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RE: Unite the Clans Against Statism

in #anarchy7 years ago

If not for government monetary policy, banks could not manipulate money and interest rates without fucking themselves--because they would have to respond to the market, not just regulators. Btw the first anarcho nation will not be a nation. Anarchy will not exist truly anywhere until borders and markets are open everywhere. Crypto is the tool to bring this about.


you are not addressing the CRIME of counterfeiting. It's a FRAUD based act, and is mutually exclusive from government. It can be done where no government exists. Yes or No?

No, it cannot be done except to government back and fist currencies. If there is no government and people are utilizing blockchain technology as their payment protocol, counterfeiting is not possible.

wow. You can't be that naive. Or hey... maybe you can. We'll see what happens when the Anarchos finally build a colony. We'll see how the various forms of criminals are dealt with sans courthouse and sheriff. I look forward to seeing the experimentation take place. Debating is nothing but an eternal circle jerk. Let's see how she rides on the test track!!!!

Interestingly enough, Adam's "Split 50" plan could give sanctuary to anarchos who want to build a community somewhere in America. As it stands now, it would be D.E.W.'d off the map.

Uhh, anarchos can't establish a separate colony, because they favor the freeing of existing markets from the justice system that is strangling them. And guess what? Without the police, not only will we be free from the threat of the police--but we will also be free to defend ourselves! Perhaps you ought to look more into what anarchist philosophy actually entails. Check out Murray Rothbard or William Godwin. Also, yeah, we should definitely give anarchy a try. Crypto is moving us that way.

my point was solely the banks control the government... One can't exist without the other

Banks most certainly can exist without government. What gives you the idea that they can't?