From a Slave to a Master - If you look for true love, seek enlightenment!

in #advice6 years ago

A Memoir

Chapter 6

Excerpt: Relationships are the fastest way to learn a lesson or two about yourself. When your emotions are beaten time and again you are forced to look for the causes and find solutions, else you are doomed to misery. Thankfully, human beings are not programmed to suffer. While on your search to find those answers you are led to look within, to find what you can do to gain control of your life, to improve the quality of your relationship. This modus operandi will gently lead you to enlightenment. And so, it would be understood why I am seeing a direct connection between love, relationship, and spiritual growth. For this reason, True Love has become, for me, an equivalent state of being to Enlightenment.

TrueLove is a state of being. It is not about having a partner or being with someone. You can be in a state of TrueLove and not in a relationship. You can also be in a relationship and not in TrueLove. But, when you finally are in a TrueLove state of being, it affects your entire life - your health, your finances and naturally the nature of your relationships.


Credit: guardianwitness

The Spoon experience

Most of us are familiar with the simple experience of the spoon in a glass of water. If you are not, try it now – take a spoon and sink it into a glass full of water. Then, watch the spoon from the side, through the glass. If you have not seen it yet, you will be astounded! The spoon is broken!

The physical explanation for this phenomenon is rather simple: the density of the water breaks the light beams and so our eyes see a “broken” spoon. However, we do know very well that it is just an optical illusion and we trust our minds for being wise enough to distinguish what is real and what is not!

But what if we were very tiny creatures who lived our lives inside that glass of water? How could we then distinguish between the real spoon outside the glass and the broken image of it inside? In fact, we surely could not do that. We would spend all our lives in our wet world believing that the spoon is one thing while in reality, it is something different. The illusionary world is becoming ours! Only after we die and are pulled out and above of the glass we are able to see the real spoon and laugh at our past solid convictions. Our drive then would be to hurry back into the glass to play another life-game and see if this time we can realize that what we see is only an image of a spoon rather than the real spoon! What a game that would be!

The reality

We are already living in a world of illusions and one of the greatest illusions is the concepts and thoughts and the beliefs that we have about love and romance and soul mates. Does prince charming really exist or is he just an illusion we have created? Is there a beautiful princess waiting for us or have we just invented her in the books and films to remind us of something? And what is that ‘something’ anyway? And the biggest question of them all – if all our notions and ideas about love are merely an illusion, then what is the real reality?

Well, TrueLove is the real reality. Only we do not perceive it yet.

When we fall in love we feel the excitement running through our veins, we blush, we smile, we laugh, some of us even cry and suddenly we realize how the world is beautiful and safe. Sometimes we lose that love but then we gather back our strengths and based on past warm and joyous memories, we try to fall in love again. We date, we connect with people, we use the means of modern technology, and we ask dear aunts and caring friends to set us up with someone to find love. It seems that a loving relationship is the heart’s desire of most people on earth no matter how rich, successful or healthy they are. As long as they lack a loving mate next to them or someone to spend the moments of eternity together, they do not feel happy. This is indeed the power of Love; the regular love.

Those of us who do not have a romantic spouse wonder ‘when will it happen to me?’ and ‘when will I be lucky too?” In their more desperate moments, when the doubt and fear crawl out they cry, “what is wrong with me?” And exactly right here, in these precious and stormy moments that are always followed by the quiet inner void, the voice of another form of Love can be heard, the sound of TrueLove.


Credit: designstack

The voice of True Love

TrueLove is the reality outside the glass. TrueLove is the place where we all come from and will journey to after we are out of the world of illusion. TrueLove does include regular love with its promising fairy-tales and “happily ever after” kind of lives. TrueLove is the most romantic relationship we could ever fathom for ourselves and beyond that, one that even supersedes our wildest childhood dreams – TrueLove is all that and much more.

It is not a place of nirvana, not at all. The meeting with our "Godly Father", a meeting that TrueLove provides in due time for each and every one of us, is the pinnacle of our expressive human abilities and our creativity in multifaceted ways on this plane of existence. Our desired TrueLove brings us a rich and abundant life, full of service to our fellow humans accompanied by a magical harmony and balance between our needs and those of the world.

TrueLove is a vision and a reality at the same time. TrueLove is a specific individual and the essence of life - all at the same time. TrueLove is the reunion between the human and the higher and much more expanded consciousness who sustains him.

How to get there?

How do we find that place beyond the glass that we live in? How do we create the relationship with that higher part; with ourselves? Crying, just as praying, surely, doesn’t help. We have tried it since always. Shouting and fighting only bring wars, sorrow, and despair. There must be another way, a contemporary one that is suitable for the human race in its present state, not as it was 6000 years ago when Buddha walked on the planet, neither in the times of Christ.

