Yesterday I talked about one of the favorite topics/issues of people who you call "Alt Right", borders, in my article, "Muh Borders: My Take on The Border Debate & How My Dogs Handle Immigration Issues."
The other main issue with the Alt Right is one of culture. And, of disliking people who are changing the culture that go by names such as Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), Cultural Marxists and socialists/communists.
In my daily dog walk through the mean streets of Anarchapulco I talked about this issue.
Alt Right people may enjoy this video just because I make fun of the SJWs... but I point out that there is only one good solution to this battle between the so-called left and right... and that is an anarchic truce.
I also discuss how the false left/right paradigm is a form of mind and population control invented by the elites centuries ago and it is time people woke up to this and realize the only real battle is between tyranny and freedom.
You can hear all my thoughts as I walk with my anarchist dogs through the poverty stricken streets of third world Mexico here:
If, by some stroke of luck, both the left and right hear my plea and come to an anarchic truce we will have the closest thing to heaven on Earth we have ever had.
If not get ready for both sides to plunge us all into hell.
Can both sides put down the gun, called government, and come to a peaceful, anarchic solution? Only time will tell.

Agree with that. I just posted something about Divide and Conquer - it's time to find common ground with our brothers and sisters globally.
If only those who preach tolerance could also practice it
You don't need to "find" common ground it's inherent simply by being human and doing human stuff.
"with our brothers and sisters globally." what does that cliche even mean? My electronics are made in China, my coffee is from Vietnam, my spices come from Madagascar , I buy my veggies from the farm down the street, guess I'm good.
hi @dollar vigilante im newbie here :=) nice to meet you in steemit .i hope you can help me raising followers ..followed you...more power and godbless :)
Hey Jeff,
Do you think this is possible? I just authored an article on the extreme levels of communism and SJW'ing that Canada has achieved. Today might mark the day they officially criminalized thoughtcrime up there in the Great White North.
I don't see how these two groups can reconcile their positions. Only one side is using objective facts, the other is using feelings that have been inculcated into them during their Marxist education. Only one side has an internally consistent ideology - I demonstrate how morally bankrupt and self-contradictory the "Trudeau Doctrine" is proving to be above.
Thanks for your thoughts, "Dog-On!".
Great info :D
Hey Jeff, it's fantastic to see you have another account going here :) Hope to see this one grow to a massive following like the other one as well ;)
It's no wander why being a prepper/survivalist here in the US is becoming so popular.
I've seen recently a video of a battle of Alt-Right guys and SJWs at Berkeley. That's what I call anarchy. :-D
@jeffberwick amigo, in a way I always knew I was an anarchist inside me...but it has been this year watching your videos in anarchast and tdv that I realized what i really was and that I wont no longer vote to any of these corrupt governmental mafia... It was very liberating...like comming out from the closet for gay people i guess...definitelly anarchy is the answer...Muchas gracias por todo amigo! Un abrazo desde españa con cariño!
The dog whisperer would like to compliment you how well your dogs listen to you :)
Your dogs are awesome, Lucy is stubborn, a sign of a very smart dog! I'm glad those big dogs were friendly. They sort of stole the show @Jeffberwick.
I agee that violence is never the answer.
I love the fact that you don't let politics get in the way of your happiness. I'm going to watch this video, it looks to be very interesting!
we loved the dogs and the info
we also upvote everything you post
"Internal Monarchy, External Anarchy" - Mark Passio
Instead we have the exact opposite right now. Because everyone's mind, heart and soul is in an anarchic state, we end up living in a system of monarchy which only leads to a dystopian society.
I'd be willing to try this system but it think it's built on the false premise that people are good.
I like that "The Only Answer Is Anarchy".... :)
love the dogs at the beginning of your vid ;) they are so cute :D
SJW even sounds like a STD, makes me puke thinking about these insane people...
Yes , funnily enough it's the left with violent behavior , the right is merely willing to put that violent leftist out of there misery ! Self defense of course ! Naturally ! Boom make my day leftee ! The left loves free hugs and smashing shop windows ! The right is just protecting his storefront / family business ! The left is people of all color , white included , they are all united in hatred if whites.
Yes a truce , let's see how well that works out ! It could , if you give all the leftees a free phone , lots of underserved credit and transgender / transracial television they could be induced to not hate the so called haters ! But ...... what happens when all the free stuff stops , and you get saluted by a ladyboy in women bathroom ! Then what , when the illusion lifts and .......and .......theirs no middle class to cover the cist of the fantasy ! Then what ! A truce ! Mmmmmmm, better get some amo !
that is a massive generalisation of people on the left.
