Ah, the promise of springtime, coming soon to a neighborhood near me. Cherry blossoms bloom on the trees and their petals fall like snow. Bright green grass covers the hills. Birds sing cheerful melodies as the days get longer. And skunk smells permeate the neighborhood regularly as these animals enjoy springtime. They scamper around, chase after mates, and stink up the area with their spray.
If you let your dog run freely in my neighborhood in the evenings or early mornings, it’s not a matter of “if”, but “when”. Dogs surprise skunks, which are about the size of a cat. The skunks roam these streets at night, finding bits of garbage, bugs and grubs from peoples’ gardens, and probably a few birds eggs in the coming months. When they feel threatened, they spray as a defense against attackers.
Here is a video showing exactly what happens. It’s a great defense mechanism against predators:
And the poor dogs are covered in an overpowering odor that seems IMPOSSIBLE to eliminate. You can wash them and bathe them and shower them. You can shampoo those dogs or shave their hair.
Whatever you do, your house is guaranteed to smell like a skunk for days after a dog gets sprayed by a skunk. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to eliminate that smell.
Or is it?
Tomato Juice
For decades, tomato juice was the popular folk remedy to alleviate skunk odor. The method is simple: Wash the dog in tomato juice and it smells a lot better. As a kid, I remember my parents telling stories about washing dogs in tomato juice. Many dog owners kept some spare tomato juice in their pantries just for the occasion.
And then one rainy night when I was about 6 years old, our family dog went out to do her business before bed and encountered a skunk. She went after the skunk and took a direct hit of skunk spray. The scent was so strong that my eyes watered when I stood near the dog.
But a search of the pantry came up empty. No tomato juice. We’d gotten lazy. Fortunately, my father found a six-pack of V8 juice with tiny cans. If you’ve never had V8 juice, it’s a mixture of tomato, carrot, celery, and several other vegetables all juiced into one small can (along with way too much salt).
Source: Campbell's Soup Company.
Also in the pantry were several industrial-sized tins of chunky tomato sauce.
My parents bathed the dog and brought in the weaponry. First, the V8 juice came out. The cans were tiny and the emptied six-pack of them probably only covered this dog’s neck. She was a large, furry retriever. Then, in the rain outside the house (because no one wanted a skunky dog in the bathtub), the tomato sauce came next. My parents poured canned tomatoes all over the dog, mashing chunks of tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions into her fur.
She smelled a little better, but still pretty skunky. It took days for the smell to dissipate completely.
A skunked dog getting the tomato juice treatment. Source: Creative Commons via Flickr by Oakley Originals.
Don’t Use Tomato Juice
Unfortunately, modern science tells us that this home folk remedy does not work. The best tomato juice can do is mask the smell temporarily. And it does so by playing a trick on our noses.
Tomato juice does NOT remove skunk smell.
When an intense odor (such as skunk spray) is all around you and you continue breathing it for a while, your sense of smell gets what’s known as olfactory fatigue. That means that your nose and mind will be influenced easily by another smell that comes along. The smell of tomato juice does just that: it pulls you in and allows you to ignore the saturation of skunk smell.
A Better Remedy
Mixing hydrogen peroxide and baking soda will create a far more effective solution to tackle the odor of skunk spray, per a recipe by chemist Paul Krebaum. Also, mix in a little liquid soap to help it clean.
Here is the recipe:
1 quart (or liter) of hydrogen peroxide
One quarter (1/4) cup baking soda
1 teaspoon liquid soap
Mix together and spread over your dog’s fur, avoiding contact with eyes, nose, and other sensitive regions of the body. As you mix it, the solution will be actively foaming, so mix it near your dog. Try to keep it on the fur for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. Rinse thoroughly with water so that dog does not lick this solution from his/her fur. It’s not toxic, but you don’t want them eating it and getting sick.
