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RE: 🌐 MISSION CONTROL: Advice About Advice #WordPower 🚀

in #hive2 years ago

😊Hello @wil.metcalfe

🔺 This is my Comet mission report: Uprank

This is another Brilliant post and the author here states The things he can do and cannot do for LOVE.
Interesting dialog in the comments section too which I did enjoy❤️

Here's the post link:


Do you know what it did to me when I saw that you took the time to boost engagement in that post @queenstarr! I was so damn happy to see those 100% UPvotes! 😁

The content was such that it deserved the comments it got... and those comments really added to the content. You were right about that! What this means is the authors words resonated with their audience... and you as well!

THANK YOU sincerely for being someone who actually does value engagement @queenstarr! You didn't just comment once. You commented SIX times... AND you Comment Ranked through out the comments with 100% UPvotes! Jahhhhhhhhhh! I'm floored! 🙃

Here's your Boost Badge! You earned this one fair and square!

And just because I see the effort you put in here I'm going to send you not just 1 but 6 (for each comment you made) AND 4 (for each comment rank you did) Comet Tokens! NICELY DONE! 😍

Comet Ranker

Aweee....awesome! Oh My! I didn't see this coming atall, what a pleasant surprise🎁😊
Thank you so much Wil, yes i love the comet.ranker vison as it aligns with one of my core values - DELIBRATE ENGAGEMENT THROUGH THROUGHTFUL COMMENTS.
I'm grateful🌸💗