Yes I know u grew up a leftest and I tell you we are the most intolerant of anyone unlike us ! We are also the most affected by social engerneeing , we jump on the latestism thinking is completely moral without ever giving respect to our cultural foundations ! After studying many of great political prisoners and getting into revolutionary history you begin to see a reaccuring problem , the socially engendered left , a globalist creation used to open the doors to totalitarian governments ! The problem is these folk are supported by establishment and therefore support the agenda ! The Security apparatus has free reign amongst these brainwashed masses and thus are able to commit things like 9/11 , false flags , taxation and you name it ! It because all leftest are evil no that's not the point ! The point is without the left you wouldn't have communism / red Russia , Pol pot , Obama ! After going on my historical journey I've come to realize ! i became just a person accepting all , forgoing my principally leftest past !
No I wasn't born leftist and in which ways am I intolerant?
I call myself leftwing, because I think we should leave gays alone, stop the war on drugs, let people have abortions and have free or cheaper healthcare. So that is basically what makes me left, other issues I am not too interested in.
And yeah, there are left wing extremists like communists, but there are right wing ones as well. islamists, KKK (yeah I know they were made my democrats, doesn't mean they aren't right wing) and nazism was apparantly a mix of both left and right.
Both sides have there extremists, so I don't see how you can take the higher moral ground.
Kkk was financed by Zionist forces after its dissolution following reconstruction ! It was dead but kept alive until this day a bunch of disconnected little groups financed by same folk and black Muslim movement and Hitler ! So we are speaking same language ! The left is their main force/ bunch of suckers they hide behind ! Let's agree to disagree !
Tuning in now, thanks for another video @jeffberwick
Love the dogs lol, funny how the little one can set off the bigger ones. and when the little guy is calm all is good in the hood :P
@jeffberwick always great content , keep on steeming on brother
Don't you think that political affiliation is just a way to divide and rule us though @jeffberwick
I do hate SJW's and their censorship though hahaha
Thats a great post anarchy all the way,why should politics meddle with the way of living of citizens.The state and central banks will fill it !!!!......off we go to mars to start our new lifes
good info
I have a question, ok anarchy is no government, but I'll put one example, you will always have crime who is going to take care of this? You have to have prisons for some of these fellons, you can't cure them, who is going to finance this? Who is going to feed these people? I think you will always need a government, yes maybe very small and without any decision making powers but a government never the less. I put you just this example, because when I was a kid I used to live on an island that was 21 square miles, the nearest land was about 20 miles away, there was hardly any crime you could live with your doors open, yet there was this guy who would always steal, he couldn't get away with it, he had nowhere to go except to hide in the bush and he was always caught, but he was a thief he couldn't help stealing. So these kind of guys will always exist, how would an anarchy handle them?
Anarchy doesn't guarantee a Utopian society free of crime. As Gustave de Molinari. said " Anarchy is no guarantee that some people won't kill, injure, kidnap, defraud, or steal from others. Government is a guarantee that some will."
So by eliminating Government you reduce the opportunity of people do criminal acts and this is Important, you reduce the scale, frequency and volume of theft and crime against society.
For instance you and your friends don't have the resources do develop a nuke and attack your neighbors, but governments can and have done that due to amount of resources they can steal and control.
Yes, but the question is, what do you do with the criminals? You have not answered that. You are just blaming government but are not providing a solution. I think the question is very clear.
Yeah I'd like an answer to that as well, good question.
I covered this a little in own of my most recent posts; essentially the individual is resstrained and given the chance to apply to other communities/areas to be released to, and if they are not accepted they can go into a non-occupied zone, out of the boarders of the anarchist territories, or get the punishment the community decides on, which could be death or simply starting at the bottom and living with no luxuries.
In "an"caps, well, you just get shot by the landowner or enslaved by their private police force :)
So a non occupied zone would be basically wildlands? away from society?
Theoretically, yes, although this could present issues with people trying to set up road-blocks and that'd result in a violation of the NAP, and likely extreme violence, but that could easily be solved by designating where the wildlands is.
It could simply be different parts that are unpopulated all around the world. If the USA flips, allow part of Alaska, a good chunk of the Dakotas, and potentially a slot somewhere on the southern boarder where it's agreed to simply let criminals do criminal things there, or for them to build their own society and potentially redeem their self as individuals, promoting other communities to accept them in again.