The current human society is very analytical. We process everything through and with our brains. The things that are real for us are only those things that are grasped by our senses and minds. What we cannot feel does not exist. Therefore, the way to connect with our TrueLove kingdom also has to be by using our minds as the main accessory. At least to begin with.

And the path, though not necessarily easy, is still quite simple. For if we know that the TrueLove reality already exists, we only need to change our perspective, to conceive it and then to bring it over here. The way to do that is a three-layered pathway.

  • First, there is the processing phase in which we use our minds to examine our daily behavior and modify it accordingly to certain requirements that match TrueLove’s own features.
  • The second phase is the releasing by letting go of the old paradigms of thoughts and systems of living that we have adopted since we were born;
  • and the third phase is the integration, whose outcome is the complete reunion with Our TrueLove, in flesh and spirit.

There is nothing to actively DO in the outer reality since the process is of the mind and soul. There is no one holy place to go to in anticipation of experiencing the divine. There are no particular people to meet or specific books to read. No money is required to be spent on the path towards TrueLove. It is a path for all who desire and choose it, wherever they are and whichever life-circumstances they find themselves in. Age, social status or race are elements of no importance.

For Indeed, TrueLove Is Now!


True love can be achieve if we act of being true to ourselves, being honest to ourselves and being being respectful to ourselves. True love is a healthy practice if we are being transparent to ourselves and evaluating our every action to become a better and enlightened one. :)

During my forty years as a couple’s therapist, many of my relationship-seeking patients have asked me this question when they meet someone special.

In watching literally hundreds of relationships unfold, I believe that I can answer that question with relative accuracy. I understand what early feelings and behaviors most often predict when a new relationship will transform into long-lasting, true love. Of course, feelings of love can be more urgent in youth, and people tend to be more wary as life progresses, but new couples are new couples at every stage of life. No matter when or how they meet, some people do experience clearly magical connections very early on in a relationship that predict long-term commitment and devotion.

I’ve asked my long-lasting true-love couples what they remember when they met the person who became their long-lasting love. I believe that those early experiences are often the litmus test of whether a relationship has the potential to develop into true love. I’ve had the opportunity to observe new couples who definitely have had those experiences and many are still deeply in love after spending years together. They all shared nine similar experiences very early in their relationship that helped them know that they’d found their soul mates.

Ah, the merits of the human.
They felt alive.
And then blessed by their divinity, as they have arrived home.
Thanks for sharing 🙏

The entire article is effervescing with passion! Great read, I devoured it wholeheartedly.

I tell you, there was a time when I truly had occasional sighs of relief that "Nothing can ever happen", and how cool it is that we have always been having everything we need to heal ourselves WITHIN. How great that we only need to "fix" ourselves and have all means to do so within for good!

Many of us are stuck in the 'victim, perpetrator, rescuer' dance, which eventually wears thin, as each is an attempt to make the illusion real.

It is not necessarily about deserving Love. We ARE Love. Very much like your spoon metaphor, we search for Love, having forgotten that WE ARE Love. How could we possibly find outside ourselves?

How did the Buddhists say? "The Universe is all mind stuff"

You can be in a state of TrueLove and not in a relationship. You can also be in a relationship and not in TrueLove.

Agree! You have to true love yourself to be happy. Than you can share your love with others. In my opinion, there is no such a thing as charming prince. If you are looking for this perfect person so called “charming prince” you will be disappointed. Even though I see my wife as a beautiful princess who gets on my nerves sometimes 😆 (as a matter of fact my beautiful wife just asked me “do you love me?”lol), I had never looked for this perfect person. That’s life, if you look too hard, you won’t find it and perhaps at the moment you stop looking, boom 💥 all of sudden you find out it has always been right there, right next to you.
BTW: my spoon 🥄 in the glass of water 💦 is broken! It was right there, almost everyday I was looking at it and never thought about it this way. However, I understand your point was a bit different when it comes to this broken spoon in the glass of water. Very nice example to be compared to our lives!

I liked your definition of true love, for me the true love is to find oneself, to love oneself unconditionally and to share that unconditional love with another being by reaching a state of peace between the two.

Love is a spritual fact. Relationship is things that come from mutual agreement. Don't get deviation in life. Just enjoy your life.

True Love is not an addiction...we have heard people say the way I know I love this person is because since the day I have met her/him, I cannot do without him/her. That's not love. Only a false form of love can be an addiction, and they can be destructive.



