Message to @haejin and @ranchorelaxo + Flag Targets

in #abuse7 years ago (edited)

Posted here:

@Haejin and @ranchorelaxo, Please consider sharing one or two vote a day to support the growth of Steem (indirectly it's price). Realize that the people flagging you are very experienced and knowledgeable about Steem's ecosystem and instead voting toward supporting growth and development initiatives we are wasting our power trying to send you a message.

Should you reduce your self-voting by one or two votes a day and reward instead some of what you think could have the greatest impact, we would all win.

I therefor commit to wasting a full vote from both @promobot and @transisto on one or two of you posts every day until you start sharing.

Please talk to @ranchorelaxo if you have to or produce less pieces of content per day.

If you're looking for suggestions on what initiatives to support I'm available to talk on discord.
Thank you.

@FlagTarget will resteem @haejin 8th 9th and 10th post of the day as target to be flagged. If you would like to contribute please follow @flagtarget and flag the lowest ones first.


You tried before to censor my content via an ill composed open letter trying to dictate what I can and can't post. And yet here you are trying again to censor on votes. You're basically threatening me an ultimatum saying that IF I don't comply to your requirements, YOU will attack. BTW, I have been up voting others and if you didn’t even bother to check before threatening, it’s your bad error.

Have you considered that such self directed censorship initiatives can cause the exit of one of Steemit’s biggest investor? How exactly does a censorship forced exit of $1.45 Mil help Steemit? Better yet, have you also considered how censorship prevented the potential doubling or triple of the $1.45 Mil investment? Do you even realize that your type of censorship is actually driving away investments?

Meanwhile, here is just a small sample of your self upvotes of your own comments. I self upvote as a protective moat against the trolls and haters downvoting. What is your reason?

If you can compell @done and his posse as well as @fulltimegeek to lay off their downvotes on the day seven posts, I’ll have a greater reason to reduce my protective self upvotes. The trolls and haters like you force me to carry out the protective upvotes!

ANY post of mine that is made invisble or heavily downvoted will be rightfully reposted! I will not succumb to Gustapo type of threats or ultimatums!

You tried before to censor my content via an ill composed open letter trying to dictate what I can and can't post.

Removal of incentive is not censorship. It's kinda interesting that you don't realize this.

Telling a person how many posts to post, or how to use their votes is censorship. As is downvoting posts until they don't display. In general, if you are trying to force behaviour it is censorship even if it's by negative reinforcement. They are censoring his voting behaviour.

His message is! Read for Christ sake the content before you put out a baffoon comment!

I am using standard, widely received definitions. You are resorting to name calling instead of addressing my point. You are not making yourself look very good, sir.

"The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security."

Oxford Dictionary

So, is that your definition of censorship? I note that on Steemit lowering the upvote amount reduces views, and that reducing it to the point that the post is made invisible does so more. Both of these meet the suppression standard of censorship, rather than the strawman of 'reduced incentives' you put out.

It's not about looking good now man, he's fucking pissed for all the shit he had to go through because of the shitty torture those pathetic scummy trolls ever-so-kindly graced him with.

Man, try to look at this whole shit from his point of view -

Imagine you were been bullied, roasted, name-called, spammed at, been a target of racist comments and so many other negative shit, and that too for almost two straight fuckin years - every. single. day. right from the minute one.

Tell me @inertia, would you still talk the way you're talking now; with "manners", "class" and whatnot?

Eagerly awaiting for your reply.

"It's not about looking good now man, he's fucking pissed for all the shit he had to go through because of the shitty torture those pathetic scummy trolls ever-so-kindly graced him with.

Man, try to look at this whole shit from his point of view -"

I've been looking at this from several points of view. I can see the validity of some of the points of view directed at Haejin.

Maybe Haejin should also look at some of the comments and maybe scale back his daily posts. As a compromise.

Personally, I think it's cool that Haejin is making for his posts. But if he's posting 10 times a day and making roughly the same on every post. Maybe he should scale back a little and let others have a shot of making that money.

Yeah, us reasonable people are trying to talk to him, while some dumfuks are still blindly raging on haejin and co, without even being ready to engage in any form of discussions, whatsoever.
They prolly only need a means of letting out their IRL anger and steem, and poor haejin seems like the perfect target for them.
Cunts, I say.

Thanks for the straight-forward reply, man; missed it a lot around here. looking at you @inertia

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

do your homework Yes....more like 10+ months....but then again, that's like 5 years in crypto-time

Their accounts haven't been destroyed. UI components do not REKT accounts. Websites are free to opt-in or opt-out of reputation data. Some sites do and they implement UI rules that adhere to the reputation data. It's up to the site owners because they own their own site. If you don't like it, go start your own site. You can use the same blockchain if you want.

