
Super impressive water colour piece. I'd hang that in my apartment right away if I had it. You've got some skills @zeroooc. I really liked this post and the explanation you provided with it. Keep it up.

Wow I think you for the very big compliment! I hope that through steemit I'll be able to make many more copies of my work that people like and then send it to them :). So who knows! You may be subject to a little test delivery in the future.

Very impressive! Loving the content bro keep it up.

Much obliged cowboy.
Sometimes it's pretty simple and it more or less draws itself. Sometimes you can try for days on end but you will only produce shit. Through practice (and some discipline if you can afford it) you can decrease the disparity and increase potential...theoretically anyways! In practice, sometimes you just feel like it and sometimes you don't.

Thanks for the resteem @alihasnain3k!

Ha! I'd love that!

I'll see what I can do :)

Oh I really love this one. The colours are so vibrant and lovely and the whole thing has this... peaceful feel about it. Which I think is what you were going for, if I'm not mistaken? If so, well fricking done, my brother. I find it hard sometimes to convey the feeling I want to express.
And also... it's just plain prreeettyyyyy~~~~ <3

yes, I believe the word I was looking for was serenity.
Merci :)

Watercolor, it is need a extra effort to draw with watercolor. Nice watercolor drawing

Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not. Practicing helps though! Thanks.

The humming bird is one of my absolute favourite pieces of yours. I love the delicate outlining and of course beautiful water colours

I'm very happy to hear that. Sometimes they turn out pretttttty good ^^
Perhaps I'll be able to liberate it for you one day. Or you can have a different bird themed drawing.

Really beautiful work. Thanks for taking the time also to explain some of the methodology.

Thank you @chelsea88! I'm glad that you appreciate it. Been making a more concerted effort recently. Also thanks to you!

Was the drawing of the bird made from a picture or photograph? It seems to resemble a member of the kingfisher family, but then again I am not an ornithologist. The feeling of the painting though, dreamy and spirited, does take you somewhere very exotic and enjoyable - maybe where that lady is thinking about?

Hihi, the bird was made from memory! You're not the first to make the kingfisher comparison...I totally agree. Next Hummingbird needs to be a wittle more delicate. And yes! She dreams...of a place where the roots go into the skies. Or something like that :P
Thank You!

The painting like samurai X hehe. I like that. Nice painting.

hmmm what's Samurai X? Will you teach me?
Thank You :)

That’s my animal totem and main symbol and favourite bird 🐦
Ich glaube dass ich schon Mal darüber geschrieben habe..
Bitte mache mir Eines und ich zahle in Steem 😍🙏🙏🙏

As you wish.
Tell me three colours.

Darf ich die Größe bestimmen?
Ich habe ein Cover Bild auf meine FB. Das sind die Farben, die mir gefallen
Danke !!!!

(I do recommend you keep it little for the first draft but it's up to you :) )

Hast Du whatsapp ??? Schicke mir Deine Nummer oder per FB messenger

wow wirkliche eine wunderschöne Zeichnung ;)
wobei ich als Kolibri Fan sagen muss, dass sie mich fast ein bisschen mehr an einen Eisvogel erinnert^^

Stimmt, ein bisschen "Kingfisher" steckt wohl auch mit drin :)
Ich danke dir für das tolle Kompliment <3

Das ist aber auch einfach zum Mögen! Wundervolle Arbeit!

Das ist lieb! Dann geh ich mal weiter zeichnen :)

wow, very wonderful....

thank you, so are you!

Waow nice one bro

Thanks dude.

good friends...?im love your takes a period of time how long a friend...?the taste of her I wanted to try it.but it'll cost a lot...?

Could you rephrase please?