Hi Hi Hive!

in #art4 years ago

Hi everyone,

I've activated / logged in my Hive account for the first time yesterday.
Even though i wasn't very active on Steem anymore, i did always kept an eye on the platform and see how everyone ( i had added to my friendlist) was doing :D

As some of you perhaps remember (wouldnt hold it against you if you dont!) I started my own company in boardgame-accessories last year, and I have been super busy with that.

Next to now managing that bussines, I am still a freelance artist who works in game and film.
So my time is always limited!

I do hope - With a little bit more 'financial' air - I can pick back up where i left off, and start making some tutorials and interesting posts again.
As I really enjoyed doing that - remember the Steemit artschool :P Well... that sort of stuff!
I would love to get back into making content like that..

Perhaps, now on HIVe instead! :)

Here are some artz I've created as of late!
Hope you are all doing well!
See you soon!


Rogier / @Beekart




Hello again :) I do remember something about a boardgame company (actually the bit about boardgames stuck in my head, I forgot about the accessories part x_x), hope it's going well if it's keeping you busy :D

These ones look great! Are they work things or just because things?

Hi again! :D
It was going pretty good!.. then the virus came around,, stores closed, and all our sales vanished :D

But hopefully, we will survive and come back stronger! ^^

The art in the post is made for the Card Game Tokens project. :)

That's been an unfortunately common story x_x hope you're able to pull through :)

Thanks! Will do my best! ^^

OMG, so happy to see you back @beekart I have actually gotten better in my art and some of that credit goes to u... thanks and take care and Welcome to HIVE

haha credit goes to me?! Absolutely not! If you get better,, that is all due to you! You are the one practicing right! :D Glad ur doing well mate!

@beekart Your sharing does help so some credit to you at least, right. Anyhow, take car.