I hope your dog doesn’t get skunked, but if it does, keep these basic ingredients in your home so you can brew up a batch. Or you can order a bottle of skunk junk and keep it handy; it's good but not as effective as the foaming recipe.
Skunk spray remover. Source: Creative Commons via Flickr by Mike Mozart.
Early story on Krebaum’s recipe: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-11-25/news/9411250251_1_common-striped-skunk-skunk-spray-smell
Village Veterinary’s Guide: https://www.villageveterinary.com/de-skunking/
Don’t Grab the Tomato Juice: http://blog.theanimalrescuesite.com/skunk-tips-for-dogs/
Top photo: Creative Commons from birdphotos.com . Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide photo from greenideareviews.com.
Any ideas for deskunking a car that hit the skunk?
@donkeypong i am here to personally say thank you on behalf of @Africaunchained Community project which you have been supporting, i just dont know were to say the thank You from but i must say we there appreciate your effort and wish you success in all your doings. You have stood out in respect to this platform in particular to be a man of love showering support to any one who you think needs support, sir you have done pretty well. Thanks
Ill try this next time although lets hope there isnt one.
I have personally never experienced the smell of a skunk! I'm sorry for your dog :-( so cute.
Me neither! I heard tomato juice or vinegar takes it off but... I think that stuff stinks pretty bad anyways.
That one isn't mine, but I love the picture also. My current dog is a nervous little dude who is too scared to go near a skunk (or a cat).
No good doggo deserves to be punished like that by a stinky skunk :-( Here's an awkward pic of my doggo sneezing, mine doesn't like people a lot at the beginning, he's kind of shy but opens up to you after a while.
I'm not sure if I even have the right words for this. XD
You're not missing much with skunk odor. So powerful that it will get in your car if you drive by a dead skunk.
Where is it that they don't have skunks?
We don't have skunks here in Australia! No porcupines either, which is just as well because I'd probably go poking my nose in one!
Are you sure? Hydrogen Peroxide is definitely toxic! I can't imagine the baking soda neutralises the toxicity?
Hahahaha, poor dogs gun' get skinned by poisonous house remedies.
Many vets will actually suggest giving it by the teaspoon to dogs that ingest certain things....like if they get ahold of a pill bottle as mine did once. My catahoula got ahold of some pills for my back out of my bathroom.....dont leave em sit by the sink where your pooch can see.....I called the vet and they said to give him two teaspoons and walk him for 5 to 10 minutes. If he doesnt throw it up, give him another. She assured me that it wouldnt harm the dog. It worked too!
Some people actually use hydrogen peroxide in a small proportion in their diets. I wouldn't do so, but it is not impossible to ingest. I guess I meant that eating a small amount won't be dangerous, but might make a dog sick.
Thanks for explaining, that makes more sense!
Regardless, I shall make sure to steer clear if I ever see a skunk, particularly if it has a french accent and a last name of Le Pew.
Last thing you need is hijinks with the stink.
Or some funk from that skunk!
I always thought that date-raping rodent must confuse so many young minds. His behavior today would earn him a place in the Weinstein house of shame.
we have a huge problem with skunks in sa but I never knew this would work,just keep it out of the eyes mouth and he should be fine
Clever huh.
Hahaha.....we do not have skunk in my area but we do have a certain kind of long-mouthed mice which equally has a very upsetting odour. Whenever it is in the neighborhood, you notice immediately. And whenever it comes into the yard, whatever it comes in close contact with also takes on the smell. Maybe this is our own local skunk.
I am yet to encounter a skunk, but when I do, I will remember this recipe that you shared on this post. But sometimes our dog goes rummaging in trash cans and comes back smelling like shit. I'm just thought that I should perhaps use the formula to get it clean again. Thank you sir for sharing.
Hahahahaha. I had never heard the tip for tomato juice. Then again, we don't have skunks in Venezuela. The annecdote about olfactory fatigue reminds me of the book The Perfume. I loved that one.
