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RE: My Wartime Diary. Day 45

in #mywartimediary2 years ago

I cannot imagine what it is like to live in your head right now. :(

You have endured more than most people I know. The fact is that you do so without complaining about poor you - you are worried about everybody else. You are such a courageous, selfless individual... A woman that is full of life and love.

I love the picture of you and Nick -it is so beautiful and I love your expressions, he has a soft look on his face, probably so happy to see you and you just look overjoyed! That shot certainly tugs at my heartstrings. I am so happy that he got that time, he deserves it, as well as you. Something normal. I feel so selfish somedays, not even fully appreciating the small little things like waking up to a life without strife. But, I think all of this has changed my outlook. Truly.

I am so happy you are able to purchase some of the things that you need. I pray every day for God to be merciful and help end this. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I thank you always for the updates that are very much appreciated. It all looks so different from the inside. Please be careful. Be safe and allow yourself to be taken care of once in a while.

Go be with Nick and hug each other for a good long time. Love to you.
