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RE: The Crash Course

in #life4 years ago

For over an hour; hard work, sweat, bumps, scrapes, scratches, and bruises. The whole time I wanted to turn around but instead, kept going.

A perfect synopsis of my life. Sometimes, pain is progress in disguise. Great Introspective post my friend... :)


And sometimes it's best to just rip the mask off but I'm certain I'll be punished for that as well.

Or, you could just keep the mask on, but we both know how that turns out:)


Either way; someone's getting killed.

Now that's the spirit killer! Slash first, and ask questions later! Now go out there, and show them why there really are nonameslefttouse!!! lol! 🔪 🔪🔪

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I think everyone should have a disclaimer now.

Disclaimer: Not everything I say needs to be taken seriously. Respond at your own risk.