You really shouldn't use a word like "censorship" if you don't know what it means. And since you clearly don't understand that word, I have my doubts that you can wield "bullying" too.


You dont get it.
I can downvote you whenever i want.
Your stupid "protection" selfupvote is just not usefull if you do it right in the dark.

You can protection selfupvote if you have to eat a downvote.
But now i downvote this because its overvalued.

Got it?

Who cares about 1,45Million leaving the space.
Only you care because you benefit the most!

Do you care if content providers that consistently provide content irregardless of the price of Steem leave the platform? Because not everyone wants to read poems and look at pretty pictures, some would rather get technical updates. People can see the same updates on YouTube, and @haejin would still make money... but would the platform be better off?

All I can do is SMILE!

@haejin, you try to shift the blame off of yourself by blaming promobots. You have your own personal promobot, @ranchorelaxo, and that's the problem. You pay for it off of the chain. At least the promobots are transparent unlike you weasels.

Also, promobots distribute STEEM and SBD to tonnes of different accounts. Some will hodl/power up, some will cash out. You get your personal ranchobot to funnel it all to you. How's that power down going? Your 20th time. You and ranchorelaxo are a vacuum, only here to take as much as you can as quickly as possible.

It's really going to end up biting you in the ass one way or the other though. And that's why I smile.

How many of those bots provide content that gets views? Content providers should be able to write posts, post them, and get paid. If they invest $1.5M to promote their content they will get bigger returns. That's how the platform works... I think people underestimate how difficult it is to get TA, and how many people follow it.

That being said, if you want to invest and use the investment to redirect the reward pool more power to you.

Punching others in the face because you got hurt somewhere else and telling about selfdefense will be not excepted by some curt.

I'm not on any trial! Remember the drunken gibberish shit you sent via psycho wallet messages? Did I punch your mouth for that?

But it looks like you are on a trail. I can see on my downvoted comments which are "invisibel" now.

What you do and what you say are different.
All alarmbells are ON when i read you.

Before you write about drunken gibberish shit again...
I am allowed to write what i want or not?

I am talking arguments in gibberish style.
Your arguments are weak or wrong.

Did others punch your mouth that you need to talk about selfdefense?

Can you see the fail in your line?

But now i downvote this because its overvalued.

BS criteria, but blockchain and steemit allows it nonetheless.
Hope EOS fixes this problem.

No wonder Steemit and STEEM are crashing, eh @ned?

Overvalued is the only criteria.
Because you upvote when its undervalued.

Nah man, I'm saying @ned needs to fix this fuckin loophole. He ain't doing shit about it. tf is communities gonna do for this?

I bet the EOS peeps will fix this problem; it's got Dan, Brock etc. on its team any way, they'll figure it out. Cya there bud

I read Brock was no longer associated with EOS. Mebbe @dan can figger it out.

No one is censoring you, or even really denting your earnings. You make 3000 USD per day here, all from one promobot, your own personal one @ranchorelaxo, who gave you everything you have. Stop trying to get pity.


I have made my point here. If you care about your investment, you better read it. Also, for anybody reading, don't hesitate to share opinions.

No longer supporting #SteemFlagRewards. They did not like what we provided for them.

You are a stupid parasite who does not add any value to the blockchain. I wish that you fuck off with all your investment and never come back to Steem. You are the major reason why I did not post or remain active on Steem for more than four weeks.

@Transisto, thank you for standing up. I felt discouraged to be on Steem because of what this Haejin and similar people have done to the platform lately.

You are the major reason why I did not post or remain active on Steem for more than four weeks.

Are you sure about that?

Yes. Quite sure.

But why not start posting again? Sure, you could continue to use haejin's actions as an excuse, but it's not that he's standing behind you, holding a gun to your head, ordering you not to post right?
So post.

I am posting and replying for two days now. :)

That's great to hear; keep going.

I am personally grateful for your and other's flags on @haejin. Please don't stop. Please convince as many people as possible to join in.

Sorry @haejin, but you and all the other whales are taking too much of the rewards pool without adding value to the platform, and all of us suffer for it. The flags reduce the extraction of rewards by all those accounts that are over-extracting from the pool.

I also would like to thank @haejin for clearly demonstrating the severity of the present code's bias to rewards whales rather than minnows. Nothing is more likely to prompt changes to the code that make it more beneficial to all users, rather than simply concentrating wealth in the accounts of the wealthy.