Essentially it's immoral to hold someone indefinitely and give them no other choice, even if they committed an awful crime, plus it wastes surplus, so offer him to other people and if nobody wants him give him the choice between the societies punishment/reform or being released into a wild-land with just some basic supplies appropriate for the climate.
Well I guess I will leave it at that, the answers certainly don't convince me.
They are handled the same way they were probably handled on that island. Bad people get kicked to the curb. And then they slowly try to redeem themselves by helping others in some way. No work, no eat. Nobody even wants to be bad, it's like a short circuit -- misplaced energy. During some emergency they may even become heroes, rescuing people, doing some act of bravery.
Don't you realize there are more Americans in jail today than there were Russians during the Gulags? Just an epidemic of bad people? In free-market anarchy there is no demand for prisons, it's a waste of resources.
No, you are wrong there is a certain percentage of people who are criminals, they will steal, kill or cheat or con because that is who they are and that's how they want to live. And you have to do something about them. Now who is going to do that if everyone is fending for himself and there is no one in charge?
I understand you believe in anarchy but you have to provide solutions for problems like these, not slogans.
I have to do nothing of the kind.
I also kick them to the curb or get a small posse together to "handle" them, it's done in a private, humane and uplifting manner every day. No need for organized armies of trained killers, or sadistic, sorrowful gulags to handle some little trouble.
People who enter my field of activity, become inclined to do good anyway. It's in their best interest. Human beings project strong mental forces, we create our own environment you know...
And, just as there are bad people who are going to rob, cheat and harm, there are vigilanties just waiting to be tasked with going after them.
Come on get real, see what I said you are full of slogans, you should come some place like Honduras, close to an anarchy, you get too pushy you can get killed, the country with the second or third highest murder rate in the world where there isn't a war, almost everybody has a weapon, yet when there is a hit on them they can do nothing because hitmen don't talk to you they just shoot. Now how are you going to fix that, by bullying? Crap, you would just leave like most foreigners have already done.
If my normal speech patterns sound like slogans, that's news to me. I didn't actually know you were in Honduras, I assumed you were right here in the United Snakes. And you might be right about leaving, that's called "voting with your feet" oops.
No, I don't like getting beat up, or worse and I'm just as likely to get reactionary as anyone when threatened. Still, when I have time to reason, I don't blame a mistreated dog for being mean and the same goes for people.
There are special social problems in Honduras that have persisted for a long, long time. Parts of Colombia have been known for la violencia in a very similar way. Breaking that culture of poverty and violence requires a change in philosophy, a transformation in beliefs, different heroes, a different 'story-line.'
However, I do believe the answer lies in the people themselves and not on an imposed, top down "Law and Order," crushing them from the outside.
See, now you are being most reasonable, I believe in the US there is a problem (we also have it here) that is everyone believes it is an us vrs them thing, it really shouldn't be like that I think everyone should just want to live his life as best as he can for himself and his family, this us v them is why I don't believe anarchism would work, people are just to self centered and eventually every society has been destroyed by pure greed, something which all of us have.
Most of what we consider crime exists out of necessity and desperation. If you remove the cause of the desperation, in the case the government and the ruling class, you significantly decrease crime. That being said, there will be some crime no matter what and yours is a question I've pondered without ever reaching a clear conclusion. There really is no clear-cut answer to how it would be dealt with, as there are many varying schools of thought on it. Personally I think a return to "citizens arrests" would be best, followed by an open public forum and a vote by all who attend. As for the punishment, that would of course vary according to the crime.
Anarchy is really the default solutions to all of our social problems. Harm no one is and always has been the law. We all have the duty to defend ourselves. The real problem is we don't have a duty to defend one another. Making it so that we do have that duty is the choice that even responsible anarchist are avoiding. Nice post.
I love the idea of us all coming together but I honestly don't think that it will happen. There are too many powerful forces like the Deep State and it's ilk that are determined to divide us.
You have to really make an effort to look through the distraction if you want to see what's really going on and too many people are more concerned with being entertained than with learning the truth.
The social engineering programs have worked very well, you can see it all around you.
Honestly the problem is "anarcho"-capitalists attempt to justify their actions while doing nothing different from what every capitalist does today, not to mention not fundamentally changing the system but rather resetting it back hundreds of years, so we can just deal with monopolies like standard oil all over again.
I discussed our goal in my most recent post, and spoke of how we do not intend to force "capitalists" to join us.
As I said in that article though, y'all are in for a rude awakening as y'all do literally nothing to smash the state, and we both know that's the only way we can bring it down.
Because of this most anarchists are communist and most who are switching to anarchism become communists. Not Capitalists.
If y'all hardened the fuck up and accepted the fact that the government violates the NAP and thus violence is encouraged against the state if they will not willingly stop (they wont) and participate you may have some respect.
Till then, to us an-coms, you're just larping dirty capitalists that have a sick way of justifying their inhumanity.
We the people have to start organizing because this is getting ridiculous.
Hey @jeffberwick, just finished the video. Holy shit, that was heavy, I feel like I'll have to watch it a few more times in order to get all out of it that I can. In any event, thank you SO much for spreading this information, I really appreciate it.
Unfortunately I don't see that happening. Seems we are all getting more and more divided in this world over everything from where we buy our coffee to which party we are for. Myself, I don't like to be forced to take anyones side in a battle that makes no sense. Seems everyone is fighting like spoiled children over the smallest things. I hate to say this but once the last presidency opened Pandoras box with all its off the wall policies, it has escalated and everyone is blaming Trump. I'm not taking sides but I see no resolve in the near future. I only see more blame games and name calling from both sides. The Elites plan is just what @unclehermit said. Divide and Conquer. The Bible says that Jesus comes this time not to bring peace but he will create division. He comes as the Lion. The Bible says two other things also. That he will cause a great delusion to come upon the land. I take this as he will cause all to be consumed by what they believe and become more radical. The Bible also says that good will be bad and bad will be good in the last days. Isn't that whats happening now? That there will be great pride and people will be lovers of themselves. We see all this happening now. So many prophecies coming to pass with 100% accuracy. Be not of this world. Have faith in Jesus and be ready for his return.
Great post BTW :)
Sorry, not pushing Christianity. Just posting what I see happening in the world today from my view. You can't push any religion on anyone. They have to accept it on their own. God Bless!
Love your stuff Jeff! I will be watching lots more keep up the good work.
Only anarchy, lsd and crypto can save them now.
Must be what happened to the Health Ranger.
Anarcho-Capitalist 😂 absolutely love you @jeffberwick thank you for introducing me to the crypto world
It is ridiculous how different sects of anarchists are now at war with eachother (as keyboard warriors of course). Anarcho-capitalists vs Anarcho-communists vs Leftist Libertarian, etc... I can't keep track of all the obscure labels.
Hopefully the Chinese capitalists-communists don't meddling with them. Then it gets crazy. :-)
"Анархия-мать порядка!"... У нас в истории это уже было..))..кончилось ничем..
"People who go to college are morons..." Love it! I dropped out of high school and avoided college. I left the U.S. four years ago, now living in Thailand.
Doing well....
Anarchy in the AK!
Hello dear friend Jeff
I see that the anarchy that your country is experiencing is something similar to what is happening in my country Venezuela, people do not realize the political doctrine that they are stalking with the majority of the population. Proving an indelible damage to humanity as it reaches the uncontrolled relationships which can bring ideas and coping with political power. I love your post, Luck in everything Greetings from Venezuela, Some day I hope and you pass by my publication. A hug!
Interesting video like always Jeff. The only answer is veganarchy though, freedom for human and nonhuman animals.
I agree the war needs to end, and I addressed us living together in anarchy in my most recent post and how it can work.
The problem for you is you are not pulling any of the weight in achieving anarchy, and thus this holds a grim future for you. The state won't give up because it's out of money or because people don't like them. Look at Venezeula. No, we need violence, and that only comes from us far-left antifa.
They violated the NAP first, violence is justified.
Think you have a point there.
Sharing the same thought from France!
Oh yes! I agree...
I read your article every time you bring out something and it's always the same pattern.
They are excellent and includes all thoughts a free mind can express. Keep on going the support is there and a pradigm shift is already happening.
Thanks to Steem the people around get informed, they are not censured and the free speach advances here.
I will post soon my personal theory about the immigration in Europe.
Keep on with the free mind Jeff !
Keep the content coming @jeffberwick Anarchy is the way forward, the system we are currently in has been played out for far too long. Its about time the people pressed the rest switch. Because the establishment just wants to preserve their reign at the downfall of the people.
SJW's Gives mme rare bowel movements