Whether the Weather's Hot or Whether the Weather's Not.....

in #lifelast year

There'll always be panicked news headlines about said weather...

It's a very British thing to talk about the weather, after all it does somehow mean something to say 'we get a lot of weather' even though that phrase in itself is totally meaningless...

Although this February just gone (I am glad to say) we didn't really get 'that much weather' at all.

In fact, for a February it was on the mild side, not that much rain (actually hardly any rain, which in itself is a cause for concern), not too windy, and none of the unseasonably mild T shirt weather afternoons I remember from Februarys gone by.

No, just a nice February, somewhat on the mild side.

But March can come with a sting in the tail for winter and thus far it looks like it is indeed going to start off its first week or so colder and wetter than February...

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NB this in itself is no surprise: I remember many a time when I used to be a teacher walking into work in early March in the wind, rain and cold and thinking 'come on, had enough of winter now!)....

Only yesterday if you did a search for 'weather UK' (as you might do if you want to, err, go outside and need to know what to wear) you got several headlines like this referencing a potential 'beast from the East'

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The media frigging love that line - a bit of a rhyme and they're well away so the slightest sniff that somewhere in the country we might dip below minus five with a hint of snow and it's all panic bells and stock up the kictchen cupboards.

I do get that the MET would rather have us prepared than not, they are probably more damned if they don't than if they do, but there is a matter of crying wolf too.

I've started to look at these weather warnings and not take them seriously. I think this time around the media are just a little bit starved of weather news after such a dull February, they really WANT a good snow storm.

However I think maybe we won't get one: the headlines in the mainstream media are already a bit calmer today....

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However this is Britain and this could be a case of famous las words before we spend mid March snowed in!


People make a big deal of the media 'scare stories' about the weather, but I'm sure they've always done it. Spectacle sells papers. Headlines of 'Normal seasonal weather' do not.

That's about it, normal doesn't make the news, but I feel they're really stretching this latest one!

'Beast from the East' can fuck off!

Well it could if it was actually coming!

The Danish weather is like the same as the British xD

Its been 6-9 Cel here this week, next week they talk about snow.xD

Same fronts I guess, just maybe windier over your way!