
Wasn't paying attention, one hand on the bars, hit a large stone. I slid in the grass. Wasn't a bad crash at all. Just a lame fall. Shit happens. Everything is fine. Thanks for asking!

Oh phew glad it was an easy fall, even pros have those ;D

Every year I take a few nasty spills. Many I'm surprised I've walked away from.

I still remember my first bad one when I was a kid. I was rushing to get out of the way, since my uncle was approaching in the tractor with a load of hay on the forks, meaning he can't see me. I popped the clutch, front tire lifted, I did my best impersonation of a unicyclist at high speed, straight into a fence. The fence didn't give out. I hit the ground, the bike fell on top of me.

The only thing hurt was the damn clutch lever. Broke right off.