in #adsactly7 years ago



"Honey, are you asleep?"

She heard her mother call. Times like this, she wished she could just transition from sleep to the other world beyond. Yeah, it was really up to that. Her parents treated her like a capital, set asides for future investments. Only that the future was now!

Within 2weeks, she had been set up with three eligible grooms for marriage and thank heavens, she had a choice to reject. She would keep rejecting until she lends herself a voice to make her own choices. Not like she had anyone in mind though except for maybe Jacob Eyre.

She could hear her mum's footsteps almost reaching her door. She quickly pulled the covers over her head like someone sound asleep. For even more effect, she added a little snore. She heard her mum turn the knob and chuckled to her amazement.

"Yo' can't deceive me with yo' croco-sleep, I know you don't snore"

"Mom!" She shouted almost irritably. "You should knock"

"I knew yo' heard me even from when I was calling from the barn, its nothing to get worked over baby" she said calmly....

"But You........"

"Sssshhhhh!.... She cut her daughter off...

"I know you don't wanna meet Lord Dalton's son today" she said picking up Jane's laundry

"But you can't play no ruckus lest you get your father angry" she completed

" I wonder why you have to compel me to meet when you know quite alright what my answer to him might be. For how long do I keep breaking men's heart courtesy you? Jane said with a stern voice!

Her mum on the way out by now with her laundry replied just before closing the door

"Charlotte Dalton is a fine young man, please make the right choice."

She murmured something like breakfast would be ready in five minutes but that isn't Jane's preoccupation for now. She was just wondering if her life was moving in track with her purpose of existence! Aaarrrgghhh!! She hated so much to go on dates with those pompous sons of the elite! If only she could chose her groom....

Lord Henchard who is Jane's father is a member of the aristocrats ruling council in Whimsborough, a remote town in rural England. It was at this town he met his wife, Sarai Henchard. She was the fairest maiden in her time which explains where Jane took her looks. He was a very hard working man who worked his way to the position he occupies in present. It is only natural to want his only child to befriend a man befitting her status.......another son of an aristocrat!

Jane dressed up without spirits and walked over to the breakfast table where the other member of the family had gathered. She said her "good mornings" and quietly settled down to eat a simple breakfast of oats, bacon, cake bread, soup and a cup of black coffee. She wasn't in a hurry but someone else was

"Janie dear, ain't you excited about meeting Charlotte?" Her father asked

She hated to be rude to this stern loving father of hers, so she answered politely even though her face is giving off other signals

"Of course I am"

Sarai Henchard wished she could give her daughter an assuring hug right now because she understood how she must have been feeling. She felt like that herself some years ago. But the good news is, Henchard whom she was forced to marry, turned out to be the best husband she could ever ask for. Her guts was telling her Charlotte will turn that way too. If only her daughter would understand and make the right choice....

Jane stood up and rode in a carriage to Duchesire where she is to meet her to-be-groom or not. She was received by Mrs Dalton's maids and ushered into the waiting room where the man whom she's going to reject has been waiting. She smiled as the evil thought crossed her mind. She was so preoccupied in her own thoughts that she didn't know when she bumped into someone who held her from falling.

She looked up and saw a prince charming. Oh! She quickly comported herself and set to apologize. Peering directly into his aquatic blue eyes was making her feel lost so she kept her eyes leveled on his lips.. Nooo... Wronger choice!. She diverted her gaze to the floor then.

"I'm really sorry for being so uncoordinated. If you wouldn't mind my tardiness, I'd like you to continue what you were doing before I bumped into you and if you wouldn't mind showing me to where I can meet Charlotte Dalton, the son of the Lord of this house" she completed breathing a air of relief

"Aye princess! You don't have to apologize that much. I was doing nothing but waiting. It was fun having someone disrupt my " not-doing-anything-mood. Thank you. I would compensate you by showing you to the one you are seeking... If you would follow me, Milady" he bowed

"Of course I will" she said like one charmed.

