Panda Interviews ADSactly - An Influential & Crypto-Loving Gang of Achievers

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

Ever since I encountered the ADSactly community, I was hooked. I immediately became friends with "Toshi" as his server nickname states, and we've stayed in constant contact.

They're a unique community filled with diverse, ambitious, enthusiastic crypto-traders, dreamers, AND achievers.

I had the pleasure of interviewing them to see just what they're all about. Hopefully, this gives you a sneak peek into the ADSactly world, as I'm sure you've seen them floating around on SteemIt (they are a huge whale, after all!)

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@FATPANDADESIGN- "Where exactly did you come up with the name ADSactly? What does it actually stand for?"

@ADSactly - "As far as the original name, I'm not sure, it was purchased from someone a while back, before my time ;). However, the name as it sits now is actually an acronym. What it stands for is... Autonomous Decentralized Society Acting Co-operatively To Leverage You!

Basically, we're a society, looking to help each other make money, grow their companies or projects, and fund their projects. Help them with tech aspects, services, whatever they need, ADSactly when they need it! ;)"

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "You're a crypto nut (like most of us) and from what you've told me so far, you've absolutely dominated the crypto game. What was your best investment ever and highest profit on a single trade?"

@ADSactly - "Indeed, I've done quite well over my time in crypto, but also taken my fair share of losses. That's how you learn, right? heh. If you're talking about a single purchase, my biggest win has for sure gotta be DMD (Diamond coin). The coin is a bit of a 'diamond in the rough' heh, and I saw that almost two years ago.

When I found the coin, I spoke to their team, liked what they had to say, and threw about 5 thousand US their way. Purchased a specialized account, and some coins. Right now, nearly 2 years later... that investment is worth close to 200 thousand US (including the value of the MasterNode that they gave me in trade for the specialized account I purchased. Though I cannot sell the initial funding coins for that node, I CAN sell whatever it brings in. Still a great deal!)"

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "Let's say you woke up one day and were dead broke, your friends and family abandoned you and you had no credit - what would you do to get back to baller status? Can be legal or illegal :wink: "

@ADSactly - "Well, I can't say this hasn't happened to me before, though it wasn't 'I just woke up that way', lol... What I did, was got a job, saved what I could, then started mining on a single quad-core CPU... forgot about that while I continued to hustle, selling weed, etc, lol... Realized later that I had a few grand worth of coins... (though being a newbie, didn't sell at the right times, that's another story though...)

Then, once I realized the potential of mining, I convinced a few people to invest with me into a miner, this continued until I built up the mining operation to a really good size, and now, I have 175+ GPUs, 4 AntMiner L3+'s, and 650TB of HDD space. I continue to grow my mining operation now. :) So to answer the question, I would do this again! heh."

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "Where do you see ADSactly in 1 year? How about in 5 years? Be descriptive, my readers love a good story! The crazier, the better!"

@ADSactly - "ADSactly has such potential in many areas, it is hard to say specifically where it will be, however... I see ADSactly as a VERY active and solid community, owning multiple different projects, mining operations, portions of projects, and having a solid core of people furthering it along (which is basically what it has today, however... it will have more structure, automation, and more totally decentralized features.)"

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "What is the absolute craziest thing you've ever done in your life, legal or illegal?"

@ADSactly - "Hmm... That's an interesting question... the craziest thing I would have to say... (well, according to the way most people think anyway...) would be going full-time crypto 2 years ago before most people even in crypto realized that it was a viable way to make a great living.

I mean, I'm sure I have done a bunch of other crazy stuff, like lighting 40lbs of dynamite when I was 6, but I don't remember much of that other than rocks flying by as we drove away on the 4 wheeler, then rocks falling from the sky literally 5 minutes later, hitting so hard they disappeared into the semi-wet dirt... THAT was definitely crazy. Then we swam in the pool of mud that it made once the chaos had stopped. :D"

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "If you could commit any fucking crime and get away with it without any repercussions, what would it be and why?"

@ADSactly - "I would have to say it would be finding a way to fraudulently f up the system in multiple ways, putting out of business PayPal, and other scammy companies, and also freeing the good people who work hard and actually try, from their ridiculous loan interest rates, and bullshit like that.

Also removing the nonsense in the US regarding the need for medical insurance, and making that a free service for people that actually NEED the services provided, while penalizing the ones that go in drug seeking and wasting the time of the necessary health care professionals. That's all! heh."

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@FATPANDADESIGN- "What's your favorite activity outside of SteemIt? Do you have any special hobbies or talents you'd like to share, or that you're particularly proud of?"

@ADSactly - "I'm a musician and a hardware-obsessed miner. I love to make electronic music, from rap beats to dubstep tunes, I sing, I play trumpet, piano, and little drums. I would like to be better at piano but I don't have the time. I also LOVE building mining rigs and specialized computers."

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@FATPANDADESIGN- "Last question - what are some current projects that you're working on related to SteemIt or crypto? What projects have you done in the past that you're most proud of" Feel free to share as many as you want, and links to each!"

@ADSactly - "I'm currently working on the rebirth of QORA, which can do totally decentralized social media and web hosting, and we'll add a lot more to it in the future. I'm proud of most things that I've done, however, I don't want to mention some by name, as I've got a jolly band of trolls who seem to love following me around and slandering me and making up nonsense.