I think you are right, I think true love is the one that wants the best for that person without having to be with her/him I mean true love always want the best for the other people even if that means to let them go, thats why I think true love sometimes hurts, the ideal and the difficult thing is to find true love in both ways... And when you do, you have to be prepared to suffer sometimes too, kind of complicated but necessary at the same time because I think everybody needs to truly love to grow spiritually

I believe we are all born into truelove but as we grow up we lose the connection and start embracing different paradigms that don't let us feel the truelove we exist in. Thank you for this lesson

And our journey is to find out again. 👍

if we want to build a healthy relationship, then we must love ourselves first.
If we have honored ourselves, including the accomplishments and the plus-minus, we are more comfortable in building healthy relationships with others. We become more intelligent choosing a partner, and love him.
Finding a partner is not just for a week together. but for more than that. The love we earn is love that can provide health, honesty, and lasting.

When i think about true love then many of thing's comes to my mind that's the true Love a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true, True Love is far greater than anything that could be called personal. That's a non-personal miracle. It is the nature of reality itself. It is the natural and spontaneous expression of the undivided self, Well its a great post, thanks for sharing with us.

Saludos ,buen Post. Bien desarrollado y sin pocos argumentos para debatir. El concepto de busqueda quizas lo rescato de todo lo que Ud argumenta.

El amor en si mismo es un concepto como la cuchara en el vaso de agua lo que realmente es la trascendencia es la búsqueda de la verdad esa angustia que te dará paz cada segundo que lo encuentras...

gracias por el tema me dejo en que pensar.

Then, what is the truth 🤔

For men, start braving yourself to express your heart to the dream girl and begin to approach the person. For women, the courage to open the heart and give the opportunity to express love. If necessary, why do not you try to express your feelings first? No need to worry? With approach (ta'aruf), will open many opportunities to be more familiar with his life side. From here we will have a picture of whether he is our true love to build a lasting life or just a limited partner

The problem is that we look outside for love and approval, but our relationships reflect back to us what we think and feel about ourselves on the inside. When we are attracted to a person, what we are actually drawn to are the traits we feel we lack and the characteristics we want more of.
To find true love, we must look inward and reclaim our own self-love.

Happiness was never important. The problem is that we don't know what we really want. What makes us happy is not to get what we want. But to dream about it. Happiness is for opportunists. So I think that the only life of deep satisfaction is a life of eternal struggle, especially struggle with oneself. If you want to remain happy, just remain stupid. Authentic masters are never happy; happiness is a category of slaves.

I'm telling you, there's something more sublime after the struggle!

You see, the issue of true love, the princess and the frog are all illusions to me. Love is an emotion, something we feel for another and often times we seek for more - for a Utopia which doesn't really exist. To me I have learned to developed passion for what ever that I choose in this life, same thing goes for relationship. I know we are not going to be perfect but we I can accept her just the way she is and we both make conscious efforts to keep each other happy - I think that will be enough for me.

If you lead yourself by passion then you walk on a path of gold 👍

The real life must be like the illustration where you and I are in control of life. A beautiful life is when you can become a captain on your own ship. Each of us would want to be able to control this life so that everything can go according to our will. But sometimes the facts and facts of life say something else. Often it is precisely us who are in control of life and that makes every one of us give up on this life. When we surrender to this life, that is where we lose this life.

Life becomes real when the mind releases its control. Not easy to do that, I admit.
But simple.

Real life is not those who are good at imitating others. But those who know that love within him will foster a strong wise attitude. Each of their words represents their personality.

connection between a person and an object or another person and that generates a lot of damage. Both happiness and love are state of being, if we can define and control them, we will have a quiet life.

With this I don't say that we have to isolate ourselves socially or not to aspire material objects, the human being is social and ambitious, we can't deny it. But we must be as realistic as possible and get rid of certain illusions.
Love is not jealousy - a lot of people have mistakenly come to accept that love breeds a feeling of jealousy, this is how many have made excuse of violence against a suppose person in the name of I am jealous of you. Love is not irrationally jealous in the name of passion. That is not passion, that is distrust, love is also not explosive anger or ownership, you don't love a person by force.

Love is not obsession- for young people who begin to find the company of the opposite sex interesting there is the tendency to get obsessed with another person, having the feeling of needing to be with each other every single moment to the detriment of other friendships, interests or life experiences.
One major confusion you will have as your oestrogen and testosterone develops is the LOVE vs LUST battle

In order to understand true love, we need to understand love. Love is defined as an intense feeling of affection for someone, which means that you view someone as awesome and desirable based on your beliefs, judgments, and experiences. Once you decide that someone is attractive to you mentally and physically, love also becomes a biological process. Your body takes over and reinforces what your mind already knows – that this person makes you feel amazing!

The physical reactions of love are a neurological condition where we feel bonded to something or someone else. When we feel attached to someone else, our brain releases chemicals such as serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. All of these chemicals cause us to think loving thoughts and feel the physical sensations that we associate with love.

