How to Really Win at Hive - Concise edition

in #hive3 years ago

There have been a number of very wordy posts of late explaining how to do 'well' on Hive.

I think by 'well' they mean highly rewarded which from a personal point of view has zero relevance to 'well' or any other form of success, anyway....

Whilst having no doubt about the good intentions of such big fish, I thought I could reduce it down a little and make it rather more concise.

Are you ready ?

  1. Engagement
  2. Consistency
  3. Integrity

That's it, enjoy!


No rage? no dummy-spit? what kind of place is this!!

THIS. Is the blog of tranquillity and calm, an oasis of serenity in the tempestuous Hive of hostility. And it wasn't a ranty post, it really was intended to do exactly what it said on the tin......
If I were a Hivewatcher, I'd be looking at this suspicious triple comment at identical times with a modicum of inquisitiveness! lol

If I were a Hivewatcher, I'd be looking at this suspicious triple comment at identical times with a modicum of inquisitiveness!

You should look at it this way - same on your next post where boomy commented a half hour before me - as said, you found some fans.

Also, since you might not have a notification for tags, I quoted you here last night and added a small beneficiary for you.

I think you covered the key points here :)

Are you three in the pub somewhere together?

Yep, it's called The Corner as HIVE has recently turned it!

Occasionally a few topical links get shared, you were up :)

That's how to do it alright!

This has become a self prophesizing post that both proved my three points AND proved my vision of success!! You guys are the perfect example of how the trinity of attributes genuinely works! I feel almost religious.

We're seeing the light!!! :OD

I've done some SQLing and just discovered that this post has the highest average reputation of commenter I've ever had!

Nice SQL angles!

This commenter just completely disintegrated your average commenters rep so take that!

Get your as back down to size where you belong!

HA. Not really my new statistically challenged chum. You are merely a standard deviation! :-)

Funniest shit I read all day.