chasbarone rebloggedphortun (79)in #photography • 6 years agoMacro Photography: the mushroom season is finally here :)Hi there my Steemit friends and followers! Mushroom picking is considered one of the national hobbies here in the Czech Republic and I am a huge fan of this activity too.…chasbarone (25)in #birding • 6 years agoWild Turkey of New York CityThis wild specimen was photographed strutting out onto the green of a golf course in the Bronx. On this spot, in 1776, seven hundred and fifty American patriots held back…chasbarone (25)in #nature • 6 years agoStalking the Monster MushroomMushrooms as as large as dinner plates are no strangers to the eastern forests of the United States. This variety, commonly known as "Stump Blossoms", are associated with oak…chasbarone (25)in #vr • 6 years agoOculus Go - My Brother's KeeperSamsung VR Videos: My Brother’s Keeper. Two brothers face each other on the battlefield across the divide of the American Civil War. Closeups, fades, flashbacks, recognizable…chasbarone (25)in #vr • 6 years agoOcculus Go - Ready for Prime TimeOculus Go is a stand alone virtual reality headset. It’s not for gamers or folks experienced with high tech controllers. It can be clunky, and at times slow. Navigating thru…chasbarone rebloggedbirdbanter (69)in #birding • 7 years agoShorebird Migration ContinuesWestern Sandpipers Calidris mauri and Least Sandpipers Calidris minutilla I worked in Puyallup this afternoon, so on the way to work I made two stops at places I often…chasbarone rebloggedbirdbanter (69)in #birding • 7 years agoJuvenile OspreyJuvenile Osprey Pandion haliaetus flying away from the nest today at Chambers Bay. Osprey are common breeding birds here in the Puget Sound region of western Washington.…chasbarone rebloggedgardenbsquared (59)in #birding • 7 years agoLesser Yellow-headed Vulture - Birds of the Guyanas 17The Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture (Cathartes burrovianus) is one of the five vulture species in Suriname. It greatly resembles the Greater Yellow-headed Vulture but it's smaller…chasbarone (25)in #animalphotography • 7 years agoOsprey - Majestic Bird of PreyOspreys are found pretty much worldwide. They suffered a setback during the years of unrestricted pesticide use but populations are now on the rise. They nest in high places…