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RE: What An Interesting Life

in #life3 years ago

I think that's the most interesting morning routine I have ever read XD

The shampoo bottle does not say when to quit. This mantra of lather, rinse, repeat would turn anyone who's good at following directions into a standing sea creature of no purpose other than clean

Now I'm wondering if this has happened O_O

Hmm perhaps the Yorr Ragrets being was why that person got that No Ragrets tattoo? It was a warding off charm all along!


I wouldn't be surprised to see someone who had been showering for the past seven years on the next episode of Dr Phil. That would almost seem normal, these days.

Yorr Ragrets will always show up at the most inopportune times to haunt us. That's just how it goes. So you're probably right about that tat.