The truth is quite far from the crap they spew, but I'll refrain from mentioning them by name. But I'm quite happy with the build of my mining operation and allowing others to take part in that in multiple ways. I can give more information on that privately. I'm quite pleased with how things are coming in most projects I'm involved with, and can't wait to see what they look like in a year or so!"

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You can find and join the ADSactly Discord channel at:

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my questions and for allowing me to interview you - I've been trying to interview some of the most influential Steemians around and you're definitely one of them, so I'm glad we were able to make this happen.

It's been a pleasure hanging out and learning from you guys, and building a working relationship/friendship. We'll be sure to make it to more ADSactly hangouts in the future (including the one tomorrow!)


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You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.

I'm actually a novice when it comes to crypt coins but he mentioned earlier about how he made his biggest profit In Diamond coin, I wanted to know if they are still reliable till now or he has shifted from that?

You may have to ask them that - I would not know the answer ;)

Hello @sbamsoneu, I'm the one who provided majority of the answers for this interview, and yes, I firmly believe that DMD still had a very solid future ahead of it, and would not hesitate in purchasing some more for a long-term hold even at this point. :) Their team is extremely dedicated, they do what they promise, and I see none of that changing in the future.

(This is not advice of any kind, merely my opinion, of course, I could be wrong!)

Wow I have heard of DMD before, but I actually thought it disappeared.
@ADSactly, I wish you all the best taking down all the scammy giants !
Awesome you got an interview with this creative talented team!

@ADSactly is one COOL ass group. They were actually interested in YOUR idea regarding a localized way of exchanging crypto to fiat fee-free or reduced fees - I can introduce you to someone to discuss if you're interested. I talked with him earlier and let him know that a member of ours was already working on such an idea :)

That sounds awesome @fatpandadesign ! And yes, #teammalaysia is starting to adapt to it for those who have confidence in Steemit.
So this is getting more and more exciting. I will be writing a piece about it later after I get patches onto my post first.

DMD most certainly hasn't disappeared, feel free to get in contact with me on the ADSactly discord with any other questions! :)

Muy Bien, I do like the sentiments of Effing the system, especially about Health Care. Having lived overseas and being able to just walk in and out with no appt for things for such a decent and fair price then coming back here where they terrorize you into having to get some awful plan where if you aren't insured you are considered some type of criminal or some b.s.

I 110% agree with this - I can spend the equivalent of $10 USD to visit a doctor at an ER. Meds I still pay out of pocket - but doctors fees at least you don't get murdered on. Same with most hospital stays. In Thailand it was about $100 a night at a public hospital including all nursing/meds/etc.

Nice post, and v informative. Have heard of adsactly and seen posts from time to time but didn't really understand what it/they were doing till now

Over the past month/month and a half I've really begun the foundation of a great long term relationship and potential collaboration between The Unmentionables and them. They're on a mission to help each other grow too - just at a MUCH higher level haha, they've got the resources, and most of us are little fishies in the big tank :P

I'm glad that this interview helped you clear up any misconceptions about who/what they are and what they're about. They are really a great group of people.

Great, as my role within ADSactly has become 'facilitator', I am hoping to continue to provide clarity and understanding of what ADSactly is exactly, and what it will be in the future, as well as help to provide methods of wealth generation, hosting power, mining power, and much more! Come join ADSactly and see what else we have going on, hang out with us, and let's grow together!

ADSactly Facilitator

Awesome interview! Didn't know Toshi's background before this

Just to clarify, most answers here were given by myself, and are regarding my own background. We are answering as 'ADSactly' to hopefully break the tie of ADSactly to a single user, and more towards the overall ADSactly society. But hopefully you enjoyed my answers! :)

Hello @fatpandadesign , and I thank you for the great interview and wonderful post. Just so everyone knows, most of the answers seen here marked as 'ADSactly' were answers given by myself. To clarify for those who still connect ADSactly with a single username.

We are working on disconnecting that association, and getting people thinking more in the terms of 'ADSactly' being 'the society' VS ADSactly being a ScreenName of any particular individual.

Simply wanted to clarify this. ADSactly is ALL OF US. We are ADSactly! :)

If anyone has any specific questions for me regarding what was posted, feel free to reach out in the ADSactly Discord server, and I'll happily answer, you can also post a reply here and I'll check up on them randomly.

Here's to the future of our wonderful society, and here's a warm welcome to anyone coming to join us!


(hopefully this post is taken in the right 'way', I wasn't meaning anything towards the interviewer or stating that I wanted 'credit' of any kind, simply making sure that it was cleared up for those who have been around a while, and may be a bit confused by some of the responses, if they know things about the situation! Thanks!)

Once again, great post @fatpandadesign and I look forward to speaking with you more in the future. :)

Thank you for helping clear this up! I didn't want to mislead anyone with false/incorrect information regarding who was who - and I figured it would be best if you personally mentioned that you were the one who answered the questions.

Definitely, no harm done with this post buddy. I appreciate you taking the time to clarify this for my readers.

Looking forward to working with you guys and chatting more - I'll talk more with you after you get home, @cr0wetic :)

First time reader, enjoyed your interview and totally learned a lot of new stuff. Thanks so much and wishing nothing but the best!! :)