Is our culture losing something vital?

in #reading3 years ago


Here's a thing that may trigger some but I want to hear your thoughts on it:

Speaking and writing seem to be dying art forms. I imagine many reasons, including that reading long form (books) has been going out of practice for years now.

So much so that most "adults" I know do not read. SOME listen to books being read to them "for greater efficiency" but they have not gained the benefits of actually using their eyes to look at symbols on a page and translate these symbols into ideas and images in their heads.

A major benefit of this is patience. Certain kinds of critical thinking are also affected. Also, acceptance and empathy. Much more about those two practices here:

I feel sadness when I notice the results of this in more "adults" every year, especially considering how many children are now being parented by those adults!

I want to have more hope about the future of our world!