The Sansevieria AKA Snake Plant

in #nature3 years ago (edited)


About a month ago, my company started sending out wellness packages to every employee as part of a surprise campaign amidst tough times. Last month, we all received 8 packs of granola treats made by a company called amazin' grace. This time, the HR decided that we needed to have some 'sense of responibility' so she sent us all our very own succulent.

If you don't know what succulents are, they're fleshy, filled with sap/juices plants. Most of them are easily cared for and managed in the confines of an office space or a house lacking of sunlight. The one I received was called Sansevieria AKA snake plant.







A little bit about how to care for a Sansevieria. They're supposedly easy to care for. Only needs mid to low sunlight daily and water the soil when it's dry. We were advised not to water the plant directly, not sure why but basically, this plant is more hardy.

I've tried taking care of a cactus before and even then, it didn't work out. It was too much work and a thorn in the butt. I guess I just don't have the patience to do such things. Let me know in the comment section before if you're a succulent person and if so, what type of succulent would you go for.



Cool! We’ve got those growing in a garden and we basically had pant them and Forget about them. They’re super easy! And I love the detail in the leaves. Good luck!

First, 2 thumbs up to your company for sending out these tokens to their employees. That is such a nice gesture.
Sounds like these are low maintenance plants. Don't fret too much and enjoy the glow it brings to your room.

Es cierto son fáciles de cuidar, yo tengo en mi jardín, aquí en mi país la llaman lengua de suegra, purifican el aire y leí que absorben la radiación de baja intensidad que generan las computadoras, por eso las usan mucho en oficinas.
Excelente regalo de la empresa.