Truth Seekers: A Review

in #review3 years ago (edited)

Poster via IMDB

I just finished binge-watching Truth Seekers on Amazon Prime, and before I turn in for the night early morning, I wanted to say it's definitely worth a watch!

The show is from the duo of Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, whose complete cinematic work I have yet to see, but I can highly recommend Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Hot Fuzz (2007).

Truth Seekers has a very different feel, although it retains a hard-to-describe Britishness. It doesn't have the overly-polished feel of American big-budget productions, but that's no bad thing. It tells its story well, and the cinematography doesn't get in the way from being too shoddy or too slick. The tone is suspenseful, but not really scary. The comedy is usually subtle. The character development and motivation reveals were generally well done. I quite liked the balance overall. Some profanity in the dialogue may bother some viewers, so I can't call it a family show.

As for the story itself, I don't want to spoil anything, but the protagonist Gus (Frost) is the only character who doesn't have big secrets... The first episode introduces the characters and concepts that will be developed through the series, and only hints at the weirdness to come. And things get weird indeed. They also thwart a sinister plan from a megalomaniacal villain who is delightfully evil in an almost-but-not-quite cartoonish way.

Unlike in The X-Files, our team encounters the paranormal very directly. Unlike Stranger Things, the story moves at a faster pace with a smaller cast, and seems to have much smaller scope until the final scenes from the last episode. It's a shame there won't be a second season, because this show set up an arc that left one of the main characters in a very bad spot there at the climax.

Whatever it is that I like in TV, this seems to tick the boxes. Give it a try. Maybe there is hope for renewal if enough people see the first series?