Demonstrating clearly this purpose of the extant code is the best thing that could ever happen to Steem, and is the strongest incentive imaginable to produce changes in the code that will benefit us all.

Please keep flagging whales, guys! Nothing you could do (that you've shown you're willing to do) will benefit minnows more.


What about the vote bots? They take 33% or more of daily reward pool! @transisto owns much is he raking in everyday?

All the votebots get their stake from somewhere. As you point out. I am all for whales flagging the votebots too, but they are the votebots.

I have stated, and it's still true, that you don't hurt my rewards, or any minnows, to a measurable degree. Whales (including you) receive 99% of rewards, and all the minnows share the remaining 1%. If they managed to take you out somehow (which I am strongly against!!!!) that wouldn't change one bit. The whales would see their ROI go up by the amount you no longer received, and the minnows would see 1% of that increase: 1% of 5% of the rewards they currently receive.

Today @arcange published his daily stats, and the median payout is .03 SBD. 5% of that is hardly measurable, and 1% of 5% is completely invisible.

The whales are after you, because if they convince you to back off, whatever rewards you no longer receive, they will get.

Don't let them!

PS. Would it kill you to upvote comments you find relevant enough to reply to? It's kinda part of the Steemit culture, and I do it. I realize my votes ain't much, but what I got to use, I do. Whether you do or not, I'd be interested in your answer to the question.

Also, I've never thanked you personally from defending me from flags in the past. Others said it was because you were opposing those that flagged me. Whatever the reason, you defended free speech that day, and I am grateful for that.


Why dont you have the balls to flag @transisto every post he makes money on like you do me? Is it because he has steem power to fuck you up with? You like to FLAG minnows so their voice can't be heard anymore. YOU ARE A FUCKING JOKE!!! Just remember I gave you a chance at PEACE & you ignored me. YOU FUCKED UP JACKASS!!!

No longer supporting #SteemFlagRewards. They did not like what we provided for them.

Given that the 25% curration reward is being given to the previous voters, about 75% of the returns that you earn from self voting.

Nice try in justifying how promobot is raping the community! Not working. Note the increasing number of antibot postings lately? It'll increase!





Account Opened December 19, 2017. @BernieSanders started the #FlagWars on December 20, 2017, because of @RanchoRelaxo's huge upvotes for @Haejin. Haejin & Rancho thought they could hide all this money. I found it. Now get it back. It belongs to us. The good people of STEEMIT!!! It belongs to all the people he FLAGGED over & over. @NED what are you going to do about this?

4/22/2018 Currently Worth At 0.26 a share: $5,660,146.0422

$5.6 Million FUCKING DOLLARS!!! That's OUR STEEMIT MONEY that has been scammed!!!

I made this comment on another post and it probably didn't get your attention. So I'm posting it again and this time with a self-vote for visibility.

@Haejin and @ranchorelaxo, Please consider sharing one or two vote a day to support the growth of Steem (indirectly it's price)

I'm 100% with you on this.

Should you reduce your self-voting by one or two votes a day and reward instead some of what you think could have the greatest impact, we would all win.


But here is a question. What about people who are doing ridiculous self-upvotes and/or circle-jerks that doesn't happen to be @haejin or @ranchorelaxo ? What about them?

I think the only real solution is a protocol level change. We can already calculate how much % of each person's VP has gone to each account. So what if we code the blockchain to burn the additional rewards generated when 1 account uses more than X % of all votes on a single account.

Nobody's voting patterns are not going to be affected. The posts would also gain high visibility. When rewards are burnt the STEEM inflation goes down and everybody benefits without affecting any of the ongoing behavior. Eventually voters will decide if they want to upvote authors purely for visibility instead of giving them rewards and getting curation or whether they want to spread their votes among few people.

This method requires additional work from the devs. But it's fair for everybody. You are taking actions against @haejin because he is visible. Dolphines may manage to do the same without being noticed much. You can only keep an eye on few whales. Whales do have the highest impact. But if they are th only ones getting fingers pointed at, you are doing blockchain wrong. In blockchain Code is law as code is unbiased and affects all universally in the same manner; objectively.

So have a chat with the witnesses and the devs. Put a simple cap and everybody can go back to minding their own businesses and engage in positive actions :-)

The idea of adding a voting limit is good but won't stop the circle jerks because you just have to create more accounts and divide the votes between them to counter it.
And btw. there are also many more problems on Steem, multi account abusers, copy/paste upvote farmer and so on and the problem with them is that they are harder to spot than for example haejin and his one man upvote army/personal investor (who for example wouldn't do any impact to Steem when leaving just because well all he does is upvoting haejin)

The problem is that Steem (at the current state) needs a lot of active regulation to stop abuse because it has no real passive mechanism to counter them well atm it has many mechanisms which are benefiting abusers ...