Very Inspiring Post. It teaches how to live between two choices. Want to enjoy life or just enjoy enjoying life.
If you want to enjoy life it will find whether it is experiencing or not, and will find how the essence of life to reach TrueLove. However, if just enjoying life it means just accepting what happens to him without having to think and seek.
Everything we experience in life we ​​can think and determine our way of life to reach TrueLove. Because TrueLove is not only in the eye, it is not in the mind and is not just in the heart. But how to look at TrueLove? That is through from the eye then think and then set in the heart, whether this is actually in search.

I liked so much the metaphor of the spoon in the glass of water.
You explain things in a beautiful way.
I agree TrueLove is a matter of choice.

Thanks @nomad-magus i would love to appreciate your distinguished way of bringing a point home every one needs to be loved in someway so we need to reciprocate the love even if you move mountains with no love that is meaning so according to what the bible says Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs so if thats how you feel about your partner then ts reallove
Nomad -magus nice write up

Excellent post, I like the way you clarify that TRUELOVE in an individual state, people tend to believe that it is a connection between a person and an object or another person and that generates a lot of damage. Both happiness and love are state of being, if we can define and control them, we will have a quiet life.

With this I don't say that we have to isolate ourselves socially or not to aspire material objects, the human being is social and ambitious, we can't deny it. But we must be as realistic as possible and get rid of certain illusions.

the true love begins with yourself , you will see the beauty in everybody, then you will be ready to find your desired one

On its basis, God purposely created the creature is in pairs. The purpose of this creation is to love one another.
With regard to true love, I think that's just an expression. Although often people say he/she is my true love. Where is the benchmark so that there is such a phrase? Is it because they kept together until the end of their lives? Is this the basis for true love?
We are here often saying that true love is one person alive and one is dead. lol

True love is not an emotion- we all have emotions which could be a means of expression of love but is not love.
This is easy to see when you think about the fact that love is long lasting and emotions that can come and quickly go.

The truth is that love brings forth many rich and varied emotions including emotions called feelings loved, lovable and loving which may be why people, confuse love with emotions. But feelings are fleeting. Emotions are constantly in motion, so they cannot be the valid basis for determining love.True Love is not an addiction...we have heard people say the way I know I love this person is because since the day I have met her/him, I cannot do without him/her. That's not love. Only a false form of love can be an addiction, and they can be destructive.

Love is life.When the relationship is about you, your perspective will be visible to you. But, when you are related to someone who really loves you, you value enough people to see things from his point of view. For example, you can see their motives, instead of their writings, what do you think their motives are.

great it...upvote and resteem :)

Keep on looking until we find true true love. Thank you very much @nomad-magus

The plans of the unstable post man were very beautiful

All are influenced by perspective. And indeed, it is not a big deal, but our heart and soul are too narrow.

. Both happiness and love are state of being, if we can define and control them, we will have a calmer life.

Love is not attraction- attraction to the opposite sex is one thing that comes up as we begin to grow up, we first develop awareness and them being to get attracted to certain kinds of people.

Love is not jealousy - a lot of people have mistakenly come to accept that love breeds a feeling of jealousy, this is how many have made excuse of violence against a suppose person in the name of I am jealous of you. Love is not irrationally jealous in the name of passion. That is not passion, that is distrust, love is also not explosive anger or ownership, you don't love a person by force.

Love is not obsession- for young people who begin to find the company of the opposite sex interesting there is the tendency to get obsessed with another person, having the feeling of needing to be with each other every single moment to the detriment of other friendships, interests or life experiences.
One major confusion you will have as your oestrogen and testosterone develops is the LOVE vs LUST battle.

It is notable that you talked about this topic, it is closely related to human life, and this issue is very important and very close to the subject of human society and human society.

I think it should be a harsh situation in every human life, and this thing should be reflected in them with any problem and will have to proceed aggravatedly, and through these, they should operate in the central and various ways and hope that Do not repeat this issue with future generations.

It is not a place of nirvana, not at all. The meeting with our "Godly Father", a meeting that TrueLove provides in due time for each and every one of us, is the pinnacle of our expressive human abilities and our creativity in multifaceted ways on this plane of existence. Our desired TrueLove brings us a rich and abundant life, full of service to our fellow humans accompanied by a magical harmony and balance between our needs and those of the world.

Those of us who do not have a romantic spouse wonder ‘when will it happen to me?’ and ‘when will I be lucky too?” In their more desperate moments, when the doubt and fear crawl out they cry, “what is wrong with me?” And exactly right here, in these precious and stormy moments that are always followed by the quiet inner void, the voice of another form of Love can be heard, the sound of TrueLove.. Both happiness and love are state of being, if we can define and control them, we will have a calmer life.


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Thank You! ⚜

Sweet lines......will have to use this to teqch do many persons what love truly is

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