meisten zählt nicht der Wert, sondern von wem sie gesetzt wurde.
Eine Flagge von jemanden mir unbekannten ist mir Wurst, aber eine Flagge von Dir oder Jaki würde mir zu denken geben. Dabei ist es egal ob sie $3.0 oder $0.0 wert ist.

Stimmt, da hast Du einen wesentlichen Aspekt mit berücksichtigt, den ich einfach mal so unterschlagen habe. Ich kann Dir nur zustimmen. Eine Flagge eines "Bekannten" träfe mich auch schwerer.

Good and reasonable decision! I didn't nearly flag any post. It's mostly too much of negative energy.


I think in general flags are absolutely necessary (for example to combat spam, plagiarism and 'farming' etc.), and considered from a mathematical perspective nothing else than a redistribution of money. :)

What I don't like at all are downvotes just because of disagreement on opinion and stupid 'flag wars'.

Thank you so much for reblogging my post and for "always supporting small users", (like me). You are very kind to all of us! A million thanks again to you! ;)

Wishing you and your warm family a wonderful Sunday! ;))

You are very welcome! :)


Hah, I always wondered how many of those big accounts downvoted by you because of the "80 dollar rule" retaliated... Hopefully not that many :)

Thanks, but actually, I don't care much: with more than 100000 HIVE I will be fine anyway, if HIVE keeps rising, and if not, a few more posting rewards also won't change much. :)

I received most (but not all) of the flags on STEEM.

I think flags/downvotes are needed to have a healthy ecosystem. Will do more flagging as I did share only a few of them.

The thing is that a flag/downvote needs to have a reason and maybe an explanation to it as it needs to correct a foul behavior. We also need to remember that there are no rules and the foul behavior is only from our perspective.

The thing is that a flag/downvote needs to have a reason and maybe an explanation to it as it needs to correct a foul behavior.

I think there need not necessarily be a "foul behaviour". An author is not to blame for publishing a (possibly) over rewarded post, but nevertheless, I can have the impression that it is over rewarded and decide to flag it ... :)
That is also beneficial for the "ecosystem" because a better reward distribution attracts new users which again increases the overall value of the network.

Exactly, everything is from own perspective.

Solid reasons. Yet, I think you just like myself and many others too, have forgotten that if the price keep going up so will the payouts. I call it the bear market effect.

2.5 years is a long time...

I celebrate seeing people doing well (payout wise). I really do. I don't belong to the elite, yet I am doing well for my standards.

This very post of yours that is about to pay out $25 - so far - and which in the next 24 hours will climb to $40+ without additional votes, when the median price climbs to 0.35 - 0.40, you think is overrated? Nah...I think we need to start realizing that this is...progress.

I def disagree with circle voting and all the crap that ruined Steem, but people who have migrated here want to see this place thrive.

Have a good one mate. And always find reasons to celebrate the huge steps forward we're making.


... and which in the next 24 hours will climb to $40+ without additional votes, when the median price climbs to 0.35 - 0.40, you think is overrated?

Never ask the author. :)

It seems very well thought. I always have been somewhat skeptical about downvoting, mainly for the psychological effect, however, I do think there is a place for well-though responsible flags.

It makes sense.
Thanks for explaining your view on such an important topic.

Thanks for the clarification, as my post was also downvoted.

The problem with downvoting is that people don't get the idea of a common reward pool. A lot of hive users think that posts reward magically appears and you're acting against them personally if you downvote their post. It seems like you don't want them to earn money, so you are a bad actor here.

And after all, it is also your right to use your stake as you want to use it. It's your stake, you earned it or invested in the platform.