Epic 80-mile bike ride to Limerick's Nuclear Reactors

in #adventure6 years ago (edited)

It was Saturday morning and Bill and I began the drive to Delaware. Our satisfaction over fitting two bikes in my Saab sedan quickly turned, as we realized the car was in urgent need of a mechanic. Hence, we turned back, before having even exited Philadelphia.

Bill, who hates motor vehicles, was unwilling to let an automobile issue dampen the day. He immediately called an audible and suggested we bike the Schuylkill River Trail, which commences in Philly following the Schuylkill River upstream. Let the cycling begin!

The Cherry Blossoms were in prime season in Philly's Fairmount Park:

Cherry Blossoms in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia

Further up the river, we watched collegiate rowers take off in the 52nd Annual Kerr Cup Regatta:

Kerr Cup Regatta Rowing

After some more cycling, we reached the Lock 60 Recreation Area, where we met some trail angels who had engineered a swimming opportunity. They were kind enough to film our jump:

Lock 60 Jump

In addition, they left us with some surprise selfies. Here's a stylized version I created using https://deepart.io:

Trail Angels Snakeskin Deepart Selfie

We biked on and saw apartments for dead people that were nicer than our own as well an abandoned building where no living person should wander. My previous longest bike ride was 50 miles, but we were committing to shattering that record having reached the 35.5 mile marker:

Schuylkill River Trail 35.5 mile marker

We sought one final landmark before turning back. And then we saw it… a nuclear power plant with dual reactors and gigantic cooling towers. We had spotted the Limerick Generating Station:

Limerick Generating Station, view from the southwest

This plant is one of only 99 commercial nuclear generating stations in the United States. Together, it's reactors output 2,317 megawatts. Wikipedia claims this is enough to power 2 million homes. Alternatively, by my calculation, the plant could power 33% of all Bitcoin mining (based on a current estimate that mining consumes 60.8 terawatt hours of electricity annually).

To get a better view, we had to cross the river and bike on several roads. The local drivers did not seem to like bikers: one pretended to stop for us, but then immediately accelerated once we started to cross the road. However, we eventually got to an overlook alive:

Limerick Generating Station Cooling Towers

On the ride back, I spotted a deer carcass, which I reconstructed to the best of my abilities:

Deer Carcass on the Schuylkill River Trail

Bill was generous in letting me use his lunch box to transport the skull back, which was mutually beneficial as I agreed to clean the box at home of any remains as well as some previously-spilled chili-pepper peanuts (Bill is not known for his cleanliness, see this documentary). The ride home pushed my physical systems to the brink, but Bill was a good coach and made sure we followed a proper pace.

When all was said and done, we had hit 80 miles. Let's get biking #steemphilly!

Special bonus

I've decided to include some special bonus content in this post, which I took the night before the bike ride while biking to the Sedgley Woods disc golf course. Now this scene has already gone viral on Reddit WTF under the title "Just a family hanging out with their snakes in a park in Philly". However, my photos are better, and we like Steem over Reddit.

Without any further ado, meet this Philly family and their three pythons:

Three python snakes in Fairmount Park

The child asked me for help picking up this python (each one weighs hundreds of pounds):

Child picking up python

Finally, check out that tongue:

python snake tongue with effects

Steemian Boss Series

This is the eighth post in the popular Steemian Boss Series. Previous posts include:

  1. Ultralight travel to Key West
  2. Sights aboard a twinjet, Philly to Boston style
  3. How to hammock like a Steemian Boss in Cambridge
  4. Glory aboard American Airlines flight 501
  5. The Centurion PHL Challenge: 8 specialty crafted cocktails
  6. The Delta Sky Club ATL Challenge: all 2 specialty cocktails
  7. Mississippi's best hiking: backpacking in Noxubee Hills


This post as well as its images are released under a CC BY 4.0 License. Republish or reuse this content, but please attribute by linking to this Steem post.

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epic adventure mate

Awesone post!
Biking 80 miles in an afternoon is a serious accomplishment. Looks like you had a great time along the way. And those snakes! Thats an unusual kind of family to keep those crazy specimens as pets!

Well done
Interesting .. look wonderful trip, thanks for the pictures
For more creativity .. Great post..

Great shots dear @dhimmel what camera did you use to get the shots on the snake and nature? Incredible scenery, colours and very well composed keep up the great work!
Go ahead your creativity photography.awesome looking.