What about people who are doing ridiculous self-upvotes and/or circle-jerks that doesn't happen to be @haejin or @ranchorelaxo ? What about them?

Great question man. About time people opened their eyes as well eh?

I was following this flagging war from the beginning, but didnt realize what was it really about. Now I started to understand the main problem.
You are absolutely right! We need to reward as we are getting rewarded to keep it going. We need more Dolphins here than Whales and Minnows to succeed all of us.
Hopefully everybody would understand the real purpose of this platform :)

We need to reward as we are getting rewarded to keep it going.
We need more Dolphins here than Whales and Minnows to succeed all of us.
Hopefully everybody would understand the real purpose of this platform :)

like your comment, following you now

Hi @hanen, i see you could be right person to answer to my post question:
So these curators what for take those coins if only few people combat against this abuse?

I think it is happening because you dont have enough SP.


I don't see the point. I mean, I understand the intention and I understand the motivation behind this, but there's no reason to expect this to work.


Steemit makes haejin and people like him free money. Free money by the truckloads. There's no reason to give up free money. He can make a million by doing nothing at all. There's nothing in the world more attractive than shitloads of free money.

Anyone in his position will never give that up.

haejin is just an extreme embodiment of what Steemit is. It's not about "content", it's not about engagement, social interaction, sharing of information, any of that shit. It's a magic money making machine like the world has never seen. It puts the Federal Reserve to shame.

He is a monster the system created. That is all.

Also, most everybody on this platform would do the exact same thing he's doing if they were in his position. Like I said, free money.

The witnesses here don't give a shit about anything for that exact same reason: free money.

It's simply impossible for the incentives around Steemit to create anything different than what we have here right now.

The whales are busy upvoting their own circle jerks even though they easily collaborate and take down someone like haejin, but why would they? It's more attractive to print free money into your pockets.

Nothing will change. Nothing. Steemit is what it is.

If you are 80% right, the remaining 20% that is being shared is creating a ton of real economic activity.

The real problems are the bots like promobot! The bidbots have zero service value for steemit. And yet, they take >33% of reward pool. You think the community will stay put about the complaints on these bots? The number of anti bot postings are increasing.

You have your own personal promobot, @ranchorelaxo, and that's the problem. You pay for it off of the chain. At least the promobots are transparent unlike you weasels.

Also, promobots distribute STEEM and SBD to tonnes of different accounts. Some will hodl/power up, some will cash out. You get your personal ranchobot to funnel it all to you. How's that power down going? Your 20th time. You and ranchorelaxo are a vacuum, only here to take as much as you can as quickly as possible.

It's really going to end up biting you in the ass one way or the other though. And that's why I smile.

interesting choice of numbers @transisto

To fix the system, the witnesses would have to give up their own easy money, and that just isn't going to happen.

@haejin IS Steemit. He's just the most blatant form of it, it's honestly those of you who think your posts are worth the large amounts you're getting who're in denial.

If you want community, change the system to favor it, don't ask a guy playing by the rules set forth by the de-centralized system to budge.
If anything, he's heading towards owning the reward pool, so he's successfully implementing his "attack" on your code.

Again, witnesses would have to take their own hits, and their greed won't allow them to change anything.

Steemit witnesses are @haejin.
@ranchorelaxo is @haejin
We are all @haejin.
@haejin is @steemit

I dunno that I agree 'we are @haejin and @haejin is us' is true, but you are correct that the witnesses and Stinc can fix whatever is perceived to be the problem, but only by eschewing the degree to which they themselves drain rewards.

I do see @haejin as demonstrating quite obviously the problems with extant code. Whether this is simply his business plan, or is politically motivated I cannot say.

His actions do hand the ball to Stinc and the witnesses. It's their move. Their move has been to do nothing. That's informative as to their purpose.


I am Negan! You're Negan! We're all Negans!

is that a walking dead reference? lol

Yep! Looking forward to Episode 16!

Lol how did I know. My sister knows everything about that show from the beginning and I still haven't seen a single episode lol. I guess Ill binge watch it all one weekend in the future.

