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RE: Some Rhymes from the Times of Waksleight

in #artlast year

Wow wow wow. Interesting stuffs here @nonameslefttouse. You write factual amazing stuffs and I had a good time reading through.

Art without eyes is like walking to the store without thighs and no money

For sure art speaks loud enough and those with the easiest mind would grab the meaning faster.

One may be right to say art breeds lively living, reigniting and reuniting beings.

Weldon sir



I like how you put that. The easiest minds do get it. And the arts started, many generations ago, during periods of relaxation as well. Plenty of historical truth to what you just said.

Good to see you! Thanks for coming.

Good to see you too always at all my post.

Am glad you always come by. That's a huge encouragement for me

Thank you sir