Despite No Lockdown, Japan Has MINIMAL Deaths! - What Does THIS MEAN For Lockdowns?

in #news4 years ago

In this video, I report on the small death toll in Japan despite the fact that they had little to no lockdown. They did stop foreigners from flying into the country without a reason and they shut down gyms, but otherwise they were a shining example of individual responsibility.

People were able to decide on their own to be responsible with the situation at hand. Masks were suggested but not enforced. The country is a success story.

If you look at the charts of deaths per million in lockdown vs non-lockdown countries, it goes without saying that the places that didn't lockdown had a statistically better death rate from this illness created in a lab.

This has a lot to do with three things. Immune systems due to lack of vitamins being stuck inside... Immune systems due to stress, and incredibly faulty one sided numbers that have now been proven false.

Now that millions of lives are ruined in countless lockdown countries, how are people going to react to all of this?

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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Cool... I like your info what you put up.
I come look more soon what you post. 😋👌👌👌👌

This is how it works buddy...

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