A speeding train
I'm sharing with you the process of how I created 'Layers', an illustration for Chapter Twenty Two of Doug Karr's amazing novel Dwelling. This is the first of three drawings I have created for this chapter.
Through layers of sewer and concrete two hundred feet above Mioko's speeding train, Morris sat in the Chapel of Rest, hunched over his mother's coffin, speaking in muted tones. He unconsciously pulled at the pocket of his blue blazer, the stitching long since come unraveled.
Chapter Twenty Two of Dwelling by Doug Karr.

The process of creating the drawing

Areas of the paper were masked off to create the spaces inside the buildings and the different subterranean layers. Ink washes were applied to create subtle tones.

You can see on the tape where I have written the different layers, from street level to sewers, layers of dirt, pipes and the train tunnel.

He knew she understood him, when no one else could. Always had. The hardest part was having to leave her here.
Come back home to Ludlow. Please.
His lip quivered. Then he heard the funeral director’s voice from the other room and knew his time was short.
Chapter Twenty Two of Dwelling by Doug Karr.


You can read the 22nd chapter of Doug Karr's novel Dwelling now!

Wondrous! And I love the dollhouse effect of the figures in their flats.
Thank you, it was interesting to create the different settings inside the apartments and offices.
this is my perfect beloved friend!
I love the aesthetic touch of the pen! congratulations
Thank you @artizm, i enjoyed creating this.
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Interesting tips. I Like Its.
My fellow artist @opheliafu, I've added you to my weekly round-up artist support initiative future! Keep up the good work and wish you all the best in your art future! MeGy :)
Weekly round-up post: https://steemit.com/art/@megy.fine.arts/support-to-artists-my-6-picks-23-05-2018
Nicely done, reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Rear Window.’
beautiful work fit for a gallery! reminds me a bit of Neverwhere...
I love the results of the masking technique, achieve the desired effect.
beautiful work dear friend @opheliafu, congratulations
thank you very much for the wonderful works you give us every day
I wish you a beautiful afternoon
Ooh. This way of working is very interesting. Good drawing.
what a creativity!! lol
This is insane! I love it. Also, I'm a stop animation fanatic. So I can't help but appreciate the humor in your stop-animation instructions as part of the tutorial. Super awesome.
Wow This type of art is the one that most calls my attention! Because you have to think about the creativity of what you are going to translate and other than materials used and how to do it, I loved your excellent work
Wow...so very technical and greatly explained..! ^_^
This is so CRAZY COOL! The level of research,
detail and accuracy that went into this is fabulous. And such a thrilling result!