Thank you for the tip lol. I'll try and remember the creation process of it if I ever go to a country where there are skunks and get my dog pissed on by one. That would be terrible and I pity the owners of such dogs who don't have the knowledge you have gathered through practice.
Your post is very enjoyable to read. Thanks for writing it and sharing it with us. :)
I think I'd rather eat my tomato juice instead. Hard to believe something can smell so bad that bathing in tomatos would be worth it!
We don't have skunks down here in Venezuela, but we have a lot of stray cats and i sometimes have to defend my cute doggo from them because sometimes they jump on him when he decides he wants to stay outside for the night!
Oh yeah, the smell of a skunk is so much nasty and unbearable that it's simply not possible to be with it and especially when it comes from your pet, nature has come up with such protection for skunks :) Your method with hydrogen peroxide, I think, will be the optimal solution and we will manage to remove this smell! Thank you @donkeypong
Its very educative post and interesting to read and do. I have never experience about skunk & never used before for dogs or cats. But your advice recipe looking good for sharing our dog care location in my motherland. Highly appreciated to share those post.
Well explained here. Also video is the helpful to me.
hehe, never seen a skunk before or had an encounter with one. I dont even think we have skunks in Africa here(I stand corrected though).
the post came with mixed feelings. just when i though having dogs around was a good bet against skunks, I realised dogs can be over powered by skunks and just when I though tomatoe juice was the saviour, YOU said it wasnt (lolz).
But finally Thank God we have the baking soda, so we dont have to worry much about our houses smelling like skunk.
well, skunk spray remover is obviously the easiest to use and thats just what i would go for when caught up in a situation like this...nice post!
I ran into a baby skunk and it was mean! The mom was close but she didn't seem as aggressive as the baby.
You have a few other creatures in Africa I might worry about more than skunks. :) Thanks for the comment.
hahahaha you are right but you wont find then in Nigeria. Maybe kenya or south Africa. We dont even have lions or Tigers in Nigeria. Its that bad LOLZZ
Wow!! As a pet owner, I've never heard about this or tried this before.
I've been experimenting with different stuffs - some which are very expensive and most don't actually work well the way I want them to work.
I'm so happy about this new tips. Hydrogen peroxide, Baking soda and liquid soap will be easier for me to get. I'll try this new tips and get back to you.
I sure know that it'll work since you've tried it yourself and it worked.
Thanks for sharing this with us @donkeypong, I'm very grateful.
Happy Steeming
Yes, I agree. The commercial de-odorizing sprays don't work too well.
Oh thats great..love your advice..i know about soda that it good for skunks but never know that we can use tomato juice..really useful.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the post and recipe :) Thank goodness there is no skunk here. Your dog is so sweet and a little naughty :) he looks like my dog in this picture;
It's a picture I borrowed, actually, not my own dog (mine is black also, but a bit smaller). I love the sweater!
lol, sorry for the wrong comment :) we have 2 black and one white and they are bigger than this one!
I have never faced this type of situation. But sometimes It happened i heard about it. Oh yeah, the smell of a skunk is so much nasty and unbearable that it's simply not possible to be with it and especially when it comes from your pet, nature has come up with such protection for skunks :) Your method with hydrogen peroxide, I think, will be the optimal solution and we will manage to remove this smell.
I will remember your tips. Thanks for writing here. i Enjoyed it very useful post. You did well content. Hopefully your dog will be fine.
Keep posting here and share your update news. @donkeypong
I like a dog.. But i prefer a cat..
Bay the way, its nice shareling from you..
Thanks for that
The world can be divided into two types of people... I'm just joking. Dogs and cats are both great. Some people certainly prefer one over the other and that's fine also!
I agree with you some like dogs other cats!I have a cat, but I love dogs too.Thank God we do not have skunks))You have a beautiful dog!Good post!;)
Two types of people. Those who are right and those who are wrong! Juuust kidding.
