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RE: Is the Doulingo App Good for Language Learning?

in #appreview3 years ago

I tried many and it ain't bad. The best in my opinion is when you ask google "google be my translator", but that is only verbql.. google translate (writting) is much more limited, still the results are quite impressive. Hope it helps


Yes, Google translator is very limited. I think I intermediate-level knowledge but sometimes I need help, especially with grammatical issues. Duolingo has helped me a lot with French and Italian because I started practically from scratch on those languages.

Nice, going for french, la langue de Mollière 😄, well if you ever need help sometimes on that, it will be a pleasure😉

Hahaha. Thank you so much, that's very kind of you. I've been learning French but the only thing I can remember now is "le chat noir"

Lol 🤣, it's a start!