I fucking told you motherfuckers @haejin is cool

Ya'll heard it first from me bitcheeesssss!!!! lmao man haejin ahahahahaaha xD

YOU ARE A FUCKHEAD!!!! That's what you are. A MORON!!!

upvoting this so peeps can enjoy haejin's reply to this. lol

I think the better approach to this situation is possibly saying " The law is broken" and we need to fix it. If steemit is to prevent certain abuses that overall can maim the steem economy permanently the law must be changed.
Relying on the good will of humans is not reliable and will not work. That's why we have government and law enforcement.

You're quite correct that @haejin clearly illustrates that the code is designed to deliver the vast majority of rewards to whales, and that this is counter productive to the stated purpose of Steemit.

I think that just as Stinc and the witnesses failure to fix the problem that @haejin demonstrates exists in the code shows that they don't consider the problem a problem, the corruption in government and law enforcement demonstrates the exact same thing.

Corruption is the purpose of law enforcement and government, just as @haejin shows that rewards pool rape is the purpose of Steemit. That neither is fixed proves this.


I wonder what would happen if there were professional thieves abusing steemit... oh wait it's an open community. It's like how America's borders are open, certain cultures may pass through that we may be better off without.
I have been using Steem for a long while now and would enjoy seeing it thrive.

I think the better approach to this situation is possibly saying

" The law is broken" and we need to fix it

EVERYBODY, read this once.
Then, read it again.

Now go shoot yourself in the head lmao

Thank you @transisto for your commitment for steemit and it’s community.
Minnows don’t have many opportunities to affect something against abuses of the system like we see it here.
Whales like you don’t have the obligation to do something but the opportunity.
Thanks for having the right attitude.

A good sign against the problems of this platform!
voted for visibility

These guys are supporting each other and minnows like us spend so much quality and efforts on their posts and go unnoticed 😢

It really hurts 😞



Don't worry himshweta, you'll get the well deserved support soon. All of the minnows too.
Once we put an end to this flag war though, alright?

I hope so.

The whales are going full circle vote?

If only they would heed, it would be better for us all. Reducing their posts a day, or better still, voting others would surely help a lot. I have seen lot of people with massive voting power, sharing it round, not because they don't self upvote, but they spread it as much as they do self upvote. Hoarding it all to oneself is doing damage to the ecosystem. I respect the fact they laboured to get there, Yes, but every little bit for the ecosystem that has given so much to You, doesn't hurt either. I hope they listen and help us all. Well done.

"If only they would heed, it would be better for us all."

How? It would remove the incentive to fix the problem that @haejin demonstrates is in the code.

I strongly disagree, and hope @haejin never changes course as long as the code remains designed to deliver the vast majority of rewards to those accounts that already have the most money in them.

If @haejin doesn't force them to change the code so that rewards are more fairly distributed, nothing will. If @haejin backs down, the demonstration of the inequitable distribution will no longer be visible. That won't fix the code. It will simply make the inequitable distribution harder to spot.

That would reduce the pressure on Stinc and the witnesses to actually fix the problem.

I actually see that those trying to convince @haejin to make the system look like it's fair as an attempt to maintain the status quo--which is concentrating rewards at an accelerating pace in the accounts of those with the most SP, and continually shrinking the rewards shared by the minnows.

That is the bad thing for Steemit, Steem, and all the minnows.

I'm sure he doesn't care.

The overfocus on flags from Steemit users is really confusing for anyone viewing the blockchain through another user interface...

A reasonable request...and approached in a constructive manner. I am not sure it will be received in such a way.

Given that the code creates the financial manipulation that @haejin demonstrates openly, and most whales cryptically take advantage of, how is it constructive (from the point of view of minnows) to convince @haejin to conceal those features of the code?

So im a little confused. What's the point of flagging? I thought it was for bad things.

Downvoting can be done for any reason. Just like users can upvote for any reason, they can downvote for any reason. Both upvotes and downvotes are simply tools to allocate STEEM from the reward pool.

The negative stigma surrounding downvoting is one of the biggest problems on Steemit and has to go.

Good explanation of flagging.

"The negative stigma surrounding downvoting is one of the biggest problems on Steemit..."

I strongly disagree with this however. Being flagged is not a positive thing, and it is silly to say that there should be some sort of doublethink that pretends it's not. It's also silly to say it's one of the biggest problems on Steemit, which has far worse difficulties.

The fact that rewards are being concentrated in the accounts of those with the most SP is a far worse problem for Steemit. Steemit has a ~10% retention rate YOY, and this is terrible.

Being unhappy when you are flagged isn't a problem. It's the very reason for flags. If people weren't unhappy when they were flagged, flags would have no purpose at all. Flags are supposed to discourage behaviour, and being seen as bad is essential to performing that function.

