in #art7 years ago

Hi everyone
Today, I saw myself thinking about a legend I love so much and he is ROBIN I decided to try my drawing skills and I came up with this

My legend Robin hood, who is a highly skilled archer and swordman. A nqn who gives to the poor by stealing from the rich, it may sound bad but he steals from the rich that don't do anything yet they are rich. The rich that uses their wealth to forcefully get what belongs to the poor, those are people he steals from and I love him for that.

He was a north country man, who dresses in suits of green and armed with bows and arrows.

     During the days of king Richard and king John in England, there was a famous forest called the SHERWOOD FOREST, where the king oftencwent to hunt for deer's but in this forest their lived a band of daring men called the OUTLAWS.
   The outlaws had done something against the law of the land and had been sent out of the land and the only place they could hide themselves was in the woods. They spent most of their time robbing rich men and travelers that passed through the woods and also hunt for the kings deer.
    The outlaws were nearly about a hundred and their leader was ROBIN HOOD. They all dressed in green suits. Whenever they steal something from the rich, they bring it to their king Robin Hood, who will then share it to everyone accordingly to avoid conflict.
    Robin Hood never robbed the poor but he robbed the rich that did not work. Because of his generosity to the poor, common men loved him and took him as a friend.
  While I was thinking of my love(Robin Hood) and talking about him with a friend, this story came to my head. It was one of the stories written about Robin Hood back in those days and we use to tell ourselves. Let me share

Robin Hood was standing under a tree at the road side one day, while he was listening to the birds away in the leaves, he saw a young man passing by. This young man was dressed in a fine suit of bright red cloth, and as he tripped Gayly along the road, he seems to be happy as the day and I think he is going for his wedding, "I will not trouble him" said Robin Hood.
The next day Robin Hood stood at that same spot and the young man passed the road again but this time, he was not wearing a fine suit again and the young man kept saying to himself "ah the sad day, the sad day!". Then robin hood stepped out from under the tree and said to the young man " do u have any money to spare me and my merry men?", the young man answered and said I have nothing at all but five shillings and a ring.
Robin Hood: a gold ring??
Young man: yes, it is a gold ring, here it is. I have kept it for five years now to givevto my bride and when I went there to marry her, her father has promised to marry her to a rich old man whom she has never seen before. I am heart broken.
Robin Hood: what will you give me if I help you get your bride back in spite of the ols man whom she has been promised.
Young man: I will be your servant because I don't have money to give to you.

     Robin Hood dressed up and went to the church where the bride was to be married with the young man and he stood at the door of the church. The bishop noticed him and said

Bishop: who are you and what do you want
Robin Hood: I am a bold harper, the best in the north country.
Bishop: come in and join us play as the bride and groom walks in
Robin Hood: I will not play until I see the bride and the bride groom(just then, the rich old man walks in with a fair young lady whose chicks were very pale and her eyes were full of tears) this is no match!, the bride must choose her groom herself.
The bride then choose the young man and Robin Hood then told everyone in the church that anyone who tries not to allow the bride and the young man to get married will have to fight with him. The fair young lady and the young man got married there and then and the rich man went home in a great sorrow and shame.
Finally, Robin Hood just made me understand that everyone should be treated equal, love your neighbour as yourself whether your neighbour is rich or poor. The poor shouldn't be taken for a ride because they don't have money and the rich shouldn't abuse the human right of The poor because they don't have money ( everyone is equal)

I am @ imaama
