LOCKDOWNS RUINED Millions Of Lives Says JP Morgan! - Caused Economic DEVASTATION

in #news4 years ago

In this video, I report on a study by JP Morgan that claims the lockdowns did pretty much nothing scientifically but instead ruined millions of lives and caused widespread economic devastation.

While the terrible bank does correctly point out much of the truth in the study, it doesn't acknowledge the entirety of the truth as the shutdowns were only the catalyst for the collapse, not the cause.

It's banks like JP Morgan that actually caused the collapse we're witnessing globally right now via the printing of currency, the manipulation of stock markets and the spoofing of many assets. The debts created by banks like JP Morgan are extremely detrimental.

The government has never been bigger globally and the power shifts are obvious. The level of poverty we've seen on the rise in the past couple of months should disgust anyone. However, we're called "selfish" if we say we want to feed our families. How much more are people willing to take?

We break down this recent news and what it means.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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Yes the lockdown ruined millions of lives, but think about a scenario where if the lockdown did not happened and we would had billions and billions of people waiting for medical facilities. In both the scenario it is the common man who would have suffer the most.

We can recover from economic impacts, not so much from death caused by a virus. People need to get their priorities straight. Mankind is a global community. We must address pandemics with the upmost seriousness and understand the consequences of inaction.

That absolutely true, that's why our PM has said that "Jaan h to jahan h", that means if there is life then there is world.

What this lock down has put in motion will damage and end countless more lives than the virus ever would have...

...and the propaganda machines run full speed.