Flagging is exactly what redistributes the STEEM. When a post gets downvoted, the STEEM gets "released" back into the pool, shared among other posts.

It'd be naive to say that being flagged is a positive thing; of course it's a bummer to the person being flagged. But if we accept that the upvotes allocate STEEM, we must accept that the downvotes do, as well.

Both forms of votes are just people using their stake. Why, in your mind, does a person have the "right" to allocate 200 USD worth of STEEM to a post if, at the same time, he doesn't have the right to take away the same amount from another post?

Flagging is one way to dedistribute Steem. It returns the Steem to the pool, which whales receive 99% of rewards from. Including rewards sent back to the pool via flags.

There's a better way.

Back in November @fulltimegeek, @stellbelle, and @aggroed IIRC, made dozens of moderate delegations to minnows of about ~5k to each. @abh12345 tracked what each of the delegates did, and every one of them reduced selfvotes, increased the number of people they upvoted, and increased their engagement in comments. Some more than others.

Prior to that @ned has delegated to ~a dozen delegates ~500k each. Of them all of them selfvoted more, sold votes, and engaged less--except @surpassinggoogle, who is a saint.

I reckon this is an excellent experiment that shows that most everyone is honest and faithful with a little responsibility, but that few are when the temptation is great. I reckon this also explains why the whales exhibit the exact traits the recipients of large delegations did, and seek ROI, rather than act as the white paper expected them too.

The best thing about these moderate delegations, is that the ~10% YOY retention rate is caused by the worsening distribution problem, as Steem is being increasingly concentrated in the accounts of whales, and this discourages people from remaining active on Steemit.

Since broad dispersal of Steem creates folks with Steem to use, it supports the price of Steem. This far more strongly potentiates price increase in Steem, which, since those delegations still belong to the delegators, would be realized in capital gains for the whales.

If Steem goes only to 1% of the price of BTC (and it should, because it's a better crypto, with an actual use case) all those whales would see far higher returns on the holdings as capital gains than they could hope to achieve from mining the rewards pool with bots.

I never addressed the right to flag, or upvote. I don't think I should.

I address the benefits of doing so to the folks using Steemit, and moderate delegations are orders of magnitude better for dispersal of rewards than flags, and far more potential of financial gain for whales than rewards pool mining.


You will make more money FLAGGING that SCAMMER!!! I guarantee it. Do it for a week & I bet your money increases.

i followed this flagging war from the beginning Now
You're right! We are rewarded as it is
Hope everyone will understand the true purpose of this platform

Oh no.Here who has selfish?

Hi @transisto, I think we need to add changes to the protocol of Steem. I just published a proposal to reduce self-voting and voting-rings, maybe you are interested.

It's really disgusting how far this has gone... it's like watching steemit burn slowly


Account Opened December 19, 2017. @BernieSanders started the #FlagWars on December 20, 2017, because of @RanchoRelaxo's huge upvotes for @Haejin. Haejin & Rancho thought they could hide all this money. I found it. Now get it back. It belongs to us. The good people of STEEMIT!!! It belongs to all the people he FLAGGED over & over. @NED what are you going to do about this?

4/22/2018 Currently Worth At 0.26 a share: $5,660,146.0422

$5.6 Million FUCKING DOLLARS!!! That's OUR STEEMIT MONEY that has been scammed!!!

Good post

It will be great for the community if they consider your suggestion.

I guess is a wonderful agreement... @transisto..(i mean no harm in writing this comment)

Well, yeah it's quite sad that there's so many votes being used to flag these trash posts, but it has to be done to clean the place up. Hopefully something will change and those trash posters will at least give out upvotes for the community so everyone could benefit.


(This post has been targeting for healing to counter malicious downvotes.)

You are really right about what you said about "consider sharing one or two vote a day to support the growth of Steem (indirectly it's price)." At least it will help the steemit community. I hope your suggestion can be examine and put into action


(This post has been targeting for healing to counter malicious downvotes.)

Thanks for sharing. I flag this haejin too. He will only learn when its 0 for quite some time. There was a lot of talking. Its time for acting.

That is what everyone wants ... @haejin & @ranchorelaxo never do that...they only know how to rape reward pool...that is what they have been doing and that is what they will do....
It has been hapeening for years now...hope they will react on the message you want to convey...

Guess Can of greed never gets filled


How many years has it been going on?

Haejin received the first RR vote in December... these shills get so emotional about a story they've been told, and repeat it without ever looking into it.

Oops! I thought it was longer, by almost 50%


Since steemit was born...doesnt that feel like years...

