About me

in #aboutme7 years ago (edited)


My name is Kia, on web and I am Carmen in everyday life. This is my blog, the place where everything started.

Everything what?
First of all, the transformation of my passion, from simple fun into a real work.

I remember exactly when this happened: one day I decided to write my experiences in an orderly manner and to recount my interests little by little, deepening and investigating, researching and informing myself.

So, slowly and without realizing it, I became from blogger to a journalist.

Not much has changed in reality except that now what I do, as well as doing it out of love, I also do it by trade and this is the most beautiful thing that could happen to me.

This space is my "laboratory of ideas" and has been for a long, long time, that's why regardless of my collaborations and my work partners, "Equo, eco and vegan", the blog, remains here, alive, active and free.

I have a scientific background and I have always been interested by everything I do not know: I #lovenature, animals, I feel a strong spirit of responsibility for the #Planet.

Now, trying not to get too bored, I would like to tell something about myself so that I can get a bit of a picture.

I became a #vegetarian at the age of 18, in 2007 I became a #vegan and in the same year the blog was born.

In the meantime my studies and my experiences allow me to deepen many topics in the natural field such as environmental sustainability, ecology, ethology, botany, critical consumption, boycott, phytotherapy, and natural nutrition. Aware, in short, in a word, my #veganlifestyle.

From that moment everything changed in a continuous evolution: I approached more and more the universe of self-production, realizing how this desire to experiment could represent a real non-violent method of protest perfect for everyone, to try to go out from the disposable spiral that pervades a lot in our society.

At the same time, some of my greatest passions allowed me to explore new areas: cooking, photographing, cultivating, creating and writing, of course, have become an integral part of my culture and discovery and not just carefree pastimes.

Today I can say that I am an extremely dynamic and active person: I collaborate with associations, cooperatives and companies in the realization of educational and environmental projects.

I am author and speaker of many workshops and conferences and if only a few years ago the idea of speaking to an audience made me nervous, now I am convinced is the only way to show, to those who really desire it, a road a bit different from what is usually proposed.

In 2013 "Terre di Mezzo editore", ethical editor and close to some of the themes dear to me, decided to publish my "Dalle bucce nascono i fiori" ("From the peels are born flowers") where I put my experience of #composting and natural #recycling of waste even in an urban environment.

--> http://libri.terre.it/libri/collana/21/libro/392/Dalle-bucce-nascono-i-fiori/

Even here I speak only of things that I did for real, no fantasy stories or told by third parties, I do not have a ghostwriter or author, what I own are just hands, head, heart and pen to experiment and transmit what I learn, day by day, in my life.

What perhaps most strikes those who listen to me or read, is understand that what I speak of is direct experience without frills or mental convolutions: I do not venture inventing fantastic stories based on readings of books or experience of others, but in my life of all days I put into practice what I tell.

In fact I try to live in a fair and environmentally sustainable (in a logical way), a constant critical consumption and even today, exceeded thirty, I dream of a world where there is justice for men and animals and where I respect, love and knowledge are really within everyone's reach (that's why I love open source and self-production so much).

I strongly believe that only thanks to each one of us and to every little gesture of ours, things in the world in which we live can really change.

Ah, yes and I do not like the sale, this is why I do not find advertising banners on the blog and in this regard I created the hashtag #noadsonlytips that I use on Instagram: it means that if I recommend something I do not because they paid me but because I use in first person that "something" and I find it is valid (in short, if you look for discount codes this blog is not for you).


The Fun Page on Facebook of Equo, eco and vegan * is this

while my personal profile, if you want to contact me you can find it here

on Twitter are Vegankia

on Pinterest are Little Kia

while on Instagram are Kia_eeev

Good stay on the blog and do not forget that every suggestion and comment is welcome 🙂

Life should be lived exactly as you dream of it, not as you "must" it, too short, too important to do what others expect from you ... if you stop for a moment and think about what you wanted to be you already have regrets, the only thing you can do is remedy, without fear, without frightening terror of what you will not have anymore, because if you do not realize it in time then it will be too late for real and then you will live with a single passenger by your side: the regret ... for not having been what you could have, for not having lived what you wanted ... you allow your dreams to show you the way.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
Mahatma Gandhi

read my post on my Wordpress blog http://www.equoecoevegan.it/


Complimenti per il tuo blog

Grazie @tricksters :) passerò a vedere il tuo al più presto!

Ciao Carmen, molto bello il tuo sito internet! Mi piace molto! :-)

Ciao @vegan-vienna grazie, felice che ti piaccia! adorabili le tue foto di cibo sano :)

Welcome to the community. Creativity is contagious... pass it along. - Albert Einstein

Thank you @lopezdacruz , I am sure it is so :) see you soon!