seemoon (51)in #paved • 10 months agopaved roadI like paved roads, I like it. Putting obstacles in your way means that the road is straight. It is also useful when cleaning. It is advantageous compared to other methods in…seemoon rebloggedgeekgirl (79)in #hbd • 10 months agoHBD Interest Payments For April | $138KHello May! Another month has gone by. April was an important month in crypto. For the most part April was uneventful, but bitcoin halving marked another significant milestone not…seemoon rebloggedthedeltron (62)in Hive Mexico • 10 months agoTalent Land adventures - Part One The Conference and City!So I joined Hive at the Talent Land Conference in Guadulajara Mexico to film, and coming from someone who has been to A LOT of crypto and tech conferences, I can safely say this is easily one of the bestseemoon rebloggedmcsamm (79)in Hive Marketing • 3 years agoGhana witnessed a tremendous launching of 4th hive borehole.A successful inauguration of hive borehole in Ghanaseemoon rebloggedrubencress (75)PhotoVikingin Photography Lovers • 3 years agoFocus Art Fair: FOCUS "BOOM" PARIS 2022 - Artwork Exhibition by HongLeeFocus Art Fair: FOCUS "BOOM" PARIS 2022 (1-4 September) Artwork exhibition by: HongLeeWebsite: Focus Art Fair The Focus Art Fair is an art exhibition that showcases the…seemoon (51)in #libia • 4 years agoLíbiai Nemzeti Konszenzus Kormány új katonai megállapodást ír alá KatarralA líbiai nemzeti hadsereg Katart és Törökországot a béke szabotálásával vádolja. Egyesített nemzetek általi szabotázzsal vádolta. Lássuk, mit szól ehhez a párt. Később Katar és…seemoon (51)in Hive Turkey • 4 years agoA DeFi platformtól a hackerekig: adja vissza azt, amit ellopott, 200 000 dollárt adunkMint ismeretes, hackerek néhány napja 2 millió dollár értékben loptak el a Defi platform akropoliszától. Ezt követően a fejlesztők 200 000 dolláros nyereményt akarnak kiosztani…seemoon (51)in #coronavirus • 5 years agoA Corona vírus Spanyolországban tiltakozikA spanyolok most nagyon érdekes dolgokat kipróbálnak. Fokozott tiltakozást hajtott végre a kormány által a koronavírus elleni intézkedések ellen. Ez a tiltakozási döntés meglepte…seemoon rebloggedlaloretoyya (72)in Threespeak • 5 years agoAMA a un Hiver - Aceptando el reto de @samgiset▶️ Watch on 3Speak Por fin mi tercer video por acá en 3Speak, otra vez con un reto bastante genial: He sido nominada por @samgiset AMA A UN HIVER. RETO A…seemoon rebloggedgabbygoldenxo (63)in Threespeak • 5 years agoTheyCallMeDAN Happy Bday!▶️ Watch on 3Speak From all around the world!!! Dear husband, Today I wanted to wish you the best, but you already have it... An amazing new Mexican family, the very…seemoon rebloggedmargaritaog23 (56)in GEMS • 5 years agoResumen del AMA en BinanceSpanish con la comunidad Hispana de HIVE | Summary of the AMA in BinanceSpanish with the Hispanic Community of HIVEImage of Canva El día de hoy en la comunidad de telegram de “ BinanceSpanish ”, pude presenciar nuevamente este evento llamado AMA el cual por su traducción en…seemoon rebloggedmynewlife (71)in Threespeak • 5 years ago3speak Boat Trip - The reason why we are Hive▶️ Watch on 3Speak After Steemfest4 big number of us went to Koh Chang in Thailand. I have to say we had an amazing time over there. Who need to know he know. One of the…seemoon rebloggedxxxxxxxxxx (66)in Ask the Hive • 5 years agoHow do you REALLY feel about your mother-in-law? or father-in-law?Don't hold back. They aren't reading.seemoon rebloggedvotovzla (70)in #spanish • 5 years agoPodcast | Galería de Arte Raro Digital de pixEOS | Viernes 08-05-20 a las 7 PM en VotovzlaEn Voto Venezuela seguimos enfocados en mostrarte alternativas para que puedas monetizar tus talentos desde tu hogar gracias a la tecnología blockchain. En esta oportunidad…seemoon rebloggedlaloretoyya (72)in #spanish • 5 years agoMi diario de la Cuarentena en Hive | Reto de VotoVzla by laloretoyyaMi diario de la Cuarentena | Reto de VotoVzla Nuestros amigos de @votovzla tienen un reto genial de 24 horas (solo quedan 12 horaspara hacerlo) en las que hay que…seemoon rebloggedjulee (66)in TravelFeed • 5 years agoRoad Trip in the US & Windmills - “green energy” in the US Read this post on for the best experience With all that is going on with Covid 19, we are now seeing a vast change in pollution in USA and other countries as…seemoon rebloggeddigi-me (76)in TravelFeed • 5 years agoSTREET ART #63 - How to make a construction site look good (Kristiansand, Norway)Read this post on for the best experience Every day when I close my home office, I mark that the work day is over by taking a trip out. Some days I take a…seemoon rebloggednatalia-irish (64)in TravelFeed • 5 years agoLeave Your Phone, You Don't Need It - Old But Gold TravelHave you tried before that adventure to live in a place where there is no electricity or internet? You do not need a phone or laptop in this place. Adrere Amellal Hotel It is…seemoon rebloggedxtreme2000 (62)in TravelFeed • 5 years agoEnjoying Bangkok's 'Kankran Water Festival'Read this post on for the best experience Songkran Water Festival Shankran Water Festival ♬ 2010.04.12 ~ 15 Let's have fun! Send a trip to Yok Kran…seemoon rebloggedsteemslotgames (72)in #fun • 5 years ago😜 Come with us! We have memes! [💰 STEEM TO WIN INSIDE! 💰]Winning rewards for watching memes? Such things only on! 😎 Mark in the comment someone who should roll the dices and relax after a hard day! 😉…