Breathing Fresh Air Into Old Systems: Fermented Philosophy Reflections

in #philosophy2 years ago

Sometimes you just burn out when you carry on for too long in the old ways you find security in. I like to say then:

You just need to breathe fresh air into the old system.

The reason why you can function so long and well in a broken system is because that broken system is in fact not broken. But sometimes you just need to step back and reflect on things.

This reflection can then function as a breath of fresh air.

We as humans have the most advanced capability to adapt to new situations and our changing environment. Yet, we sometimes cling to the false sense of security we find in stability.

And this is where the problem is.

In those rare moments in which we do not want anything to change, we find a glimpse of happiness. But as quick as this happiness arrives it goes away. Fleeting moments we grasp at, but alas, we need to let them go. At that moment we fall into the old and bad habit of viewing things as stable. Or, we want to believe that that moment is something that can become stable.

But we need to pull ourselves out of this belief because it will take away that happiness even quicker than it wants to go away on its own.

We are creatures of habit. We want to wake up at a certain time and do x amount of things. We need that stability. But once it goes away, things fall apart.

But in those moments, we can learn. We can adapt to the change in our daily life. But it is important to not cling to the old ways.

Yes, we need those old systems in our life, but by taking a step backward and breathing fresh air, the old system becomes as if it were a new system.

And I think this is a profound thought, at least in my own life:

By merely reflecting and breathing some fresh air, old systems, i.e., habits, can become new and fresh.

We are facing, on a daily basis, a rapidly changing and strange world. We so badly want to impose onto it a view of stability. Some people can live this way, they find some way to make themselves believe that they have placed everything in neat boxes. Binary thinking.

But others cannot.

I am reminded by a quote by the author R.D. Laign. He wrote

They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game.

I am not playing this game.

Should we?

All of the photographs are my own. The musings as well. Go well my friend, and take some time to breathe.


Interestingly, I am reading this after reading something somehow similar to what Taraz has posted. Is this a sign that I should give in to some change I have been resisting?

It is great to want change but it takes so much more to welcome it. I have been breathing my life into something I know I should let go and the fear of the unknown has been the reason I am clinging to an indescribable dose of pain.

The fear of the unknown is the worst, the fear of making the wrong decision is just as bad. Sometimes you just have to jump into things.

Leap? I hear you.

Leaping is never easy, but sometimes necessary. We worry about falling so much that we sometimes miss the chance to let go; the fall might sometimes be only a couple of feet.