One of our own is on the No Holds Bar Twitter space

It is interesting to learn @alohaed, a Hive advocate, is a big part of this popular Twitter space.

This space has somewhere around 300 listeners so kind of a big deal. I didn't realize Edwin promotes Hive until now. Give him a follow!

Join us but be prepared to be offended. It's shock jock humor.

~~~ embed:1760814418143646000?t=GyQwyA1yKwjGBvmNa_N29Q&s=19 twitter metadata:UGF1bEFsbGVuSG9zdHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9QYXVsQWxsZW5Ib3N0L3N0YXR1cy8xNzYwODE0NDE4MTQzNjQ2MDAwfA== ~~~