What's the WEF Up to NOW? - Questions For Corbett

in #research2 years ago

What's the WEF Up to NOW? - Questions For Corbett

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc-wef/

Richard writes in with a creatively worded question about the World Economic Forum and its role as a possible distraction. James answers in his usual too-thorough style. If you like Questions For Corbett, you'll love this edition of Questions For Corbett!

Check out today’s video..!


Thanks, great thoughts!

At ~25 minutes you correctly point out that we are not led by our wagging tail, but ourselves create our history. This is the secret of decentralization, the fact that independent means are now available to us to create our own power rather than paying ~2500% more than we did last year for shore power, our own food with aquaponics, rather than eating bugs, our own money, rather than being utterly controlled by CBDCs, and on and on.

Decentralization is independent means, actual wealth, freedom and prosperity.


Thanks for sharing 👍🏾