Instead of showing her to whom she sought, he showed her round the house instead. Talking about each intricate works of art they came across, each furniture their history. He took her to the vineyard where there was a lot of ripe berries. He even offered her a juicy strawberry which she gladly accepted. The last place he took her was his own secret garden where he planted varieties of beautiful sweet smelling flowers. Jane loved flowers so she stayed admiring each of those.

Why time chose to be faster than usual that day, Jane didn't understand. Before she knew what's happening, Evening fell. She quickly excused herself and preparing to saddle her horse for homeward journey. The young man made her promise she would come back soon. She was glad he asked, she liked his company so very much. She was in her carriage ready to move when she remembered she didn't do what she went there for!

What would she tell her parents? She didn't even know the handsome young man's name whom she was with all day. She jumped down and ran towards the castle. She need not run much as he was standing behind the door to watch her leave.

"Uumm.. I must have been carried away to have forgotten the main reason I came. You promised to show me to Charlotte Dalton but instead we veered into other unmindful businesses. If you don't mind my tardiness, please show me to him" she said slightly embarrassed.

She was surprised to hear him cackle a laugh. He must have been laughing at her stupidity. She knew she really was. She just needed to see Charlotte and quickly say "no" even before hearing him out, so she could get home in time not to get her parents worried.

"It was bad we didn't bother to introduce ourselves? I, especially acted beyond reasoning, please accept my apologies, Milady. You needn't worry you missed an appointment today because I did too... Makes us two. I was supposed to be meeting someone today but i loved your company better. So no regrets. I have always acted out of plans. I hate to be dictated to what to do".....

" I do too" she said with a tinge of sadness tainting her beautiful face

"I hope you won't run away after knowing my identity. Besides, your promise to me still holds. You should introduce yourself too. I am Charlotte Dalton" he curtsied...

"What?! are the one I sought after? I...I.....think...." she stammered

"I knew you would fidget, most times I wish I came from more humbler background. All I wish for, is a happy life. So miss, you won't run away, would you?"

If only this young man knew how much he had affected Jane. She wasn't running anywhere! She had come to stay forever. She was really glad she could find someone like her eventually. She found happiness with this man here. Her mother might be right after all.

"Oh, I won't run away. I am Jane Henchard, the one you have been waiting for. It was just so funny that we both didn't know we had the same mission"

"I knew you were Jane Henchard all the while, Milady. I really wanted to know your personality in depth without having to be put off by unnecessary formalities. Please forgive me. At this point in time, I think the mission is.....

" Accomplished " Jane completed

They both smiled to a near "Happily Ever After".........

Authored by : @aderonkemi



My Goodness! Such a lovely way of portraying characters through the author’s eyes and words, was engrossed till the end of it. It as if I have been taken back in time reading some Jane Austen’s novel…
Charlotte and Jane are some characters that resemble people around me and that made me curious enough to read this short story up until the end of it!!! Superb wondrous work @adsactly!!!

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Absolutely wonderful. This brightened up my Monday morning. Thanks

Glad it did! Have a wonderful day!

wow amazing story. upvoted (Y)

Nice one, it's so beautiful. Kudos

upvode and resteem .

Lol someone posted story here.

Wow! Amazing piece of work.

She looked up and saw a prince charming. Oh! She quickly comported herself and set to apologize. Peering directly into his aquatic blue eyes was making her feel lost so she kept her eyes leveled on his lips.. Nooo... Wronger choice!. She diverted her gaze to the floor then.

Oh! how I love the descriptions above and all.

Another Great one!!

I love this story it makes my day... thank you for sharing with us.

Oh menh, this is Lovely

Excellent story!! all the tile one greeting Poem, songs, video, Music, picture --- Fist time got story! Cool keep it up

ThaNkS For shAre THis.

Good post:)

Really nice story.
Is this gonna be part of a book, or just that short story here and that's it?

For now, it is a short story. I might be inspired to write subsequent chapters say later. Thanks for reading

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I loved your story! Some arranged marriages do have a happy ending. I know a few couples that have done well and have developed a great relationship, although it didn't start out quite as romantically as it did here =). Very well written, thank you! Will follow for more!

I simply love your articles, what great content and quality of posting you offer the community here on Steemit and abroad.

Thanks a lot :)

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings