aMAYzing Fantasy Day 9: Useless Robot

in #amayzingfantasy6 years ago

This is pretty much an absolutely Robot.


A Bagel Toaster that is prone to kidnapping defenseless ladies in stylish turtlenecks...


Really styled art here, glad I stumbled upon your page (I think through @effofex' comment). Definitely following.

However you got here - glad you made it!

Oh wow! I really enjoy both of your styles and am super pleased that I had some part to play in making you two aware of each other.

I'm not entirely sure how useless such a robot would be. I mean, bagels are pretty tasty.

Getting a Robby the Robot vibe from this, that guy would synthesize up to 60 gallons of whisky at a time, so maybe bagels aren't quite as helpful.

If I wanted to be snarky, my vote would be for the robot from the Lost in Space reboot. Not even its cool character design can save that mess.

He’s more or less the robot from Forbidden Planet... but I’m all for a distillery-bot

Very nice. I get a sort of king kong feel from this pic!

Monsters holding ladies...