It's been going of for about 6 months. Steem has been around for more than two years.

It may feel like forever, but it hasn't been that long.

It may feel like forever,

for the SMTs to be out.
But, it has been.

You got downvoted by Haejin's other account. He is acting like he stopped downvoting us. But he is using his other account again to give us flags. He is both @Haejin & @StarJuno.

😊Thanks💌 your post💝

wo ....good thinking

I fully support this and will be wasting my voting power daily to assist.

What’s the point though? All that this infighting is doing is dragging Steem down. After almost a year of flagging nothing has changed. At some point tactics need to change?

Please explain how flagging is 'dragging Steem down'.

I note that when whales don't vote, or flag each other, the minnows share of the rewards pool grows. We get more rewards in either case.


Should I go back to flagging everyone who comments on his posts? Or spam with more Kim Jong Un images? What do you suggest?

You have provided no evidence that this "infighting" is "dragging Steem down". You think this is worse that the rape he's committing on the rewards pool?

What about the rape that you're commenting on the rewards pool?

Yeah, silent now, eh?
Give me one fucking solid reason which would justify your action of upvoting the shittiest of your posts to $300 fucking dollars and I'll motherfucking shut my mouth.
Unless you flag your own posts in the end and don't cash in during payout. But do you do that though? You tell me, your blog is not worth my time to go back to anymore.

Possible replies by bernie to my question:

"oh im spreading awareness about scammers"
"oh because i can"
"oh be on your way"

pfffft nah bernie, nah.

C'mon bernie, talk to me buddy :*

Should I go back to flagging everyone who comments on his posts? Or spam with more Kim Jong Un images? What do you suggest?

I'm going to suggest something crazy to you. What if you just give up?

What you're doing obviously isn't working. There is no incentive for him to stop. It's simple to just keep making posts and upvoting them without having to worry about what you or anyone else is saying about him. And as long as it continues to be profitable then why would he stop?

Because he cares about the platform? Nobody cares about the platform. They only want to protect their investment, however big or small it is. He's being very aggressive and using the means that he has to take as much as he can while there is still something to take.

What you're doing isn't working and is unlikely to ever work. Nobody cares enough.

Now, all that said, here is what I recommend. And I promise I'm not patronizing you or being snide. This is a 100% serious suggestion that you should open your mind to receive.

Why don't you help him?

Seriously. You can't stop him yourself. You can't get enough people to work together to stop what he's doing either, if that's even possible. Why not take advantage of your anonymity and throw your weight behind what he's doing?

Let's assume that @haejin is limited by the amount of articles he can produce in a given day. Why not increase the volume of articles and upvotes and just take a cut of the profits? Start cranking out some TA articles. Or more cryptocurrency analysis. Or finance articles about earnings reports for upcoming stocks.

You could even use upvote bots to promote those posts. Maybe do a little profit sharing. Turn it into an agency or something, maybe do a little marketing and PR for blockchain startups. What company wouldn't pay to get their article mentioned by either one of your accounts - let alone both?

I'm actually not joking at all. And the more I talk about it, the more I'm even getting tempted to do it myself.

I care about the platform. All I've ever wanted to do is produce good quality content and be modestly rewarded for it, and once I get started that's what I intend to do here, whatever nonsense others may be up to. I'm not across the ins and outs of this controversy, but you mustn't assume there are none of us devoted to making Steemit fulfil its potential as platform.

Delegate to me while the door hits you in the ass on your way out.

lmao good one yalla xD

@ned look at this guy buddy, he hates your platform and wants to burn it down to ashes. Flag this cunt asap okay? What's that, oh alright, soon after you're done fixing that hair? Got it. lmao

(no offense ned)

You just said how he is making 10 posts a day taking as much profit as he can while he still can, why would he change models and even join up with someone who has been stifling his growth? No way either of them will team up.

Flagging and upvoting are the 2 ways to express points of view on this platform so the only true strategy is recruiting enough voting power to make it no longer profitable to rape the reward pool in the manner that is currently taking place

I'm tempted to flag your comment for being so ridiculous.

This isn't about "stopping" him, it's about giving rewards back to the pool and not to a single users.

Fuck, you're clueless...


I don’t think you’re stopping anything though. My suggestion would be to use your power to upvote better posts and hope the system eventually balances out.

Edit: My new suggestion would be get Steem whales and devs to vote to create a max post payout. This way no post can be worth more than say $250.

That's not how it works. Do you think I have the time to search through a million posts every day for something worth upvoting? (Hint: I don't)

It's far easier to go flag 3 of @haejin's posts and still has the same effect.