You are absolutely right... :)
thanks for sharing this...you know not how much you've saved my house from the smell that Dexter (my dog) brings back every time hes let loose. He goes after everything that moves....and sometimes he eyes the birds wishing he could fly..lol. I just pray he doesn't find any skunk here. If you were tearing up because of the smell of a skunk on your dog, I'd probably faint.
Just saw first skunk in northern california. Good info to know.
The nature in the neighbourhood makes it a good place to shed off some stress. The birds, skunks interesting creatures to have in the neighbourhood. Funny how the skunks protect themselves from the dogs. I hadn't known about this but there mechanism of defence shows how everything whether good or bad in life has a purpose. Now for a bad odour no one would embrace it but it's what keeps the skunk alive
Personally am a dog lover and owned one that unfortunately died,we do not have this skunks here in Uganda at least i have never heard or read it anywhere.
That smell must be very stenchy(if that word exists).If i had a dog too, i would go all lengths to de-skunk it.
So far we have no cases of skunks here in Uganda.
hello @donkeypong. I'm @fairlady from Cebu. I really like your article since I love dogs. I even cry while reading youre article.I remembered my dog, I had a dog before for about six years its a mixed of german shephered and labrador. I took care of him through the years until such time I need to give him to my ex boyfriend since we had a break up . I cant move on if the dog is with me . until now I regret on my decision . I should have keep him with me. thank you for sharing inspring article . I will be youre forever follower and hope to visit my blog also . since Im still new here and I hope you will support me . thank you ;) https://steemit.com/steemnulog/@thefairlady/steemph-cebu-joins-sinulog-2018-for-the-first-time
Thank you very much for your animal photo post i like this..animal
i wait your next post, all the best my dear.....
The irish weather must be pretty funny if springtime begins in January :) and I didn't know you had so many skunks.
Also the picture of the dog getting tomato juiced was hilarious, he looks so guilty and in need of help :)))
I'm looking ahead to spring, and so are the skunks. I can smell them around already.
Funny enough, here we only read about skunks in books and watch in videos. And there you are having there roaming the streets. I have never seen one before but from one I learn from nat geo am glad I never surprise one before and would like it to be that way? But just in case, I'll remember this
They're cute, but if you ever see one, keep your distance!
About the skunks. This reminds me of a story my friend once told me in the university. A cheetah pursued a skunk to a corner and the skunk release its foul smelling gas. The rate of deceleration and reverse acceleration of the cheetah to get away from the skunk, is record as the highest rate of deceleration of a cheetah. I don't know how true it is cause I haven't seen any record to support. But it sounds funny.
I wish I was as fast as a cheetah whenever I see a skunk!
The speed of a cheetah being skunk sprayed. :)
i'd run away if i see one coming. I can't afford to smell that bad
My first experience with our family dog was really bad.
He had access to our poultry and killed about 200birds in one night.
Not sure I can do dogs anymore expect its properly trained.
wow. When Dexter was four months, broad daylight he chased a chicken to its cage and chopped off the head. he brought the head n placed it in front of my dad. lol, my dad yelled at it. He never let him loose again. But then, the chickens would enter Dexter's cage and eat its food. So one day,Dexter caught a chicken eating its food, he grabbed it with its teeth, hit it against the cage thrice then let it go. LMAO! It gave that poor chicken the beating of it's life.
Wow, that sounds like a bad experience. Definitely must keep them away from the poultry, I guess.
Yea, really bad experience, maybe keeping them as puppy and selling off when it becomes a full dog will be the is best idea.
I can confirm that the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap (I used Dawn brand) method works. I know from experience...
I came home one night a few years back, a little tipsy after the bar, and took my boxer mix Bash out for a walk. In the darkness he went for something in the bushes but I didn't pay any mind to it, figured it was a neighborhood cat. We hopped into bed (my dog sleeps in the bed with me) and I noticed something was off. We frequently have skunks around our house, with the smell entering through the open windows, so the smell is not all that uncommon. I thought nothing of it and closed the windows.
