Acts Of Kindness Challenge : Helping Others Make Us Happy (Kindness is Priceless)i

in #actsofkindnesschallenge8 years ago (edited)

Kindness costs nothing but it can make our world a wonderful place to live,We're in disgusting place where the good is hard to find

Kindness cannot be defined in proper words but in simple words kindness can be defined as a caring and righteous attitude towards human beings without expect anything in return 

Many famous people  around the world do kind acts not because they mean that,but for making show in front of the media so those are doing business

I want share with you an  awesome kind story 

In my neighborhood there is a child who see his father killing his mother in front him,He is about 12 years old . All his family have dead, he has no one to help him,he  has to deal with this in this cruel world alone.

If he grow up in this circumstances he will turns into a beast who would make anything to survive , he wouldn't care for anything.

There is an old woman sympathize with him, she doesn't have children so she adopt him and take care of for all his expenses

She is doing a great example of kindness, she saved this innocent child from terrible fate 

There's still good in the world.

Kindness accepted everywhere. 

We're the ones who make the world extremely awful and we're the ones who could make it pretty awesome.  


quote source:




I liked your quote...very thought provoking....also the song is very touching...thanks

A very nice song and a very good post encouraging everyone to help instead just by watching and standing doing nothing. But it's so sad to know that some few people never see what kindness is, just because they saw someone needed for help or for just a little favor buy for them it's no other than like a beggar asking for something. I wonder if those people who have a closed heart and mind will have a pity for themselve hope it's not too late for them to realized not all is like them fortunate to have but a broken soul to redeem. Keep up ur good heart and kindness. Steem on!

Awesome words@dianargenti,its a pity that kindness became rare or weird in this world where everyone thinks just about himself and don't care for the others.kindness is hard to found . People would do you a favor while thinking what they get in return. Its so sad to realize that the worst monsters in the world are humans

Correct but not all humans hahaha, btw I'm looking forward on the "embarrassment " challenge let me know if u done it I want to share one :)

Hello there, I am making my post for the challenge just need enough time to finish it. Thank u for the update, I may be.late but I will get it hahaha. Post link to my embarrassing moment soon. Though I felt still ashamed thinking about it weeewww, hahaja

thanks for your story @mostafa1, we certainly do each have a lot of potential to impact life positively or negatively, your story of a woman adopting a child who has just gone through such debilitating trauma is certainly a giant kindness and producing more good than is measurable! Thanks for participating in our challenge.

it's a pleasure to be part of this challenge @natureofbeing have a nice day

Thank you for your entry @mostafa1!
I enjoyed reading it. I was grateful to learn that the cycle was broken in the story that you shared. That the "boy" didn't follow in the same footsteps as his father.
It can be done. :)

appreciate your reply and thank's a lot to give me this chance .
these kinds of challenges would make steemians get united and able to share useful stories and experiences it's amazing .
@rebeccaryan what about making an embarrassment challenge ?which everyone tell a real embarrassing situation

I've got one for that to share hahaha.

Now that's a fantastic idea!!! I know just the tag for that #funny. Hahaha!
You should do this @mostafa1!!! It's your idea and if you want my help, I'd be happy to.
@natureofbeing might also be interested in it.
The challenge is in getting posts seen by people which is why @natureofbeing and I teamed up, but I think your idea is absolutely brilliant. Let me know if you want help. ;)

@rebeccaryan you're too supportive , your kindness means too much to me.
i don't like to mince my words am always speak my mind but truly i can't describe the gratitude I felt when people help those who need. you guys made addicted to steemit people like you i wish all the community do so
i'll write the story of mine in the challenge and i'll contact you on steemit chat .
have an extraordinary day ,bless up

I really think this is a challenge all of it's own @mostafa1. When @natureofbeing and I made the kindness challenge up, we found out that new tags can be up to 24 characters long. You could create #theembarrassingchallenge . That's exactly 24 characters. You could also create #embarrassing-trail for the curating side and use #funny and #story....these could be the main criteria tags of the challenge and then that leaves 1 tag for the writer to choose on their own.
I have a fair bit of experience with how the steemit culinary challenge is run, so I can help with how to structure it. I think it would be really fun and something that you could really make a name for yourself on the platform with. I would encourage you to set this up as another challenge entirely and I can be part of it, if you like or you can do it by yourself or with others, if I'm not the right fit.
My point is that I think its a great idea and I'd like to see it be realized. :)

I'd be so honored if you participate in this for sure i didn't mind at all you're more than welcome , i appreciate the appreciation @rebeccaryan i'll write the first story tomorrow and i'll send it to you on chat to give your opinion if there something need to enhance

OK, the very first step is to write a launch post for your challenge. It can have your own story in it, as part of the post. It will be used as an example for others to follow.

i like song thanks for sharing bro.

Great post @mostafa1. It is good to be kind. It is also good to show an act of kindness to someone everyday. Don't let your day end without being kind to at least one person. With this, the world would be a better place. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

you are very welcome thank's for reading