mavi777 (43)in #flower • 2 years agoMy art Artmavi777 (43)in #bee • 2 years agoBee 🐝Credit Ruche La ruche a toujours symbolisé le pouvoir royal héréditaire. A la tête de la ruche se trouve la reine des abeilles, qui était associée à…mavi777 (43)in #fire • 2 years agoОгонь ОГОНЬ. Огонь — один из первоэлементов мироздания, мужское активное начало; соединясь с водой, он порождает жизнь. Символ жизненной энергии, плодородия, олицетворение…mavi777 (43)in #animal • 2 years agoCeltic myth. Animal. hare was shot in its back leg, it was clear to allthat the hare had been the shape-shifted witch The eating of some animals was generally forbidden. Caesar said that the Britons wouldnot kill nor eat hare,mavi777 (43)in #starseed • 2 years agoStar seed oracle Rebecca CampbellGET GROUNDED Empaths. Highly sensitives. Connect with Nature. You are being called to get grounded. To ensure that your luminous field is clear and your inner well is…mavi777 (43)in #art • 2 years agoArtMoritz von Schwind Die Plejaden (The Pleiades)mavi777 (43)in #moon • 2 years ago1st station of the Moon1st station of the Moon (0 ° - 12 ° 51'26 "Aries). Associated with alpha and beta Aries (see Hamal, Sheratan). In India - Ashvini (Skt. Asvini - "Horsemen"); in the European…mavi777 (43)in #time • 3 years agoTimeIn ancient times, the Earth was considered a living being; The ancient Greeks believed that the globe is a coiled human body, and in Delphi, where the most famous oracles…mavi777 (43)in #worlds • 3 years agoTwo Worlds IIThe other side of the story The original Two Worlds was one of the best RPGs of its time, even being called the "second Gothic 3" by critics. The second part takes all the best…mavi777 rebloggednutbuster1488 (27)in #sex • 3 years agoAbulutionablution Bathing or washing the body as a means of purification, in preparation for a RITUAL. An ablution is undertaken for an INITIATION and certain magical rites. Ablutions…mavi777 rebloggedalexvalera (61)in #hair • 3 years agoHairHair and nail clippings Important ingredients in many magical SPELLS. Hair and nail clippings provide a personal, sympathetic link and are sometimes used in conjunction with…mavi777 rebloggedahmedrazakhan2 (28)in #vavilon • 3 years agoVavilonMoon- Sin (EN.ZU) Sun - Shamas (UTU) Jupiter- Marduk (SAG.ME.GAR) Venus- Ishtar (MUL.DILBAT I !star belit matati6) Mercury- Nebo/Ningishzida/ Ninurta (SIHTU) Saturn- Ninurta…mavi777 rebloggedpapaudeme (58)in #limit • 3 years agoThresholdThreshold (limit) every normal person unconsciously sets the limit that separates day and night consciousness. In the secret teaching, this means ~mysterious threshold~ The…mavi777 rebloggedpsykogamer (44)in #astrology • 3 years agoAstrologieExact symbolic analogies link the Moon, Saturn and Neptune. Saturn, known from Italian mythology as the god of crops and agriculture, duplicates in its graphic symbol the…mavi777 rebloggedbode1985 (27)in #star • 3 years agoBazi 八字Bazi (八字) literally translates as 8 characters. Each pair of hieroglyphs is the year, month, day and hour of birth. This is a reflection of the energy that the child breathed…mavi777 rebloggedsidwrites858 (28)in #moon • 3 years agoMoonThe lunar orbit separates the Earth from the rest of the Cosmos. There are 4 The phases of the moon, or 4 quarters. Each has its own information and is very important. We…mavi777 rebloggedquangbaweb (34)in #space • 3 years agoMilky way. Astrophotography.I'm seeing stars Looking along the galactic plane of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. This photo includes the well known star Altair and constellations Sagitta and Vulpecula.mavi777 rebloggedquangbaweb (34)in #fire • 3 years agoОгоньТак как Агни является божеством накшатры Криттика, и олицеиворяет собой стихию огня. Давайте рассмотрим эту стихию поближе. ОГОНЬ. Огонь — один из первоэлементов мироздания…mavi777 (43)in #dtube • 6 years agoEnormous UFO stands on the mountain over Russia! April 1,2019Hello everybody I would like to inform you about a topic Unfortunately, youtube has closed the monetization feature of many channels, is one of them my channel.Like similar…mavi777 (43)in #dtube • 6 years agoStrange things (UFO) hiding in cloud over United Arab Emirates! March 17, 2019* THANKS FOR WATCHING *