The next morning I awoke feeling nauseous with a throbbing headache as I looked over at my dog, blissfully asleep. The smell of the skunk had worsened. I quickly recalled the events of the night before. Then it hit me, we'd been skunked! I may have been a little more than tipsy because I didn't put two and two together. I reluctantly leaned over to smell my dog and nearly puked...
I scoured the internet and found a similar recipe for this deskunking solution and applied it liberally on my dog's coat as suggested here and waited a few minutes. It GREATLY reduced the odor and kept me from banishing my poor pup to the outdoors. It's not a miracle worker though as you will still have a slight skunky odor for days or weeks, but it is much more manageable than if you used a different deodorizing method! Now if anyone has a method for getting that smell off of fabrics, I'd gladly upvote!
Here's Bash at full derp. Does Steemit have love for boxers?

Thanks for sharing!
Haha, that video is funny, @donkeypong; talk about some powerful SBD (Silent But Deadly)!
Coming from Egypt, I have no experience of skunks - other than the skunk smelly stickers some kids had at the American school I attended (in Cairo) which I found intriguing :)
Recently, I've learned of another creature which defends itself with stink. The young of the hoopoe bird (pronounced huːpu) shoot well-aimed excrement to ward off predators, when their folks are away...
I watched a video of a hoope chick lift it's tail feathers and blast a squirt of smelly stuff directly into a snake's eyes -much to the delight of my 6 year old nephew. Now whenever I'm over visiting, all my nephews and nieces all want to see that video of hoo poo bird pooing, again & again!
Happy Spring, round the bend :) The waking dream of cherry blossoms, like so much pink snow, is one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen..
Fortunately we don't have that problem here in the Netherlands, but that little movieclip sure was funny! Poor dog.
The dog getting the tomato treatment doesn't seem very happy either ;)
It's not a happy experience!
I can imagine! At least, I can try too (never seen a real life skunk). I've heard the smell is horrible.
nothing worse than this smell! Nice to see there is a true remedy. This makes me think of something I would see back on the farm where I grew up. " How to deskunk your dog in 3 easy steps." :)
As someone who has never seen a skunk in the whole of my existence, this was truly fascinating ahaha. I didn't even realise it was a thing 😂
VERY USEFUL post. Thank you so much!
Poor dog, happy to say I’ve never had to do this to my pup.
Nice post.
So am i right that a dog will only encounter a skunk once in his live?
WoW really useful and creative post...i never new that we will use tomato juice and soda tostunks dog..really amazing..thank for sharing.😊😊😊
Oh agreat post..Loved you information about animals..Yes there are something that has been going wrong..Glad to see it..@donkeypong
This is an educative post, calls for caution and carefulness. And I'm sorry about your dog Tom
For our animals, our environment is in balance, it is our duty to protect these animals, but a special animal of dogs
We don't have skunks here in South Africa, but we have a similar adorable creature, that's called Zorilla, also known as "Striped polecat".
They maybe cuter than skunks, but they're are known to have a much more potent spray.
Such a funny story @donkeypong! Thank you for sharing the anti-skunk remedy. Poor dogs, just imagine that your eyes felt with tears after this smell, but dogs have a 10 times better smell than humans. How hard it must be on them.
Such a cute dog with the tomato sauce on the back ))
It happened to our dog. I agree, "Nature's miracle skunk odor remover" is the best choice! Upvote.
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A very important post, I just got your ideas read about this and got some ideas, which was very important for me to know. I am always with those who write a very good article, you are one of my favorite among them. I always pay close attention to your articles. I'll try to stay with you as long as I work on this steemit site. And I hope that you too will be with us through many informative and such good post...
this is very nice post
excellent post. @donkeypong
Does this work for human child as well. ;)
Really useful post...I like the way you use tomato juice.its sounds funny but I think it’s useful..i will try it.thanks for sharing 😊