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RE: My Hive Post

in #life3 years ago (edited)

It's more like that annoying neighbor who works on muscle cars yet sucks at being a mechanic but still wants to spend all weekend revving engines until they blow up

Hahah this is me. I wish I had the cool skills and cars but it doesn’t work out.

Aren’t our minds wild things? It goes a lot faster than other things and we have to let it play catch up with the other faculties.

The desire and creative ability ebbs and flows like many things. I'm in a ebb myself currently but that's okay, we go through cycles as part of life. I've enjoyed your musings so I'm sure I'll be here when you next post one!


Yeah, the mind is really something. Starting to wonder if thought travels faster than light, and maybe that's why it's hard to gather them all, since they're gone before they got here, yet somehow still fully there.