Why is Hive 50/50 rewards? Why not 75/25?

in #informationwar3 years ago

We want more Proof of Brain on this platform, or so I hear people claiming we do. So why 50/50 rewards and not 75/25?

PoB as I see defined by some of the community would be people that are not bots, who are posting, commenting legitimately(not spamming/not begging for upvotes/not stealing content/etc). Posts that are engaging, comments that are engaging, videos that are engaging, etc.

In my understanding of incentives 50/50 has long term problems with whales not distributing their power overtime, and instead keeping themselves whales.

Example of whales keeping their entrenched power

75/25 rewards:
A whale with 1 million HP, lets say his weekly outgoing upvotes add up to 2,000 USD total, 1,500 goes to who he upvotes and 500 for himself for their curation rewards.

50/50 rewards:
Same situation, but now he gets 1,000 USD a week to himself and 1,000 to authors.

Under 75/25 everyday that whale loses his % of total HP owned, because he is giving out more than he is receiving back.

Under 50/50 his whale position remains relatively static in terms of his overall ownership of the % of HP on the network in total.

But what about vote selling and other manipulations you say in 75/25, or self upvotes who write 10 posts a day?

Well, under 75/25 it should be easier to spot self upvoters who are abusing it/using sock puppet accounts to upvote, and downvote them. For people who are abusing writing 10 posts per day for extreme rewards, you can downvote them as well.

HOWEVER, under 50/50 this is less obvious who is manipulating what and has some weird problems. Under 50/50 one simply has to purchase stake, join a curation trail, and it doesn't matter what that curation trail upvotes, they sit back and make easy money, no Proof of Brain involved in that. It encourages outsiders to buy Hive who don't care about the platform and raid the reward pool essentially. In this case, one would have to DOWNVOTE who that whale is upvoting in order to stop the whale from profiting for doing nothing. That creates a lot of innocent victims who now have to be downvoted in order to neutralize the bad behavior, rather than downvoting under 75/25 which is downvoting one person's sock puppet accounts.. Simply buying stake and earning money for joining a bot curation trail is insane to encourage, let alone the whale can safely feel comfortable knowing their 50/50 won't be doling out more rewards to others and the whale slowly loses their % stake in the platform over time.

I see that as a big issue, entrenched stakeholders who stay that way forever vs stakeholders who empower smaller stakeholders over time and create an atmosphere/culture of a great community.

Power corrupts absolutely, I believe I heard that somewhere ;)

Will probably add some more to this post when I have more time, wanted to jot down some of my thoughts before it flies out my head!!!!


Seems like a good move since it benefits the authors more than voters, but many stakers would likely not want something like this.

It's definitely not near 0 profit for 75/25.

Holding HBD or putting Hive into savings is 3% APR.


If memory serves, 75/25 could get as high as 15 to 20% APR, averaging around 10% to 12%. Again, I could be off on this number but i'm fairly certain it's around that.

I am open to hearing an argument.