The whales like @buildawhale and @postpromoter should do at least one flag a day, to support the fight against @haejin. That would massively help us out.

One way encourages, the other discourages. If you don’t have the time ask for curation help. If minnows see good content they’ll stay if they see flag wars they might not. It’s why Reddit isn’t worth billions but something like Instagram or Twitter is.

I actually appreciate this reply very much. I believe you. I think this demonstrates a tiny flaw in the thinking of the devs when they created the system we enjoy today, and that flaw is stated in your comment, and has enormous repercussions that include votebots, circlejerks, and selfvotes, amongst other problems.

What about being willing to accept a lower ROI for your holdings, by delegating them in moderate chunks to creators/curators you've come to believe have their heads on straight in exchange for such curation rewards as are generated by those delegations?

If you made 100 ~5k delegations (dunno if you can do that. Never looked at your wallet. It's an easy number to work with, tho) you'd retain title to the SP, so capital gains would inure to you. You'd gain curation rewards, though far less rewards than you could generate by self voting.

Most importantly, the rewards you eschewed by delegating to creators you support would be doled out to thousands of accounts that you don't have to curate personally, and encourage them to stick with Steemit--thus creating a growing market for Steem, and potentiating capital gains.

Also, a severe drawback to you would be that you wouldn't be seen as such a lightning rod. You wouldn't generate so much attention to your (mis)deeds. Since you wouldn't be selfvoting, or circlejerking, you wouldn't be able to be derided for it.

Maybe you could live with that.

Ain't tellin' you what to do. But if a gaggle of whales could resolve to accept a lower ROI in exchange for a far greater potential to moon Steem by making many moderate delegations to content creators they personally vet and select, then I don't see a downside for the platform.

I confess here that I am a recipient of such a delegation, and the delegator has neither charged any rental, nor even asked me if I wanted it. I have found that my impact on the community has multiplied, although I have made every effort to maintain exactly the same practices as I did prior to the delegation.

Many of the former delegates of @fulltimegeek, @stellabelle, and @aggroed would probably verify their performance improved as a result of the delegations they received. @abh12345 could provide stats that show those performance improvements.

I have long railed against bots voting on philosophical grounds, but economic grounds are becoming more obvious now, and I am very confident that such moderate delegations would outperform all the claimed platform benefits of votebots, while only decreasing the ROI of the delegators, not ending it.

It seems obvious that compromise between polarized positions might be necessary in this issue, and a compromise that best potentiates the platform to appreciate the price of Steem that which best effects the long term benefits to whales.

What do you think?

Remind me to read this again tomorrow when I'm sober.

But, in the meantime, how do you suggest I find 50, or 100 worthwhile Steemians to delegate to?a . That's quite a feat. Time is money. And, I value my time.

(upvoting this because some turd is going to give me a $5 flag later on)

You could just upvote all my post because haejin loves to waste his flags on me. That's guaranteed to hurt him. LOLz Less VP he has less he can SELF UPVOTE.

The whales like @buildawhale and @postpromoter should do at least one flag a day, to support the fight against @haejin. That would massively help us out.

YES PLEASE!!!!! I miss that. Please. I am begging.... Give me those fucking bot scripts & Ill do it. I will destroy that fucking asshole!!!!

to this person as he does not pay attention to anyone, he continues with the same thing every day without caring about anything.
the effort that they make every day @berniesanders, @nextgencrypto and company, is fierce since it loses all its power in the publications of @haejin, in my opinion this character is doing all this with bad intentions and it will be said, someday people are going to tire and leave me alone.

"...he does not pay attention to anyone, he continues with the same thing every day..."

This isn't true. He has shown that he is aware of much more than he comments or reacts to. I can prove that if you require. He does do things each day, and some of those things don't change, because his goals haven't changed, and the route to achievement doesn't change.

It is silly to say that just because he doesn't do as he is told that he is ignorant of being told.

He just doesn't agree, nor obey. That's not an indication that he doesn't care, or isn't aware.

I know that Haejin is aware of what you are doing, but an intelligent person sees this kind of problem, should try to find a quick solution. and I've noticed that the problem takes months with it.

@haejin can't fix the problem. He can take advantage of it, just like the other whales do, and he is.

I reckon this is the strongest incentive to fix the problem, because it's a direct attack on the ROI of whales--which is the source of the problem.

They can fix the problem, but only if they relinquish they're vampiric feeding off the rewards pool, and act as actual investors, by encouraging capital gains--which will make them far more money than mining rewards ever can.