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RE: Hive AMM: How Internal Liquidity Provides External Liquidity.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hive in its entirety, with so many things to improve upon, with so little devs(and VC’s) to tend to all “those moving and loose parts”, can annoyingly took more time.

We have alot of “brains on the blogging part” but too few to really make a massive move.

We move slowly(to be fair with my ego), but really wish we can be faster.

The issue of powering up is for me tied up to the still mindset of HP is power on the blockchain. Spending it now will not have a better yield “in the future”...and the fact that RC is tied to HP and so many strings attached on it, wow that mind boggling 🤣

At the moment, I can only do is shout out there(like this post is doing) hoping hundreds of key Hive players will push developments of whatever things that can be done on this blockchain.