It's the camera on my cell phone, the Google Pixel 2. I love the camera, however the microphone is terrible, so I can't make good videos with audio. Hence, I've been taking lot's of photos and not so many videos.

Apparently this music video was shot entirely with a Pixel 2:

wow ! wow ! i am very very enjoyed your music video.i love singer and loving to your phone camera.i am wait your next post.happy good night.best of luck.

Yes really great. I hope i can also captured taht kind of photography

Hey i visited my friend in limerick last year

Hi @dhimmel. I saw this post yesterday but didn't have chance to stop by. I really do have to stop by Kelly Dr before the cherry blossoms are no longer blooming. It's beautiful there this time of the year. I can't believe you biked for 80 miles! It is a scenic ride there, but wow, I can never bike for that long a journey, or even at all. ;)

About those pythons, really? They took it out to Farimount Park? I've seen one or two in South St, but not Fairmount. Perhaps I need to go to the cool spots.

P.S., I hope your friend decides to throw away that lunchbox that held the carcass. I don't think any amount of sanitizing could remove the remnants of that poor deer that was encased in there.

Sounds like you had quite an adventure! Kudos for daring to jump into the Delaware River.


Apartments for dead people? Like a mausoleum? Thanks for the big comment upvote you did earlier.

Sounds like you boys had a awesome day@!!
Thanks for the cool tip on the stylized version .

And those pictures of them snakes mad me jumped... such a cool looking but scary animal :)))

Wow, What an amazing experience. Thank you for sharing a good post!

what an adventure, nice pictures, and you really try for the reconstruction of that carcass. do you study zoology? smillessss

I am not a zoologist, although I am scientist. My research focuses on integrating data to help understand diseases. And I like skulls (see my PhD Exhibit).

Like using machine learning to predict virulent bacteria from its DNA?

kudos bro, nice following you hope to see more of your uploads

Nice place and nice shots! love the colors in the snake so much

"Without any further ado, meet this Philly family and their three Pythons"


Absolutley amazing!!!

It was a very wonderful trip. but it turns out you have a lot of fun. I also wanted to see the snakes very creepy :). very interesting and spooky animals at the same time. ..

I forgot to mention about the snakes, they feed them three whole chickens each at a time!

woohh three whole chickens at a time?? big snake already..

Im just wondering, how long will the ice last before it melts esp during sunny days.

What ice? There's no snow left anywhere around Philly. Although it's snowing at Sugarbush in Warren, Vermont, where they have a ski slope!

Interesting post good work keep it up

Very nice😍❤

Thank you for the very interesting post!

It looks like this bike ride has been a real adventure, Daniel. Well done!

Very beautiful to enjoy. You are photographing with great ability. Very beautiful my friend. Thank you for sharing the wonderful happiness and beauty.

Have wonderful day!

wild snake awesome and nicely looking.this is amazing place.
i am really enjoyed the view. i am hopefully the weather was sunny and warm. really interesting to see smile and nature.
upvoted and resteem

Woww great journey sir @dhimmel
Very beautiful and amazing pictures with dangerous animals. Thanks for sharing

We know this boat race is only in our country. A beautiful boat race. Seeing snakes looks great but fear and feel.

Itu lah keindahan alam tempat wisata yang bisa kita nikmati bersama

Wonderful Photos bro @dhimmel ❤️

I like it.

very excellent

how's this?IMG_20161105_080832.jpg

That's awesome. Did you take the photo?

Sunrise I'm guessing?

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I Appreciate your photos album that was so attractive.Good keep it up buddy @dhimmel

a great and fun adventure with interisting pets.

Its separate style of post writting i like
Kept it up

Wooooww, very cool, cool, cool kren
Upvote aku juga ya dn follow
Saling membantu kawan

Upvote for that!

Wow, that's an incredible adventure!! I really like the photos, They are soo beautiful.

Fantastic article. Photography for you.it is an artificial mountain made by man.

Really Adventure is Good Platform for Our Life.

Nice post. I enjoy the pics and GIF.

Felicitaciones por su recorrido en Bici, por las imágenes se ve muy divertido.

Other types of beauty !! i enjoy your whole article ......
your sharing process is so amazing. thanks for outstanding article

I also Love Adventure.

it's amazing!!!

beautiful place.

epic photography

Its amazing place beautiful place owesome place

Thats great

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