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RE: Does 'Reverse Discrimination' Exist?

in #racism8 years ago

White people absolutely CAN be discriminated against. Just ask anyone who is Irish or Scottish lol. The problem with the term 'white people' is you're lumping everyone in the world whose skin is lighter than brown together. That's way too broad and there are far too many subgroups that have nothing at all in common.


Valid point.

I'm Jewish, so I get that. I'm referring to the "majority."

Irish people were considered (not terribly long ago, mid-to-late 19th century) by English & American intellectuals (teaching at Ivy League Universities, lol, some things never change!) in some instances to not even be fully human...but as a kind of "missing-link" type of ape.

Irish people were also used as slave labor and were actually treated WORSE than black slaves. Black slaves in America were also FAR better off than slaves owned in Islamic societies--which is why we see large #'s of blacks in America but not in Muslim nations.

The shit that passes for informed commentary (like this article by veralynn) these days on serious matters is fucking appalling and is really nothing more than modern biases (once again ultimately disseminated by university-level intellectuals w/an agenda) being parroted by ignoramuses/useful idiots like veralynn who simply don't know better.

How The KGB Used Leftists As 'Useful Idiots', to Destroy America

I understood it in the sense that white can´t be discriminated because of their lighter than brown phenotype. Being associated to certain a nationality or religious belief has of course always the potential to become oppressed, independently from the predominant skin color within that group.

So you're basically saying it's only discrimination if the two groups differ in the way they appear?

"While white people can be a victim of prejudice, but they can’t be a victim of racism, because white people are not oppressed."

I'm simply pointing out the problem with the term 'white people.' There are groups of people that fall into the supergroup 'white people' that HAVE been discriminated against and oppressed. That kind of makes the whole article invalid. When talking about issues like that, you have to clarify who EXACTLY you are talking about. You can't say "ehh most people with light skin, close enough." Hahah.

I'm talking about it in regards to reverse discrimination, so I think it's perfectly relevant to word it like that.

Do you think the fact that black males commit a disproportionate % of violent crime (and crime in general) has anything to do w/how they're viewed and why they're locked up at a disproportionate rate?

Where are these black people w/o criminal records (and who are qualified) who can't get jobs?

Whites are still the majority in America, so is it really a surprise most politicians are white? Seriously, where are the laws which bar black people from running for office? Why are black-run/black-majority cities often such awful places?

Are you blogging in order to arrive at the truth, or in order to push propaganda and a bad ideology?

vera, where is this "every day" racism you refer to? Yes, you can find racism in history, but EVERY race/culture had/has feelings that they are superior to others (some just had more success at enforcing these claims of superiority). If America is SO racist against blacks, surely you can point to some major things, discriminatory laws, widespread violence against blacks, blacks unable to get elected to office, be hired, get into college, etc? Seems to me like people generally bend over backwards (to a fault IMO) to NOT insult blacks--but THEY can say racist shit, even throw around the word "nigger", all they want and no one says "boo" about it.

From my perspective as a mixed-race person (white-latino) in my early 40's who has had racial insults hurled at me from BOTH sides (but more from other latino's) and have lived in SoCal as well as the South, I have a little experience in this matter.

To hear some people like you talk, you'd think Jim Crow if not outright slavery and lynching still existed...


If America is SO racist against blacks, surely you can point to some major things, discriminatory laws, widespread violence against blacks, blacks unable to get elected to office, be hired, get into college, etc

There IS widespread violence against blacks.

Police in the U.S. are incredibly bias towards black people. In fact most people in prison are black when white people get away with the same offenses.

Even black people with ZERO criminal record have issues getting jobs.

And, yes, a majority of people in office are white.