For My line up
- Chaos Agent
- Unicorn Mustant
- Mycelic Slipspawn
- Mycelic Morphoid
- Goblin Psychic
- Brownie
My line up versus the enemy's line up
Without the abilities added, we have a great advantage in terms of number of lives. The enemy has 16 lives in total, while my cards have 27 lives plus we have a healer. We can have unlimited heal if they will not be able to take down the Goblin Psychic.
Round 1 the abilities were applied. The enemy have increase the attack of Tower Griffin and Pelacor Arbalest. An additional of two armor were also added which means another 12 lives or protection was added. Right now my main objective is to kill the first four of the enemy's card. That will result to a win because the only cards that will be left are long ranged attack. Which means they will not be able to attack when they are in the front line.
We can see here in the round 1 that my first row has already been attacked. I put it there as a trap or just to waste one attack of my oppenent. Then the Unicorn Mustang will be next with 10 lives.
Round 2 both front row of my cards and enemy's card are gone. The Mycelic Slipspawn was also attacked. It did a great job getting all the attacks from the enemy. It made sure that the Unicorn Mustang will have a decent number of lives when it is in the front row. The Mycelic Slipspawn was also a good help because it prevented Stitch from attacking my cards in the back row which are the Brownie and Goblin Psychic. In round 2 the Stitch leech was already in the front row which means the cards that I have said a while ago will be safe in this round.
Round 3 the Stitch Leech has been taken down easily by the Goblin Psychic. I am a little bit nervous of the Pelacor Arbalest because it attacks twice, but I'm glad that all of its second attack were all miss. If it did not miss, there will be a chance that I will lose this battle.
Round 4 at this point we have achieved our main goal, to take down the first four of cards of the enemy. Only the long ranged cards were left. They will not be able to attack us when they are in the front line.
Ropund 5 Only the Pelacor Arbalest was left, with 2 lives. It can be taken down easily by the Unicorn Mustang because it has 3 attacks.
The Mycelic Morphoid can be used when you have a spare mana left because it only requires 1 mana. It be used as a trap to waste your enemy's attack. It should also be place in the right spot because it can be taken down easily because of its 2 lives. Or you can try upgrading it to unlock also its abilities.
You can watch the video of the battle here
Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21

Your post and format are fine, but I'm sure you can improve a lot more, think about increasing your "Collection Power" in Splinterlands and play a lot more, you barely have 21 battles in this last season. Put more effort, raise the quality and you will get better rewards.