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RE: Our Content is a Product We Refuse to Sell

in #hive4 years ago

What a fantastic analogy. You've got me putting myself in a consumer's shoes now. My husband has an account, but never really found much content he enjoyed. He'll spend hours watching YouTube, with recommendations popping up, so I don't think he even searches for content any more. There's nothing like that here, but I suppose the communities are a step in that direction for content you're interested in.

A lot of potential consumers also want things simpler than figuring out keys and crypto. We've got a few more steps until we can attract more consumers, but hopefully we'll get there.


It does need to be easier but at the same time, they're being paid. The other places make it easy all while spying on your every move.

Finding content is difficult. One must look for the people creating content, follow them. Most consumers find personalities they enjoy. That's why we have favorite bands/performers rather than enjoying all music. Back in the day there how many daytime talk shows. Most watched Oprah. Youtube is the same. Plenty of podcasts, most was Joe Rogan. Tom Green just started up though and I like Tom, so I've been watching. He even lets you call in!

Yes, they're being paid, but boy are we a society of 'won't get out of bed for less thans.' "It doesn't pay enough to be worth the effort." Yes, that's what I live with! I've even set up a voting trail so my family can earn by following my vote and my eldest can't even be bothered to click a few buttons to follow it. "I don't have the time!" while she plays on Animal Crossing...😬