My Pregnancy Journal - Week 13 - Scans, NHS experiments and moving house!

in #pregnancy7 years ago

Yesterday we had the first official scan of the babies. It was amazing to see them respond to being prodded by the doctor. We saw their tiny hands and legs waving around. The doctor said that all their measurements and developments are as they should be for both babies - which of course was exactly what we were hoping to hear!

It felt a bit like being on a conveyor-belt at the hospital! From arrival to leaving for just one appointment I was passed between five different medial professionals - I saw a nurse to check my blood pressure, a different nurse to take my bloods, another health professional came to take me to the scan room and asked me loads of questions whilst the doctor was performing the ultrasound scan. ( It was really annoying because I wanted to concentrate on seeing my twin babies but instead had to keep thinking of answers to her endless questions!)

After the doctor has finished all the scans and examinations, I was seen by another doctor who took us into a room and let out what could only be described as a sales pitch at us, trying to get me to agree to take part in a study (Experiment) which consists of me having medication throughout the pregnancy to increase the hormone progesterone in my body. I have no interest in adding hormones to my body and messing with natures levels.

My sickness has taken a turn for the better this last week, I am still sick everyday but usually in the morning now up to late afternoon. Evenings and night time seem to be my best. I am very tired everyday still, but being able to keep more food down later in the day has helped increase my energy levels a little bit and I have been managing to get a few odd jobs done here and there, which in turn has made me feel a bit more capable of this pregnancy and the life that will follow.

We have been looking at new places to live. Our home is already too small for us without adding another two children to the mix! We have seen some really nice places that would do us well, we are going to arrange some viewings over the next week. Hopefully all will go to plan and we can look to move quite soon into the new year.

I have been feeling the babies moving around inside of me. It is such a strange sensation but wonderful at the same time!

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There are so many things to think about. I need to compile a complete list of the things I need so that I can start buying them and ticking things off.

So now is time for reading reviews on all the items that the babies are going to need.